We've heard about the "war on women"..BUT IS there a "war on business,capitalism"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Democrats especially claim GOP have waged war on women.
Well what about the war Democrats have waged against business, capitalism?

Why would any President want 1,400 companies to go out of business laying off 400,000 people and reducing by $100 billion a year in tax revenue...but Obama has said that!

Why would any party or President want to bankrupt businesses?
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” Obama -2008
Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (January 2008) http://www.BattleBornPAC.com

Why would any president want to reduce oil production in the USA and in doing so make the USA more dependent on foreign oil by LENDING MONEY for oil exploration? Obama and Democrats did!

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.
The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a “preliminary commitment” letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount.
Petrobras (Brazil's state-run, Soros invested oil company).... $64.5 Billion stock sale 'to fund exploration'. | RedState

Finally Obama and the democrats haven't seen a rule or regulation they didn't like!
1. Obamacare costs
Obamacare will impose a new cost on many small businesses that currently do not provide health insurance for their employees and will pressure many to shift workers to part-time status to get below the measure’s “50-worker” loophole. It also means all companies will have to re-evaluate their health care coverage and make changes to come into compliance with federal guidelines or pay fines of up to $3,000 per worker. The Congressional Budget Office says the bill will lead to 800,000 fewer jobs by 2020.
2. Small business tax hikes
The expiration of the Bush tax cuts for individuals making over $200,000, or families making $250,000, will hit many small business owners, an increase that will hit as those same owners are still trying to dig out of the recession. Considering that small businesses are the main creator of jobs in the nation, every dollar taken from them in tax hikes is that many fewer dollars available for expanding employment.
3. EPA’s burdensome regulations
Regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency put a tremendous burden on businesses, making job creation more difficult. The agency’s rules on air quality standards are curtailing energy produced from coal-fired electrical plants, causing a rise in electricity prices and making scarce a major resource that is abundant in America.
4. Keystone XL Pipeline postponed
Even Obama’s union supporters expressed outrage over his decision to indefinitely postpone construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would transport oil from Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf of Mexico. The president’s decision cost thousands of jobs and lost a possible source of energy from North America, as China was soon knocking on Canada’s door. But at least Obama’s Hollywood environmental backers were placated.
5. Boeing battle
When Boeing wanted to build a new $750 million assembly plant in South Carolina, creating thousand of jobs in the process, the National Labor Relations board stepped in, saying the move violated federal law because S.C. is a right-to-work state. The board, whose balance tipped toward labor with Obama appointees, finally dropped the case after the union representing Boeing workers withdrew its objections.
6. Capital-gains ‘fairness’
When he was running for president in 2008, Obama said he would increase the capital gains rate, even if it meant bringing in less tax revenue for the government, out of the notion of “fairness.” He is still on the same quest as the expiration of the Bush tax cuts would increase the capital gains tax rate by 33 percent. This time “fairness” will likely mean hurting the middle class, as the hike looms in January as part of the so-called taxmaggedon that could tip the economy back into a recession.
7. Off-shore drilling moratorium
After the BP oil spill in 2010, Obama placed a moratorium on deep-water drilling, devastating the off-shore oil and gas industry in the gulf coast states. While Obama seems to constantly throw up road blocks that inhibit development of U.S. energy resources—including slowing the permit process for new oil drilling sites—after his moratorium, he gave assistance to off-shore drilling efforts in Brazil, creating jobs there, not here
8. Dodd-Frank ‘financial reform’
By signing the Dodd-Frank financial “reform” measure into law, Obama placed yet another heavy cost on the business community. Passed in 2010 without a single Republican vote in the House, the measure mandates, among many requirements, an enormous paperwork burden that will mainly help employ accountants and lawyers. Interesting that the politicians with their names attached to this bill did as much as any to protect and encourage Fannie Mae’s contribution to the 2008 financial meltdown.
9. Anti-business rhetoric
Obama’s “You-didn’t-build-that” mentality diminishes the accomplishments of business entrepreneurs while exalting the role of government. His class-warfare political strategy includes demonizing Wall Street, insurance companies, bankers, pharmaceuticals, Big Oil, and “millionaires and billionaires.” The presidency is a “Bully Pulpit” and Obama’s misuse of it only gives ammunition to the anti-capitalist Occupy crowd.
10. Business climate uncertainty
U.S. companies are sitting on trillions of dollars of cash but are not spending it to expand business or hire new workers because of the uncertainty about what government is going to do next. With tax hikes looming, along with rising health care costs associated with Obamacare, and the constant strangulation by bureaucratic red tape, corporations are in a waiting mode before opening their spigot of cash—waiting until we get a new president.

