West's Communist Party claim about Democrats

History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow
The economic circumstances which existed in the U.S. prior to FDR's New Deal were conducive to rebellion, which accounts for the interest shown by the Communist Party. But the burgeoning rise of the Middle Class fostered by equitable redistribution of the Nation's bounty, mainly via increased taxes on excessive wealth which enabled the WPA and CCC programs, eliminated any potential for communist infiltration. Communism is the offspring of extreme wealth inequality, which high-level GOP leadership is busily promoting on behalf of their corporatist sponsors. The very fact we are once again hearing whispers of rising communism is political deja vu. Working class Americans of the right wing persuasion need to wise up -- asap.

I am impressed. Of course we are hearing about "hearing whispers" from the far, far right, I assume. You image then that equitable wealth redistribution to reinvigorate middle class health and consumption is the answer?
I have no doubt that it is the answer. America is still a wealthy nation. The problem is the way our wealth has been vertically distributed since the inception of Reaganomics. What is needed is to redistribute it horizontally to the class of people who will spend it rather than hoard it, which is the way to keep the economic engine running.

All one needs to do to understand what's gone wrong is research the very basic economic fact of vertical distribution during the past three decades. The Nation's wealth hasn't "trickled down," it's been siphoned upward. The tiniest percentage of Americans have accumulated the greatest percentage of our wealth while the greatest percentage of Americans have become economically stagnant -- or impoverished.

That trend needs to be reversed. It's not complicated. And the way to do it is for government to confiscate some of that inordinately accumulated wealth and redistribute it in the same way as FDR did it, via federal work programs devoted to rebuilding our badly decaying infrasructure.

And I'm not talking about a war on wealth. There is nothing wrong with reasonable wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth. It is dangerous to democracy and our national integrity and it should not be permitted.
Allen west is the one person i believe. This man is the only man that stands up for the citizens in this country and what is happening to our country. I wish he would run for pres or even vp. He is the only person in washington that will get my vote in the next election (being as how i am in florida, and voted for him)
You've been caught AGAIN. I notice you stopped fomenting violence in your posts as I called YOU out on weeks ago...

You, on the other hand, have not stopped beating up old people in parking lots and stealing their Social Security money, which you then spend on booze and an occasional crack rock.
There's a hundred percent chance of you being called a commie for making entirely too much sense.

Yeah, but big deal; these guys will call me a Communist just for being a liberal. And since "liberal" is really what they mean by Communist, that's to be expected.
Fascism and socialism are two varations on the same theme. They are both based on government control of the economy.

Absolutely wrong. Fascism is a political philosophy, not an economic philosophy. If a lot of historical fascist states have in fact imposed economic controls, this is an incidental characteristic not a defining one. The defining characteristics of fascism are:

1) Dictatorship
2) Either no elections or rigged elections
3) Suppression of dissent
4) Militarism
5) Extreme nationalism

A state with these characteristics is a fascist state. In theory, a state with these characteristics and a laissez-faire economy, or a state-owned capitalist one, would be a fascist state; the fact that no fascist state has ever had either of those economic arrangements is a meaningless coincidence.

A state without these characteristics is NOT a fascist state. If it imposes controls on the economy, that does not make it a fascist state.
Fascism and socialism are two varations on the same theme. They are both based on government control of the economy.

Absolutely wrong. Fascism is a political philosophy, not an economic philosophy. If a lot of historical fascist states have in fact imposed economic controls, this is an incidental characteristic not a defining one. The defining characteristics of fascism are:

1) Dictatorship
2) Either no elections or rigged elections
3) Suppression of dissent
4) Militarism
5) Extreme nationalism

A state with these characteristics is a fascist state. In theory, a state with these characteristics and a laissez-faire economy, or a state-owned capitalist one, would be a fascist state; the fact that no fascist state has ever had either of those economic arrangements is a meaningless coincidence.

A state without these characteristics is NOT a fascist state. If it imposes controls on the economy, that does not make it a fascist state.

