West's Communist Party claim about Democrats

But you are not a Republican, bripat, you are a reactionary wimp from the extreme wing nut fringe.

You will never be allowed to change definitions. You will be called out every time you do and made to look foolish.,

Call me out all you like, Fakey. That just gives me more opportunities to point out what sleazy lying scumbags liberals like you are.

I am not a liberal, you are not a conservative, and the GOP is going to win despite the foolish like you.
For example, libs behave as if your gross income is government property. They see no moral objection to the government taking 100% of incomes above a certain amount.

I think you would find that most liberals would reject that idea, although I myself would not. But it doesn't follow that "your gross income is government property." Say rather, that everyone has an obligation to contribute to public expenses, and what you owe in taxes is not your property anymore than what you owe to any creditor. Yet what you do not owe remains yours, and not the government's.
Conservatives have no moral objection to starving the poor and the elderly to death and passing the savings on to their billionaire masters along with personally lining up to pleasure them orally. See I can make crazy accusations too.

Your Komrades in here make such accusations on a daily basis - almost invariably to any objection to increasing the percentage of my income the government is allowed to take. They obviously believe my gross income is communal property.

It's always about you isn't it? When are you going to consider my needs?

OK, that was funny
But you are not a Republican, bripat, you are a reactionary wimp from the extreme wing nut fringe.

You will never be allowed to change definitions. You will be called out every time you do and made to look foolish.,

Call me out all you like, Fakey. That just gives me more opportunities to point out what sleazy lying scumbags liberals like you are.

I am not a liberal, you are not a conservative, and the GOP is going to win despite the foolish like you.

Jakey is to the left of Mao
Here is how fucking greedy and dumb progressives are:

"Redistribute wealth and nationalize production and resources. If you don't you want to starve the poor and kill old people."

That pretty much sums up the progressive er communist mindset.

If someone works 60 hours a week and takes in a six figure salary - they think they can work 6 hours a week an take in a six figure salary..... And that is "equality" to those twisted fucks...

They're ignorant lazy pieces of shit and deserve everything they get or lack thereof...

If they put the time and energy they do bitching about how life isn't fair into bettering themselves - they would be millionaires.
Here is how fucking greedy and dumb progressives are:

"Redistribute wealth and nationalize production and resources. If you don't you want to starve the poor and kill old people."

That pretty much sums up the progressive er communist mindset.

If someone works 60 hours a week and takes in a six figure salary - they think they can work 6 hours a week an take in a six figure salary..... And that is "equality" to those twisted fucks...

They're ignorant lazy pieces of shit and deserve everything they get or lack thereof...

If they put the time and energy they do bitching about how life isn't fair into bettering themselves - they would be millionaires.

They support a system with a 100% Fail Rate
Nick provides a 'melt down' rant.

As usual no substance from the boner beater living in his mommies basement...

All you know is what you dislike and have no idea what you like - that's the problem with you progressive fucks...

See, you're not for anything but against everything that isn't in your little red book.

Now go fuck off and learn something you one-dimensional little shit...
Nick provides a 'melt down' rant.

As usual no substance from the boner beater living in his mommies basement...

All you know is what you dislike and have no idea what you like - that's the problem with you progressive fucks...

See, you're not for anything but against everything that isn't in your little red book.

Now go fuck off and learn something you one-dimensional little shit...

Nick the Doosh is on a dooshy little rant because he is called for being wrong, as usual.

People like him are guaranteeing an Obama re-election.
Nick provides a 'melt down' rant.

As usual no substance from the boner beater living in his mommies basement...

All you know is what you dislike and have no idea what you like - that's the problem with you progressive fucks...

See, you're not for anything but against everything that isn't in your little red book.

Now go fuck off and learn something you one-dimensional little shit...

Nick the Doosh is on a dooshy little rant because he is called for being wrong, as usual.

People like him are guaranteeing an Obama re-election.

Hey, now hold on there just one minute, cowboy!

Less than a minute ago, you called me a doosh. More than once.

And now you're running around calling everybody else a doosh?

Can I at least have dibbies on the 'doosh' tag for an hour or so before you start throwing it around like candy at Halloween?

Do you not respect the sanctity of doosh-calling? Have you no honor in the world of doosh-hood? Don't you think that Nick feels terrible now that he's found out he's a second-hand doosh?
Nick provides a 'melt down' rant.

As usual no substance from the boner beater living in his mommies basement...

All you know is what you dislike and have no idea what you like - that's the problem with you progressive fucks...

See, you're not for anything but against everything that isn't in your little red book.

Now go fuck off and learn something you one-dimensional little shit...

Nick the Doosh is on a dooshy little rant because he is called for being wrong, as usual.

People like him are guaranteeing an Obama re-election.

If I'm wrong then put forth a viable dissenting argument.

You just cant say "you're wrong" then leave it at that...

You only prove my point that you have the fucking intellect of a 3rd grader with less imagination...
As usual no substance from the boner beater living in his mommies basement...

All you know is what you dislike and have no idea what you like - that's the problem with you progressive fucks...

See, you're not for anything but against everything that isn't in your little red book.

Now go fuck off and learn something you one-dimensional little shit...

Nick the Doosh is on a dooshy little rant because he is called for being wrong, as usual.

People like him are guaranteeing an Obama re-election.

Hey, now hold on there just one minute, cowboy!

Less than a minute ago, you called me a doosh. More than once.

And now you're running around calling everybody else a doosh?

Can I at least have dibbies on the 'doosh' tag for an hour or so before you start throwing it around like candy at Halloween?

Do you not respect the sanctity of doosh-calling? Have you no honor in the world of doosh-hood? Don't you think that Nick feels terrible now that he's found out he's a second-hand doosh?

Dude, you could write an 18 month thesis - citations an all - and this idiot would say "you're an idiot doosh and you're wrong."

He's a piece of work...

And if he talks anymore shit I'm putting him in the box....
Last edited:
History has totally vindicated Joe McCarty; key people in FDR's White House reported directly to Moscow

It's funny that after the archives in Moscow were opened, and McCarthy was indeed vindicated, the press who had attacked him so viciously, failed to make any effort to correct the wrongs they had inflicted.

Edward Murrow, America's own Goebbels, was dead by then, but the savage DNC press could have still cleared McCarthy's name.
Joe McCarthy, uncensored, Nick, edgetho, Frank, and the other far right wing nuts and failed-lefist neo-cons have condemned by history.

This particular group who are still living are creating an environment that will lead to an easier re-election for Obama than otherwsie.

McCarthy was pulled down by the GOP. Good for it.

Dooshes can lie all they want, but they still remain dooshes.
Nick the Doosh is on a dooshy little rant because he is called for being wrong, as usual.

People like him are guaranteeing an Obama re-election.

Hey, now hold on there just one minute, cowboy!

Less than a minute ago, you called me a doosh. More than once.

And now you're running around calling everybody else a doosh?

Can I at least have dibbies on the 'doosh' tag for an hour or so before you start throwing it around like candy at Halloween?

Do you not respect the sanctity of doosh-calling? Have you no honor in the world of doosh-hood? Don't you think that Nick feels terrible now that he's found out he's a second-hand doosh?

Dude, you could write an 18 month thesis - citations an all - and this idiot would say "you're an idiot doosh and you're wrong."

He's a piece of work...

And if he talks anymore shit I'm putting him in the box....

:lol: Doosh is as Does does. You both qualify.

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