"wetbacks" remark from GOP shows how deep the problem is

Odd that the Party of the KKK, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" and the Tuskegee Experiments wants to highlight racism

Yes, what is very interesting is that these same men are in power today! They are STILL Democrats but have managed to shift the blame to the Republicans. David Horowitz said that the liberals have been in control of social issues for past 100 years and you can look at any slum in NY or the state of Michigan and see they have been an abysmal failure yet they continue to blame the Republicans. Horowitz used to be a card carrying member of the Communist party - a staunch democrat - but saw the corruption and failure of the democratic party and left it for the Republican Party. We are grateful for his insight into how the liberals have managed to lie and deceive the african american and latino people in america. Truly the democrats are the party of racists as they made sure the greatest number drafted to war would be the black man. They would then blame that on the republicans even though it was their idea of how to get rid of them. For the unborn look no further than Margaret Sanger - another democrat idea to get abort black children - democrats truly are the part of racists. - Jeremiah
I find it interesting that the Mexican people in Mexico - especially cartels - consider the Democrats the dirtiest party and untrustworthy whereas african americans are still registering as Democrats. With all that Obama has done for the Cartels down there ( sending them guns in fast and furious which they rejected ) and in S. America NONE of them trust him. Interesting, isn't it?

Wouldn't it be something if the Mexican people had to teach the African american people their own history? Don't laugh. It looks like they just might have to clue them in as to who the slavers were ( democrats ) kkk ( democrats ) racists who use terms such as wetback and ****** ( democrats )
Odd that the Party of the KKK, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" and the Tuskegee Experiments wants to highlight racism

He was a Texan after all so he had lots of asshole in him.

BTW what was the policy he was refering to?
why do black Americans vote democratic?

They have been deceived. When they wake up and realise what the liberals have actually done to their ancestors and to them? To keep them down? To keep them on the front lines of wars and the draft pick? to abort their children with agendas such as Margaret Sanger executed? While these same liberals sent their kids to Ivy League schools ( can you say Clinton? ) and used yours to fight wars and die because they didn't like the color of your skin. Yes, David Horowitz admits the liberals have done a masterful job in the matter of propaganda and deceiving the African americans, latino population of USA. I believe their luck is about to run out however...
As far as I'm concerned "wetback" is a more correct term for an illegal alien than "undocumented immigrant". A wetback is still a wetback.

Some Republicans love Mexicans so much, they try to color themselves to be the color they imagine Mexicans to be. Check out the hands compared to the face. He forgot the hands.
But Democratic Alabama State Rep. Joseph Mitchell of Mobile, Ala. has a curious take on why his constituents in his majority African-American district should appreciate their Second Amendment rights.

Mitchell contended that the self-defense argument behind the Second Amendment was never used to protect his “folk” from “slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-assed, inbreed, imported criminal-minded kin folk.”


Read more: Alabama state representative launches into race-fueled Second Amendment rant | The Daily Caller

Is wetback really so bad, all things considered?
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Open borders in trade and labor has done incalculable damage to the US economy, the US role in global events, and worst of all to middle class US citizens - the real middle class (family income $40k/a to $80k/a) and not the mentally fat, banal self-serving bourgeoisie describing themselves as middle class in public relations efforts and in efforts to retain government tax subsidies that pay no benefits to the nation but add drag to the economy.

Latinos are not a monolithic voting group. My observation is that Latinos raised Catholic are more likely to have conservative instincts than liberal instincts. Further, Latino nationals and legal Latino immigrants of my acquaintance - most are well educated professionals - sometimes use the term "wetback" to describe illegals; something no professionally credentialed American national of my acquaintance has done for thirty years.

Despite outraging culture-as-salad-bowl types, the remark feeds into a real sentiment and isn't likely to damage a candidate in either a poor white district or many upscale districts outside the DC metropolitan area.

(My bold)

Yah, well, Blacks may sometimes address each other playfully as "******" - but unless you're Black yourself, my advice is to resist the temptation to emulate them. Outgroups are v. serious about who can name names. Hispanics may do something similar among themselves, calling someone "wetback". But again, if you're not Hispanic, I don't encourage you to try to play along with them.

You can probably feel a degree of acceptance, that you're allowed to overhear this kind of banter. But that doesn't make you a player, nor license you to imitate the language you hear.
Odd that the Party of the KKK, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" and the Tuskegee Experiments wants to highlight racism

Yes, what is very interesting is that these same men are in power today! They are STILL Democrats but have managed to shift the blame to the Republicans. David Horowitz said that the liberals have been in control of social issues for past 100 years and you can look at any slum in NY or the state of Michigan and see they have been an abysmal failure yet they continue to blame the Republicans. Horowitz used to be a card carrying member of the Communist party - a staunch democrat - but saw the corruption and failure of the democratic party and left it for the Republican Party. We are grateful for his insight into how the liberals have managed to lie and deceive the african american and latino people in america. Truly the democrats are the party of racists as they made sure the greatest number drafted to war would be the black man. They would then blame that on the republicans even though it was their idea of how to get rid of them. For the unborn look no further than Margaret Sanger - another democrat idea to get abort black children - democrats truly are the part of racists. - Jeremiah

(My bold)

So Communist = Democrat? Seriously?

No matter what the GOP tries to do from now on they will be continuely plauged by their own people

the only hope for the GOP is to dump this voter base.

They will only destroy any progress the GOP seeks to make.

They have to purposely piss them off and never look back.,

They can not win with them or without them.

They need to face that and dump them so they can rebuild the party

complain and lie about it all you want.

These idiots are yours and they will destroy any effort the republican party makes to attract voters

yeah keep telling yourself your own people are not killing your party.

That and Robmoney is going to win by five points

your a right wing clown.

even you dont want the republican label.

Yet you pray to the platform

why do black Americans vote democratic?

He was a Texan after all so he had lots of asshole in him.

BTW what was the policy he was refering to?

Alright you mindless hack, I'll ask you the very same question I asked MarcATL in his thread about this ass...

Just out of curiosity, TM, were you just as outraged when you heard about this:

Joe Mitchell, Alabama Democrat, Sends Email Blasting Constituent's 'Slave-Holding, Murdering' Kin

Hey man. You have used the word ‘except’ when I think you mean somethin’ else.
Hey man. Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk. You can keep sending me stuff like you have however because it helps me explain to my constituents why they should protect that 2nd amendment thing AFTER we finish stocking up on spare parts, munitions and the like.
Bring it. As one of my friends in the Alabama Senate suggested – “BRING IT!!!!”

JOSEPHm, a prepper (’70-’13)

Mobile County

Inquiring minds..
But Democratic Alabama State Rep. Joseph Mitchell of Mobile, Ala. has a curious take on why his constituents in his majority African-American district should appreciate their Second Amendment rights.

Mitchell contended that the self-defense argument behind the Second Amendment was never used to protect his “folk” from “slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-assed, inbreed, imported criminal-minded kin folk.”


Read more: Alabama state representative launches into race-fueled Second Amendment rant | The Daily Caller

Is wetback really so bad, all things considered?


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