Fascism is also marked by a very clear social and legal division between the working class and the ownership class with labor organizations being illegal or a government controlled sham.
Does the GOP really want to raise this embarrassing part of their history in the 50s? :cuckoo:

Allen West’s campaign releases its own video of his Communist Party claim about Democrats | Post on Politics

West simply pointed out what everyone already knew but wouldn't say. He is correct and about 80% of America knows it, it wont hurt the GOP one bit. When a party implements communist values and policies, it is kinda hard to argue that they are not communist.
One of the communist goals of 1963 was to take over one or both political parties, do you think that goal went away? Nope, they succeeded.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.
Does the GOP really want to raise this embarrassing part of their history in the 50s? :cuckoo:

Allen West’s campaign releases its own video of his Communist Party claim about Democrats | Post on Politics

West simply pointed out what everyone already knew but wouldn't say. He is correct and about 80% of America knows it, it wont hurt the GOP one bit. When a party implements communist values and policies, it is kinda hard to argue that they are not communist.
One of the communist goals of 1963 was to take over one or both political parties, do you think that goal went away? Nope, they succeeded.

It very easy to argue that they are not communists when everyone uses the correct definition of the word instead of lumping everything left of Limbaugh into the communist party.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

More correctly they are anti-populist. The masses are considered too self interested to know what's good for the country.
Fascism and socialism are two varations on the same theme. They are both based on government control of the economy.

Absolutely wrong. Fascism is a political philosophy, not an economic philosophy. If a lot of historical fascist states have in fact imposed economic controls, this is an incidental characteristic not a defining one. The defining characteristics of fascism are:

1) Dictatorship
2) Either no elections or rigged elections
3) Suppression of dissent
4) Militarism
5) Extreme nationalism

A state with these characteristics is a fascist state. In theory, a state with these characteristics and a laissez-faire economy, or a state-owned capitalist one, would be a fascist state; the fact that no fascist state has ever had either of those economic arrangements is a meaningless coincidence.

A state without these characteristics is NOT a fascist state. If it imposes controls on the economy, that does not make it a fascist state.

Fascism is also marked by a very clear social and legal division between the working class and the ownership class with labor organizations being illegal or a government controlled sham.

You can't link that to objective classification, and if it were so, that would be the same as our government encouraging pet unions run by our corporations up until the 1930s.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

More correctly they are anti-populist. The masses are considered too self interested to know what's good for the country.

Call bs on that: they are anti-communist. Fascism is built on populist love for the leader, the party, and the nation.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

More correctly they are anti-populist. The masses are considered too self interested to know what's good for the country.

Call bs on that: they are anti-communist. Fascism is built on populist love for the leader, the party, and the nation.

That's not real populism, it's the substitute that is indoctrinated into the populace to keep them in line. The people of a fascist nation could no more protest a war or an unpopular political decision than join a labor union. All collective action must further the aims of the state, no exceptions.
In no way does that exclude populism as one of the great motivators for fascism.

Look at the incredible propaganda shows at the annual Nazi celebration celebrating the Volk and its heroes,.

Look at the populism of the GOP convention in 2004, carefully manipulated and orchestrated.
More correctly they are anti-populist. The masses are considered too self interested to know what's good for the country.

Call bs on that: they are anti-communist. Fascism is built on populist love for the leader, the party, and the nation.

That's not real populism, it's the substitute that is indoctrinated into the populace to keep them in line. The people of a fascist nation could no more protest a war or an unpopular political decision than join a labor union. All collective action must further the aims of the state, no exceptions.

Occupied, I propose a simple word change that would end this (frankly rather pointless) disagreement: substitute "democracy" for "populism."

Most analyses of fascism agree that it is populist. But no one would ever call it democratic.
Call bs on that: they are anti-communist. Fascism is built on populist love for the leader, the party, and the nation.

That's not real populism, it's the substitute that is indoctrinated into the populace to keep them in line. The people of a fascist nation could no more protest a war or an unpopular political decision than join a labor union. All collective action must further the aims of the state, no exceptions.

Occupied, I propose a simple word change that would end this (frankly rather pointless) disagreement: substitute "democracy" for "populism."

Most analyses of fascism agree that it is populist. But no one would ever call it democratic.

Fascism is, yes, populist, and, yes, absolutely antithetical to democracy.

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