Top 10 Obama anti-business, anti-job actions - Conservative News
You are startled to find out that capital and labor have fought each other like forever, Scarlett?
Personally, I think it's the women who are waging the war against themselves - not to mention everybody else. Starting back in the '60s (at least) when bra burning was all the rage and you had women like Bella Absbug and Gloria Steinem (among others) putting women who stayed home and took care of their children in the "moron" class as opposed to the "enlightened" class, the country wasn't all that bad. Children were better mannered, had home cooked meals, had expectations on moral values and personal behavior, etc. The NOW essentially has standards on which women are and are not "acceptable," meaning pretty much so long as women think, speak and act as "liberated women" and hold the same political ideals and toe the line of NOW standard bearers then we're OK.

Some (most) of the Women Warriors are bitches from hell in the workplace. I'd rather work for a man anytime. Instead of going in confident of their own SELF as females, they have to chop the balls off every man in sight just to prove they're just as good males as the men are. They'd kill their own mother if they thought it would advance forward as males. Why can't they just be excellent females in their own right? And also I don't really look on $0.17 an hour as an earth shattering pay differential! So what??!!

I worked for ONE female in my 25 years career as a legal secretary who KNEW WHO SHE WAS and didn't lord anything over anybody else. She was an amazing woman who acted on her own power and all these years later I still regard her as the consummate LADY. The rest of the women attorneys I had to deal with and work with - F*** 'em!!!! Absolute bitches who cared nothing about anybody except themselves.
You are startled to find out that capital and labor have fought each other like forever, Scarlett?

Obviously then this administration is at war then with capital as they are definitely in labor union camps!
The really funny thing is NOW labor unions are getting upset with this administration over "minimum wage" crap!
And Obviously you have NO idea of how businesses are run or else you'd understand that this crap about minimum wage will ONLY cause
young black men more unemployment as the below comments point out... Unions recognize NOW higher wages...fewer members!!!
Dumb f...ks!

Los Angeles Unions Fought for a $15 Minimum Wage. Now They Want to Be Exempt From It.
Just like it did in Seattle and San Francisco, organized labor helped lead the fight to raise Los Angeles' minimum wage to $15 an hour. But now, with the City Council preparing to pass a final version of the bill that would do so, union leaders are askingfor a major carve-out that would let businesses with collective bargaining agreements pay their employees less. In other words, they would like an exemption from the very law they've been trying to pass.

"With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for them both," Rusty Hicks, head of the Los Angeles County Federation ofLabor and co-chairman of the Raise the Wage coalition, said in a statement. "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement."
Los Angeles Unions Fought for a $15 Minimum Wage. Now They Want to Be Exempt From It.

DUH!!!! These idiots are just like most liberal democrats ignorance of business operations!
Logically and practically NOW unions are understanding that as the cost of labor goes up businesses are looking for other ways to reduce costs...i.e.
Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
When I first started at McDonald’s making 85 cents an hour, everything we made was by hand,” Rensi said — from cutting the shortcakes to stirring syrups into the milk for shakes. Over the years, though, ingredients started to arrive packaged and pre-mixed, ready to be heated up, bagged and handed out the window.

“More and more of the labor was pushed back up the chain,” said Rensi, who went on to become chief executive of the company in the 1990s. The company kept employing more grill cooks and cashiers as it expanded, but each one of them accounted for more of each store’s revenue as more sophisticated cooking techniques allowed each to become more productive.
Many chains are already at work looking for ingenious ways to take humans out of the picture, threatening workers in an industry that employs 2.4 million wait staffers, nearly 3 million cooks and food preparers and many of the nation’s 3.3 million cashiers.
All that innovation helps restaurants streamline other parts of their operations — and draw more customers. Electronic menus can be constantly updated so that items that are out of stock can be removed. Connecting the point of the sale to the oven’s operating system allows precise amounts of food to be cooked, which helps cut down on costs. Other inventions save energy, reduce maintenance and better dispose of grease.
Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
health myths does not get that capital cannot be trusted to be fair to employees. The Catholic Church had hell to pay with the emerging capital and guild groups in the later Middle Ages, as the managers and owners ground the face of the poor.

