"wetbacks" remark from GOP shows how deep the problem is

I have mxed feelings about conservative denial. On the one hand, a closed mind is a sad thing to witness. On the other, one can not help but take comfort in their shooting themselves in the foot, over and over again. I am reminded of this scene from Monty Python:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4]Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube[/ame]
complain and lie about it all you want.

These idiots are yours and they will destroy any effort the republican party makes to attract voters

and in this instance TM is right.....as long as some moron who identifies with the Republicans opens his mouth and says something stupid.....it knocks the party back a bunch of steps.....and it would work the same way with the Democrats......over in the thread going about legalizing Pot....it looked like the Pro people were winning until Mr.Sheman posted his drivel the way he does about legalizing it.....one of the Anti people said....see what we mean about what it does to your brain.....and all of a sudden it seemed like the pro people got set back....and i had to agree....he did not help at all....
Must be nice to be a democrat, you can be marion barry, get convicted for smoking crack, insult asians, say "pollacks" and there are zero consequences. Be Jim Moran, blame the entire Jewish population for the iraq war, no consequences. If you are a republican and say "macaca", you are finished.

And say ****** all day long and be accepted as normal as long as you are black.
Real easy to be a liberal when you are always plundering from someone that earned it to give to moochers and parasites.
But Democratic Alabama State Rep. Joseph Mitchell of Mobile, Ala. has a curious take on why his constituents in his majority African-American district should appreciate their Second Amendment rights.

Mitchell contended that the self-defense argument behind the Second Amendment was never used to protect his “folk” from “slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-assed, inbreed, imported criminal-minded kin folk.”


Read more: Alabama state representative launches into race-fueled Second Amendment rant | The Daily Caller

Is wetback really so bad, all things considered?

it really doesnt matter to many Mexicans out here .....they have been called way worse than Wetback......some of the American Mexicans call their friends that at work giving them a hard time saying that they are really Illegals.....call one of the guys a Mas Puto and you will get a response....but Wetback.....:eusa_eh:
Open borders in trade and labor has done incalculable damage to the US economy, the US role in global events, and worst of all to middle class US citizens - the real middle class (family income $40k/a to $80k/a) and not the mentally fat, banal self-serving bourgeoisie describing themselves as middle class in public relations efforts and in efforts to retain government tax subsidies that pay no benefits to the nation but add drag to the economy.

Latinos are not a monolithic voting group. My observation is that Latinos raised Catholic are more likely to have conservative instincts than liberal instincts. Further, Latino nationals and legal Latino immigrants of my acquaintance - most are well educated professionals - sometimes use the term "wetback" to describe illegals; something no professionally credentialed American national of my acquaintance has done for thirty years.

Despite outraging culture-as-salad-bowl types, the remark feeds into a real sentiment and isn't likely to damage a candidate in either a poor white district or many upscale districts outside the DC metropolitan area.

(My bold)

Yah, well, Blacks may sometimes address each other playfully as "******" - but unless you're Black yourself, my advice is to resist the temptation to emulate them. Outgroups are v. serious about who can name names. Hispanics may do something similar among themselves, calling someone "wetback". But again, if you're not Hispanic, I don't encourage you to try to play along with them.

You can probably feel a degree of acceptance, that you're allowed to overhear this kind of banter. But that doesn't make you a player, nor license you to imitate the language you hear.

why?.....we do it at work all the time....

Some Republicans love Mexicans so much, they try to color themselves to be the color they imagine Mexicans to be. Check out the hands compared to the face. He forgot the hands.

Here's the unphotoshopped image.

The picture you posted was "better"? Hilarious!


his was the truth....yours as usual was dishonest....you dont fool anyone Dean.....90% of the people here know how you are....it wont change.....even the new posters here catch on to your shit after a few posts....
complain and lie about it all you want.

These idiots are yours and they will destroy any effort the republican party makes to attract voters

Why are you so obsessed with the GOP?
According to you we will never win any election of any kind ever again...that should make you happy.

You Libs will then be free to spend this country into oblivion.

Spend into oblivion? That would be Republicans. Even Ryan wants 500 billion more for defense. Spending more than the next 13 other countries COMBINED apparently isn't enough.

If you can get right wing tards repeating the same bullshit over and over again, you can get them to believe anything.

well apparently you believe in that since you basically say the same shit over and over....
anyone who tries to claim "wetback" is not a slur is a full blown raicst.

I lived in california then and now.

try walking into a latino neighborhood and walk up to the guy getting his mail of paper and say "hey wetback do you know what time it is".

do you think he will find it offensive?

just say it in Spanish....even if your white as snow....he wont be offended....
Typical CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood revisionism! The term was coined by the Texas border patrol for the wet clothing that IDed the Mexicans who swam across the Rio Grande. But CON$ never let facts get in the way of their hate.

