West's Communist Party claim about Democrats

Call bs on that: they are anti-communist. Fascism is built on populist love for the leader, the party, and the nation.

That's not real populism, it's the substitute that is indoctrinated into the populace to keep them in line. The people of a fascist nation could no more protest a war or an unpopular political decision than join a labor union. All collective action must further the aims of the state, no exceptions.

Occupied, I propose a simple word change that would end this (frankly rather pointless) disagreement: substitute "democracy" for "populism."

Most analyses of fascism agree that it is populist. But no one would ever call it democratic.

I suppose you are right, after the tea party rallies my opinion of what makes up a real popular movement has narrowed somewhat.
Allen west is the one person i believe. This man is the only man that stands up for the citizens in this country and what is happening to our country. I wish he would run for pres or even vp. He is the only person in washington that will get my vote in the next election (being as how i am in florida, and voted for him)
Allen West is a reckless, blustering, grandstander -- which is precisely why he was expelled from the military. His style is common to right-wing political opportunists throughout the history of American politics. To give him power is to invite disaster.
Allen west is the one person i believe. This man is the only man that stands up for the citizens in this country and what is happening to our country. I wish he would run for pres or even vp. He is the only person in washington that will get my vote in the next election (being as how i am in florida, and voted for him)
Allen West is a reckless, blustering, grandstander -- which is precisely why he was expelled from the military. His style is common to right-wing political opportunists throughout the history of American politics. To give him power is to invite disaster.

Do you think intentional lying helps your argument?
He is not lying, and you are if you think he has not accurately described West.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

So every country that wasn't behind the iron curtain was fascist?

The stuff you say gets more idiotic by the day.

You spew all the typical communist propaganda points, but then you swear you aren't a communist.

Here's a clue for you: anyone with two brains cells to rub together is violently anti-communist. Having no problem with communism means you have no problem with slavery, poverty, mass starvation and industrial murder on a vast scale.
I suppose you are right, after the tea party rallies my opinion of what makes up a real popular movement has narrowed somewhat.

Right, somehow you have to come up with a definition that excludes people who don't hate America.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

So every country that wasn't behind the iron curtain was fascist?

I wonder if an inability to read for comprehension is another part of bripat's syndrome or if that arises from something else? Probably the latter as it seems to be rather common.

In any case, no, obviously -- obvious to anyone who's paying attention, anyway -- that's not what I said.
In no way does that exclude populism as one of the great motivators for fascism.

Look at the incredible propaganda shows at the annual Nazi celebration celebrating the Volk and its heroes,.

Look at the populism of the GOP convention in 2004, carefully manipulated and orchestrated.

Yeah, recall the nomination speach Obama gave in front of a replica of the Parthenon?

That was positivily chilling. I was looking for Nazi flags and the Eagles carrying the swastika.
Fascism and socialism are two varations on the same theme. They are both based on government control of the economy.

Absolutely wrong. Fascism is a political philosophy, not an economic philosophy. If a lot of historical fascist states have in fact imposed economic controls, this is an incidental characteristic not a defining one. The defining characteristics of fascism are:

1) Dictatorship
2) Either no elections or rigged elections
3) Suppression of dissent
4) Militarism
5) Extreme nationalism

A state with these characteristics is a fascist state. In theory, a state with these characteristics and a laissez-faire economy, or a state-owned capitalist one, would be a fascist state; the fact that no fascist state has ever had either of those economic arrangements is a meaningless coincidence.

A state without these characteristics is NOT a fascist state. If it imposes controls on the economy, that does not make it a fascist state.

OH puhleeze. It would be perfectly accurate to apply everyone of your characterstics to Communist China and the Soviet Union.

If it's not an economic theory, then why are libs always labeling every tax cut or cut in government spending as fascist?

It only became a "political philosophy" after the war when it fell out of favor and libturds noticed how stunningly similar fascists economic programs were to liberal economic programs.
Fascism is also marked by a very clear social and legal division between the working class and the ownership class with labor organizations being illegal or a government controlled sham.

So is socialism, dipstick.

There is simply no way you can define fascism that distinguishes it from socialism because they are almost identical.
Fascism and socialism are two varations on the same theme. They are both based on government control of the economy.

Absolutely wrong. Fascism is a political philosophy, not an economic philosophy. If a lot of historical fascist states have in fact imposed economic controls, this is an incidental characteristic not a defining one. The defining characteristics of fascism are:

1) Dictatorship
2) Either no elections or rigged elections
3) Suppression of dissent
4) Militarism
5) Extreme nationalism

A state with these characteristics is a fascist state. In theory, a state with these characteristics and a laissez-faire economy, or a state-owned capitalist one, would be a fascist state; the fact that no fascist state has ever had either of those economic arrangements is a meaningless coincidence.

A state without these characteristics is NOT a fascist state. If it imposes controls on the economy, that does not make it a fascist state.

OH puhleeze. It would be perfectly accurate to apply everyone of your characterstics to Communist China and the Soviet Union.

Nope. Neither one had extreme nationalism. Close, but not identical.

If it's not an economic theory, then why are libs always labeling every tax cut or cut in government spending as fascist?

I don't know of any liberals who do that. If there are any, the answer is because they're idiots, making the same sort of mistake you are here.

It only became a "political philosophy" after the war

No, it was always a political philosophy. I say that judging fascist regimes by their actions rather than their words. Mussolini did at one point imply in his words that Fascism (capitalized because he was talking about his own) was based in economics. He was full of it. He often was.
Fascism is also marked by a very clear social and legal division between the working class and the ownership class with labor organizations being illegal or a government controlled sham.

So is socialism, dipstick.

There is simply no way you can define fascism that distinguishes it from socialism because they are almost identical.
You may add Fascism to the mix.
Oh, there's another common characteristic of fascist regimes that hasn't been pointed out and should be: they are all (at least so far) violently anti-Communist.

So every country that wasn't behind the iron curtain was fascist?

I wonder if an inability to read for comprehension is another part of bripat's syndrome or if that arises from something else? Probably the latter as it seems to be rather common.

In any case, no, obviously -- obvious to anyone who's paying attention, anyway -- that's not what I said.

Yes, that is what you said, because they were all anti-communist.

Of course, you were just trying to smear conservatives as fascists, but being anti-communist was normal for nations that didn't have their necks under the communist boot.
So every country that wasn't behind the iron curtain was fascist?

I wonder if an inability to read for comprehension is another part of bripat's syndrome or if that arises from something else? Probably the latter as it seems to be rather common.

In any case, no, obviously -- obvious to anyone who's paying attention, anyway -- that's not what I said.

Yes, that is what you said, because they were all anti-communist.

No, dingbat, that's not what I said. I said that all fascist states were anti-communist. That doesn't even mean that all anti-communist states were fascist, let alone that all non-communist ones were. Good grief. Also, you're wrong. They weren't all anti-communist.

And you expect me take you seriously.
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It very easy to argue that they are not communists when everyone uses the correct definition of the word instead of lumping everything left of Limbaugh into the communist party.

You mean, when everyone uses the liberal definition of words. The fact that they aren't officially members of the communist party is irrelevant. They talk like communists, walk like communists and riot like communists. To a man, they all defend communists. That includes you and Dragon.
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Fascism is also marked by a very clear social and legal division between the working class and the ownership class with labor organizations being illegal or a government controlled sham.

So is socialism, dipstick.

There is simply no way you can define fascism that distinguishes it from socialism because they are almost identical.

Socialism makes no class distinctions and attempts to erase them, Fascism makes class distinction the law of the land and does everything it can to preserve the single wealthy ruling party at the expense of a working class with few rights and no social mobility.

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