They still try to do with despite government regulation,

If we allowed business to run as they did before the 1930s, world poverty would increase 15% in six months.
This government is not business friendly. I believe the war on business line is to poke some fun at the war on women bullshit libs love to toss out. If it's a war on women it damn sure is a war on business. Highest corporate tax in the world, regulations on top of regulations that keep many n government payroles fat, dumb and happy. Notice, I didn't use the term "jobs".

The problem with the left is they don't understand where wealth is created. They think they can legislate it into existence, plus they think businesses are created to provide jobs.
The wealth creation comes from consumer demand that is fulfilled by capital.

Labor always precedes capital.
This government is not business friendly. I believe the war on business line is to poke some fun at the war on women bullshit libs love to toss out. If it's a war on women it damn sure is a war on business. Highest corporate tax in the world, regulations on top of regulations that keep many n government payroles fat, dumb and happy. Notice, I didn't use the term "jobs".

The problem with the left is they don't understand where wealth is created. They think they can legislate it into existence, plus they think businesses are created to provide jobs.

'The government' seeks to accommodate businesses and foster economic growth; providing businesses with what they need to thrive – highways, railroads, airports, clean water and sewage/waste removal, as well as educating their workforce – government has always been an important partner in the success of American business and industry.

The problem with the right is they don't understand how industrialized first world economies function, adhering blindly to failed conservative economic dogma, they fail to realize that it's no longer the 18th Century, and that government regulatory policies benefit both businesses and consumers alike.
Century, and that government regulatory policies benefit both businesses and consumers alike.
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result!

Do you understand??
Not fond of the hyperbolic "war on..." stuff, but it's clear that the Left is making its move to take significant power from American business and transfer it to the federal bureaucracy as it pushes towards a Euro-social democracy.

All doubts were erased with the reaction to, and defense of, Obama's amazing, stunningly ignorant "you didn't build that" comments. And one only has to read the acerbic comments directed at businesses on this site to understand what the hardcore Left thinks: Government good, business bad.
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result! Do you understand??
We understand that if America followed your economic theories that world poverty would climb by 10% in six months.
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result! Do you understand??
We understand that if America followed your economic theories that world poverty would climb by 10% in six months.


GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
1800 $ 7,994,000,000 5,297,000 $ 1,509
1900 $ 456,861,000,000 76,094,000 $ 6,003
2013 $15,759,000,000,000 316,465,000 $49,797
A 3,300 % increase in individual gross domestic product.
Measuring Worth - Relative Value of the US Dollar.

YOU idiots that hate businesses/capitalism... YOU are conversing right now via the Internet THAT depends on capitalism not the federal government.
You idiots use cell phones that never existed until capitalism provided them.
Tell you what you idiots... YOU come up with a better way that can raise the standard of living of people that can get:
Then these are the following services for the "unemployed, poor people":

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY about $100/month including a tax that pays for this free phone...)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 46 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

NO other country in the world matches the above freebies to the "poor"!
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result! Do you understand??
We understand that if America followed your economic theories that world poverty would climb by 10% in six months.


GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
1800 $ 7,994,000,000 5,297,000 $ 1,509
1900 $ 456,861,000,000 76,094,000 $ 6,003
2013 $15,759,000,000,000 316,465,000 $49,797
A 3,300 % increase in individual gross domestic product.
Measuring Worth - Relative Value of the US Dollar.

YOU idiots that hate businesses/capitalism... YOU are conversing right now via the Internet THAT depends on capitalism not the federal government.
You idiots use cell phones that never existed until capitalism provided them.
Tell you what you idiots... YOU come up with a better way that can raise the standard of living of people that can get:
Then these are the following services for the "unemployed, poor people":

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY about $100/month including a tax that pays for this free phone...)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 46 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

NO other country in the world matches the above freebies to the "poor"!

true enough, and even worse, all the freebies go on for generation after generation creating an ever growing crippled and dependent class that votes for more and more freebies. The more welfare you give the more is required. The safety net was turned into a comfortable house from which liberals buy votes!! Its all but treasonous!
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result! Do you understand??
We understand that if America followed your economic theories that world poverty would climb by 10% in six months.


GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
1800 $ 7,994,000,000 5,297,000 $ 1,509
1900 $ 456,861,000,000 76,094,000 $ 6,003
2013 $15,759,000,000,000 316,465,000 $49,797
A 3,300 % increase in individual gross domestic product.
Measuring Worth - Relative Value of the US Dollar.