If you would link to that, I would appreciate it, sounds logical but*shrugs*

I did find-

Eisenhower quoted a report in The New York Times that said, "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."[1]

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Wetback (slur) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As an adjective it pertains to illegal Mexican immigrants. It was first used in this way by John Steinbeck in Sweet Thursday as he wrote, "How did he get in the wet-back business?" Its usage as a verb was originally mentioned in 1978 in T. Sanchez's Hollywoodland, where the term meant, "to gain illegal entry into the United States by swimming the Rio Grande".[4]

Read more: wetback: Definition from Answers.com

"Wetback is a derogatory term used to describe Mexicans who have immigrated illegally to the United States by swimming or wading across the Rio Grande--the river that separates the U.S. from Mexico. U.S. Border Patrol began using the word in 1944 to refer to illegal Mexican immigrants who were easily identifiable by their wet clothing.

I'd say the term was coined long before that, when it had been used by the NY Times and at least 10 other publications prior to 1944..... it was clearly a term freely used before then, so I am not sure your term "coined" is appropriate.......;)

You do realize that is a term the democrats came up with for their underpayed mexican farmers in the south that worked their orange groves, etc? These racist men were all card carrying democrats and had their KKK uniforms neatly folded in their top closet. I remember many years ago I had moved from NY to the South and my best friend invited me to go with her to her grandparents house.

We slept in a huge room that had a large closet and she showed me the KKK uniforms. Her grandfather was the head of the clan down there. She said that all the democrats in that city were members of the KKK. I told her if her grandfather were a Christian he wouldn't be a leader in the KKK. She told me that he told her all the republican catholics were ****** lovers and that was why the democrats would always rule the south. That is the part of history Democrats don't like Americans remembering. That they were officially the KKK party.
That was true until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He stated that he knew in doing so the Democrats would lose the South and they did.
The South is now racist republicans ... those same racist Democrats switched parties, just like LBJ said they would.

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.
The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: redemption and forgiveness is a self fulfilling prophecy if you're a democrat who stayed a democrat...:rolleyes:

can you please quantify and explain exactly- racist republicans in the south...?

thx in advance.
But Democratic Alabama State Rep. Joseph Mitchell of Mobile, Ala. has a curious take on why his constituents in his majority African-American district should appreciate their Second Amendment rights.

Mitchell contended that the self-defense argument behind the Second Amendment was never used to protect his “folk” from “slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-assed, inbreed, imported criminal-minded kin folk.”


Read more: Alabama state representative launches into race-fueled Second Amendment rant | The Daily Caller

Is wetback really so bad, all things considered?


Well, yes. And an ignorant Democrat and a racist.

Some Republicans love Mexicans so much, they try to color themselves to be the color they imagine Mexicans to be. Check out the hands compared to the face. He forgot the hands.

Here's the unphotoshopped image.

The picture you posted was "better"? Hilarious!


No it was an honest representation of what Romney looked like on that occasion. Then honesty means little to you. I see why you're not outraged and embarrassed.
anyone who tries to claim "wetback" is not a slur is a full blown raicst.

I lived in california then and now.

try walking into a latino neighborhood and walk up to the guy getting his mail of paper and say "hey wetback do you know what time it is".

do you think he will find it offensive?

That is how the right operates when it comes to racist language.

If one of theirs says it they say "oh know that is a term of endearment".

Completely ignoring how the VERY people the words are designed to insult feel about the words and are then called names for finding the words insulting.

Gee I wonder why they cant win elections anymore

its who your base IS

Answer my question you fucking hack coward, what are you afraid of? Revealing to all your double standard? Your "Okay for me but not for thee" approach to life and politics?

Come on Hackasaurus Rex, give us an answer...

Alright you mindless hack, I'll ask you the very same question I asked MarcATL in his thread about this ass...

Just out of curiosity, TM, were you just as outraged when you heard about this:

Joe Mitchell, Alabama Democrat, Sends Email Blasting Constituent's 'Slave-Holding, Murdering' Kin

Hey man. You have used the word ‘except’ when I think you mean somethin’ else.
Hey man. Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk. You can keep sending me stuff like you have however because it helps me explain to my constituents why they should protect that 2nd amendment thing AFTER we finish stocking up on spare parts, munitions and the like.
Bring it. As one of my friends in the Alabama Senate suggested – “BRING IT!!!!”

JOSEPHm, a prepper (’70-’13)

Mobile County

Inquiring minds..

You can't give an honest answer. If you were honest you would have to admit you have no problem with what this Democrat racist said, because you yourself are a racist. And a liar. And a fucking hack.

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