We've had mandatory vaccine policies in the U.S. since before the Emancipation Proclamation

so you dont know either,,
Bitch. You’re not that dumb. At least I don’t think. Righties took a measles shot without being a coward which has the same effective level. They avoid the COVID-19 as a loyalty test signal. It’s stupid and counter productive for society. Theyre fucking up.
Bitch. You’re not that dumb. At least I don’t think. Righties took a measles shot without being a coward which has the same effective level. They avoid the COVID-19 as a loyalty test signal. It’s stupid and counter productive for society. Theyre fucking up.
people didnt take that shot,, it was forced on them as children when they didnt have a choice,,,

and they didnt have to if they werent going to pubic schools,,

whos the bitch now bitch??
Bitch. You’re not that dumb. At least I don’t think. Righties took a measles shot without being a coward which has the same effective level. They avoid the COVID-19 as a loyalty test signal. It’s stupid and counter productive for society. Theyre fucking up.
People (Democrats Included) avoid the shots because they don't trust your leaders.
When someone lies to you....it means they don't respect you.....and also means they don't care if the shot kills you or has side-effects that are dangerous.
people didnt take that shot,, it was forced on them as children when they didnt have a choice,,,

and they didnt have to if they werent going to pubic schools,,

whos the bitch now bitch??
Exactly! People had to get it and now the disease is managed. This is how we progress. The dumbasses resist common sense of the common good so they are then coerced to do the right thing. That’s where we are. Forcing dipshits to do the right thing like polio or measles or mumps or rubella or tetanus.
Exactly! People had to get it and now the disease is managed. This is how we progress. The dumbasses resist common sense of the common good so they are then coerced to do the right thing. That’s where we are. Forcing dipshits to do the right thing like polio or measles or mumps or rubella or tetanus.
arent you forgetting this "vaccine" isnt a vaccine and you can still get the covid and spread it to others???

of course you could be just lying but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt,,
One selfless act that could give you blood clots in your lungs....Bell's Palsy....and permanent damage to your Lymphatic system.
You, more than anyone should know the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Live long and prosper.

The stats are in your favor to get vaccinated. Big time. You could die of a car wreck on the way to the vaccination center.
You, more than anyone should know the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Live long and prosper.

The stats are in your favor to get vaccinated. Big time. You could die of a car wreck on the way to the vaccination center.
Well then I won't drive to a vaccination center....wherever the fuck that is.
Why can't they turn this over to doctors?
I would trust my doctor more than some government office.
Well then I won't drive to a vaccination center....wherever the fuck that is.
Why can't they turn this over to doctors?
I would trust my doctor more than some government office.
Here is John’s Hopkins saying everyone eligible should get it. My son’s in medical school. They all are vaxxed. You can find anything on the internet so if you want a reason not to take it.. you can find it. So many people have been misled the next step is to incentivize people.

Exactly! People had to get it and now the disease is managed. This is how we progress. The dumbasses resist common sense of the common good so they are then coerced to do the right thing. That’s where we are. Forcing dipshits to do the right thing like polio or measles or mumps or rubella or tetanus.
Well...if the shots work...then why worry about it....you're protected, right?
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated right.
wrong,, the vaccine is not a vaccine and those that took it can still get it and spread it,,,

and as we saw from obamas birthday party and georgia bulldogs super spreaders it doesnt stop anything,,

but you go ahead and believe wht your masters tell you
Well...if the shots work...then why worry about it....you're protected, right?
95%. The reason measles was so controlled is cuz nearly everyone gets it so you don’t have 50% of population passing it around and 5% break through cases on those who did. You know the right answer you are just stubborn.
95%. The reason measles was so controlled is cuz nearly everyone gets it so you don’t have 50% of population passing it around and 5% break through cases on those who did. You know the right answer you are just stubborn.
and also the measles vaccine was a real vaccine and not the fake vaccine being pushed now,,,
and also the measles vaccine was a real vaccine and not the fake vaccine being pushed now,,,
Sigh. Reaching for fantasy to make you feel better about your loyalty decision doesn’t change the fact every reputable medical institution and professional disagree with you. You have to look deep into the web to find support for that.

Where did you get your MD?
Sigh. Reaching for fantasy to make you feel better about your loyalty decision doesn’t change the fact every reputable medical institution and professional disagree with you. You have to look deep into the web to find support for that.

Where did you get your MD?
got a list of those people??

cause I have some that say different,,, and they arent on the deep web,,

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