YOU idiots that hate businesses/capitalism... YOU are conversing right now via the Internet THAT depends on capitalism not the federal government.
You idiots use cell phones that never existed until capitalism provided them.
Tell you what you idiots... YOU come up with a better way that can raise the standard of living of people that can get:
Then these are the following services for the "unemployed, poor people":

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY about $100/month including a tax that pays for this free phone...)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 46 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

NO other country in the world matches the above freebies to the "poor"!

true enough, and even worse, all the freebies go on for generation after generation creating an ever growing crippled and dependent class that votes for more and more freebies. The more welfare you give the more is required. The safety net was turned into a comfortable house from which liberals buy votes!! Its all but treasonous!
I have read your stuff, Edward, and you are simply silly.
health myths, you have no idea about what you are talking.

WOW! That is your "intelligent" response? That's your ONLY way to respond to the facts?
WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS dumb f...k?? GIVE ME FACTS as I've done below!!!

You are using a service that "capitalism" has afforded you to use that NO KING, or emperor in HISTORY ever had!
If it had been up to idiots like you we'd still be using smoke signals. The average life span of an American would be as it was in 1850 38 years old instead
of today 75 years!
You would be spending MOST of your time trying to find or raise enough food to feed your self for a day in 1850!
In 1850 Total population: 23,191,786; farm population; 11,680,000 (est.) or 1 of every 2 people were raising food!
in 2013 with over 313,000,000 people living in the United States. Of that population, less than 1% or 3 million claim farming as an occupation!
And you idiots think that was all due to the government that you stupidly can drive through McD's get a hamburger in less then 3 minutes!
Think about you idiots the next time you go out to eat what that entails!
Raising cattle. Raising wheat. Butchering/harvesting then processing meat/wheat... all those steps involved so idiots with less then $3.00 can in
less then 3 minutes get your lunch!
Geez you idiots regarding how businesses work and how ANTI-Business war on business this idiot in the WH has done!
And what do we have to show for this idiot in chief ?

GDP growth (annual %) | Data | Table
Bush average GDP from 2001 to 2008 2.14%
Idiot Obama: GDP average 1.3%!!!

And Obama has had NO hurricanes! Had NO 9/11 attacks. Had NO $5 trillion losses in Dot.com bust to contend with!
NONE of the below events has occurred and stupid business hating OBAMA best GDP over his six years??? 1.3%!!!!
Tell me how Obama can't help but be happy with the demise of our economy?
NOTHING like these events have occurred...so the only conclusion is Obama hates America and capitalism!
1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!

Source: USATODAY.com - It's official: 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the dot.com bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: 10 Events That Rocked the Financial World
Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters | Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, dot.com bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!
benefit?? Govt regulation of banking just caused worst crash since they caused Great Depression. Govt regulation of health care drives prices up by 5 times free market levels. The more libsoviet the regulation the more soviet the result! Do you understand??
We understand that if America followed your economic theories that world poverty would climb by 10% in six months.


GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
1800 $ 7,994,000,000 5,297,000 $ 1,509
1900 $ 456,861,000,000 76,094,000 $ 6,003
2013 $15,759,000,000,000 316,465,000 $49,797
A 3,300 % increase in individual gross domestic product.
Measuring Worth - Relative Value of the US Dollar.

YOU idiots that hate businesses/capitalism... YOU are conversing right now via the Internet THAT depends on capitalism not the federal government.
You idiots use cell phones that never existed until capitalism provided them.
Tell you what you idiots... YOU come up with a better way that can raise the standard of living of people that can get:
Then these are the following services for the "unemployed, poor people":

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY about $100/month including a tax that pays for this free phone...)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 46 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

NO other country in the world matches the above freebies to the "poor"!

true enough, and even worse, all the freebies go on for generation after generation creating an ever growing crippled and dependent class that votes for more and more freebies. The more welfare you give the more is required. The safety net was turned into a comfortable house from which liberals buy votes!! Its all but treasonous!
I have read your stuff, Edward, and you are simply silly.

IS THAT YOUR BEST??? Jake quit embarrassing yourself with such stupid inane comments!!! YOU have NEVER NEVER posted any FACTS with the LINKS to back them up because basically you are a lazy idiot, dumb ass FFO/LIP!

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