We've had "pandemics" before, and we've gotten through them

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
Regardless of what you think of the COVID situation, here is some info on previous "pandemics".

This shows what a complete fuckup the government can be, jumping into action when no action is called for, and screwing up the vaccines before they have been fully tested.

This is information on other "pandemic viruses" that the human race got through, without the Nazi-esque hysteria being forced onto the people by the wanna-be totalitarian government.

And to be honest.........I do not remember either one (or any) of these "pandemics".
I was a teen in 1976 and an adult in 2009, so I lived through both of these times.
But WHY don't I remember them????

Because we didn't have psychopathic lunatics in the White House trying to destroy the country from within and continually spread lies and mass-media manipulation all day, every day. The medical community was set to handle these issues, and for better or worse, thats what they did.

People were given the information in a rational and civilized manner, and they were let alone to make their own decisions about their personal lives and their own health. And what happened? The "pandemic" disappeared. Without Nazi-esque government mandates, without mass-media created hysteria, and without the Big Pharma lies and scams. We got through it and humans kept on with their everyday lives.

But now, we have all these brainless fuktards that believe every single piece of shit lie that comes from the White House and the mass-brainwashing-manipulating media. Civilized people not only have to deal with a virus thats heinously overblown in its severity, we have to put up with all the brainless snowflakes, Dementorats, and empty-headed fuktards acting like Chicken Little..........all running in circles, screaming "COVID IS KILLING", "COVID IS KILLING"........instead of spending 30 minutes researching all of this lunacy to find out it's not what they think it is, that most of it is nothing more that government manipulation and strategic panic baiting the sheeples.

Oh how I miss the days when average people knew how to use their brains and distinguish bullshit from actual facts.
Just say what you mean. There are not any number of human lives that are worth lifting a finger to save if it inconveniences you.
The problem with pandemics is that a lot of people don't get through them.

How many ICU beds are available in your area?
A major reason for Covid measures is preventing a critical overextension of hospitals. Because even if Covid won't kill you, when you need quick treatment, but no doctors and no hospital beds are available because they're all busy treating Covid patients, that will sure kill you.

You might say Covid ain't that bad, it's lethal in well less than 1% of the cases (though even that's a damn huge number when we're talking about millions of infections)... but it's a major problem for everybody else in need of treatment when too many people get Covid within too short of a time period and fill up all hospitals.

There was a time when killing millions of people was called "fascism"... today, the American right has come to far calling the saving of millions of lifes "fascism"... really no surprise someone like Trump was elected.

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