"wetbacks" remark from GOP shows how deep the problem is

Why not?
Nazi = Republican


No, I don't think so. Even though the Nazis made the Empire of Japan "official Aryans", I note Jews, Catholics, Irish, Gypsies, Blacks, & so on among contemporary Republican ranks.

With the Nazis, it was conquer the World or Gotterdammerung. (& I was never all that sure which one they preferred. There's just something about all that Wagner ...)

Yes, I know so.

I know how many times those of us on the right have been called and/or compared to Nazis and Bush compared to Hitler.

That was my point
anyone who tries to claim "wetback" is not a slur is a full blown raicst.

I lived in california then and now.

try walking into a latino neighborhood and walk up to the guy getting his mail of paper and say "hey wetback do you know what time it is".

do you think he will find it offensive?

That is how the right operates when it comes to racist language.

If one of theirs says it they say "oh know that is a term of endearment".

Completely ignoring how the VERY people the words are designed to insult feel about the words and are then called names for finding the words insulting.

Gee I wonder why they cant win elections anymore

Answer my question you fucking hack coward, what are you afraid of? Revealing to all your double standard? Your "Okay for me but not for thee" approach to life and politics?

Come on Hackasaurus Rex, give us an answer...

Alright you mindless hack, I'll ask you the very same question I asked MarcATL in his thread about this ass...

Just out of curiosity, TM, were you just as outraged when you heard about this:

Joe Mitchell, Alabama Democrat, Sends Email Blasting Constituent's 'Slave-Holding, Murdering' Kin

Hey man. You have used the word ‘except’ when I think you mean somethin’ else.
Hey man. Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk. You can keep sending me stuff like you have however because it helps me explain to my constituents why they should protect that 2nd amendment thing AFTER we finish stocking up on spare parts, munitions and the like.
Bring it. As one of my friends in the Alabama Senate suggested – “BRING IT!!!!”

JOSEPHm, a prepper (’70-’13)

Mobile County

Inquiring minds..

You can't give an honest answer. If you were honest you would have to admit you have no problem with what this Democrat racist said, because you yourself are a racist. And a liar. And a fucking hack.

Still nothing...
That is how the right operates when it comes to racist language.

If one of theirs says it they say "oh know that is a term of endearment".

Completely ignoring how the VERY people the words are designed to insult feel about the words and are then called names for finding the words insulting.

Gee I wonder why they cant win elections anymore
Sooooo, when you called High Gravity an "Oreo," was it a term of endearment?

Oh, wait, you're a left wing racist to the core, never mind.
Nope it was a term of shock.

he claims to be black and refused to accept the cold hard fact that watermelon has historically racist connotations in this country
Nope it was a term of shock.

he claims to be black and refused to accept the cold hard fact that watermelon has historically racist connotations in this country
No, calling a man who is half black and white an Oreo is not a term of "shock"......It is a term an abject racist would use to racially slam him.

Where did your racism come from...Why are you such a hateful person towards other races?
One person says something....
The whole party meant it.

OK..I get it now!

ever listen to right wing radio or watch FOX?


Fox and radio have AN OFF SWITCH

They represent NO ONE and are accountable TO NO ONE other than than stock holders who are from EVERY political party on the planet.

they have pushed the GOP in directions they were hesitant to go. wake up. and they are often the unofficial mouth piece of the GOP
Nope it was a term of shock.

he claims to be black and refused to accept the cold hard fact that watermelon has historically racist connotations in this country


"Ain't that the truth!!"
repubs worst enemy? I was going to say "math" (like in my thread ;) ) but now I'm going to say their own representatives :lol:

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