"wetbacks" remark from GOP shows how deep the problem is

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No matter what the GOP tries to do from now on they will be continuely plauged by their own people
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the only hope for the GOP is to dump this voter base.

They will only destroy any progress the GOP seeks to make.

They have to purposely piss them off and never look back.,

They can not win with them or without them.

They need to face that and dump them so they can rebuild the party
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complain and lie about it all you want.

These idiots are yours and they will destroy any effort the republican party makes to attract voters
Open borders in trade and labor has done incalculable damage to the US economy, the US role in global events, and worst of all to middle class US citizens - the real middle class (family income $40k/a to $80k/a) and not the mentally fat, banal self-serving bourgeoisie describing themselves as middle class in public relations efforts and in efforts to retain government tax subsidies that pay no benefits to the nation but add drag to the economy.

Latinos are not a monolithic voting group. My observation is that Latinos raised Catholic are more likely to have conservative instincts than liberal instincts. Further, Latino nationals and legal Latino immigrants of my acquaintance - most are well educated professionals - sometimes use the term "wetback" to describe illegals; something no professionally credentialed American national of my acquaintance has done for thirty years.

Despite outraging culture-as-salad-bowl types, the remark feeds into a real sentiment and isn't likely to damage a candidate in either a poor white district or many upscale districts outside the DC metropolitan area.
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Your problem is that you don't understand the concept of individualism.

You can't lump everyone into two piles and sound intelligent.
yeah keep telling yourself your own people are not killing your party.

That and Robmoney is going to win by five points
yeah keep telling yourself your own people are not killing your party.

That and Robmoney is going to win by five points

You see?

How many times do I have to tell you that I do not belong to a political herd?

You just cant comprehend that concept can you?
your a right wing clown.

even you dont want the republican label.

Yet you pray to the platform
Your problem is that you don't understand the concept of individualism.

You can't lump everyone into two piles and sound intelligent.
Unless you are on the Right, then you simply deny grouping people as you group people.

February 28, 2009 CPAC
RUSH: Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. [Applause] When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don't see groups.

December 01, 2011
RUSH: This is an election of the makers versus the takers, and what hangs in the balance really is the American way of life.

You do realize that is a term the democrats came up with for their underpayed mexican farmers in the south that worked their orange groves, etc? These racist men were all card carrying democrats and had their KKK uniforms neatly folded in their top closet. I remember many years ago I had moved from NY to the South and my best friend invited me to go with her to her grandparents house.

We slept in a huge room that had a large closet and she showed me the KKK uniforms. Her grandfather was the head of the clan down there. She said that all the democrats in that city were members of the KKK. I told her if her grandfather were a Christian he wouldn't be a leader in the KKK. She told me that he told her all the republican catholics were ****** lovers and that was why the democrats would always rule the south. That is the part of history Democrats don't like Americans remembering. That they were officially the KKK party.

You do realize that is a term the democrats came up with for their underpayed mexican farmers in the south that worked their orange groves, etc? These racist men were all card carrying democrats and had their KKK uniforms neatly folded in their top closet. I remember many years ago I had moved from NY to the South and my best friend invited me to go with her to her grandparents house.

We slept in a huge room that had a large closet and she showed me the KKK uniforms. Her grandfather was the head of the clan down there. She said that all the democrats in that city were members of the KKK. I told her if her grandfather were a Christian he wouldn't be a leader in the KKK. She told me that he told her all the republican catholics were ****** lovers and that was why the democrats would always rule the south. That is the part of history Democrats don't like Americans remembering. That they were officially the KKK party.

Operation Wetback
I guess that according to the previous post that makes Republican President Eisenhower a Democrat! :cuckoo:
Odd that the Party of the KKK, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" and the Tuskegee Experiments wants to highlight racism
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You do realize that is a term the democrats came up with for their underpayed mexican farmers in the south that worked their orange groves, etc? These racist men were all card carrying democrats and had their KKK uniforms neatly folded in their top closet. I remember many years ago I had moved from NY to the South and my best friend invited me to go with her to her grandparents house.

We slept in a huge room that had a large closet and she showed me the KKK uniforms. Her grandfather was the head of the clan down there. She said that all the democrats in that city were members of the KKK. I told her if her grandfather were a Christian he wouldn't be a leader in the KKK. She told me that he told her all the republican catholics were ****** lovers and that was why the democrats would always rule the south. That is the part of history Democrats don't like Americans remembering. That they were officially the KKK party.
Typical CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood revisionism! The term was coined by the Texas border patrol for the wet clothing that IDed the Mexicans who swam across the Rio Grande. But CON$ never let facts get in the way of their hate.

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