WE'VE LOST OUR F'G MINDS: Toddlers appear in IMMIGRATION court ALONE in diapers

WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
Are suggesting minors don’t deserve representation?

Doesn't REPRESENTATION denote consciousness of action for ACTUAL representation? WE BEHAVED BADLY--WE put these kids in legal jeopardy and now limbo. WE created absurd CONSEQUENCES. WE have now come up with some half-assed INSANE wholly inadequate fix furthering the absurdity of what WE created.

Some of us other WE's are pointing the absurdity and the insanity! And WE will continue to do so.
Seriously? LOL I break into your house, you call the cops, I go to jail and YOU'RE responsible for behaving badly and creating the bad consequence I find myself in? That's your premise? Are you retarded?

Babies and toddlers BREAK INTO people's houses? Really, how do they do that? What are they armed with bottles, rattles, shitty diapers?
We have to deal with the situation before us. You don't blame the enemy when a General blows an engagement. You blame the General who made the poor decision.

You blame the parents who have kids in foster care when they rob a bank don't you?

Or do you blame the state for enforcing the law?

Pete, you're looking at the other end of the problem. We HAVE these people coming here, regardless of how much you tsk tsk them. The Pres did not take into account the consequences of his decision, and it was more than obvious what would happen when he asked for a zero tolerance policy. He blew it.

The parents already knew that there is zero tolerance, and yet attempted to enter illegally.

Note I wrote illegally, so before you write they are refugees, well if they are then head to a port of entry and file for Asylum.

Now as you blame Trump for the laws that he has to use, well maybe you should ask why on Earth would Congress pass such harsh laws that allow parents to be separated from theie children?

Also if you release them or allow them to slip into this country let be factual and admit they will become slaves to the Cartels, Gangs anf shady employers while their kids live in fear daily of being deported back to their country of origin.

Finally, Mexico is to blame for this and you will ask how and simple they have immigration laws they refuse to enforce and allow the Southern Border of this country to be flooded with people from Central America so they can illegally cross our border.

So blame the Parent and Mexico and maybe it is about time Mexico clean itself up and stop illegals from Central America crossing their country to get to America...
let be factual and admit they will become slaves to the Cartels, Gangs anf shady employers while their kids live in fear daily of being deported back to their country of origin.
You got some stats on how many, Bruce? Eleven million illegals here are all slaves to the gangs? LOL
Note I wrote illegally, so before you write they are refugees, well if they are then head to a port of entry and file for Asylum.
I agree with you. I have no wish for illegal immigration to continue. If the Administration had prepared for this correctly, and children were not separated from their parents as a deterrent, and the various agencies involved have only been able to reunite 6 kids with their parents since Trump's order was reversed, I would have no objection to it.

So blame the Parent and Mexico
I am NOT going to blame the parents and Mexico for this administration's bungle. Sorry. What we are talking about is the government's clear mismanagement of their own decision to change policy without any thought to the roll out or the consequences.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
LOL! Fake as all get out!
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Why not. There's one in the Oval Office.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

We need to immediately reunite these families.....on a southbound bus in Mexico.
By law the US can not return people to a country they are not from.
Refugees are returned to the last place of safety. Which is mexico.
No, they must be returned to the country of their origin, where their citizenship resides, by law. And you claim to have been in the legal profession.
International law.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
California Judge does something stupid.....blames Trump.
It was definitely Trump's fault on this one. No question.
Yeah, damn him for dropping all of those maps and instructions from airplanes on how to illegally cross the border. What was he thinking? Why do liberals always side with criminals? Some dumbass does drugs, robs a store, is stopped and decides to confront the cops and gets shot and it's the cops fault. Someone south of the border decides to cross our border with children in tow, gets caught, gets detained, suffers the consequences and it's somehow Trumps fault. Maybe Democrats need to roll up the welcome mat they keep setting out in hopes of getting new voters.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
Well you loons think a parent should get permission from their new born to change their diaper. You also think that a child should be able to take hormone pills to become the opposite sex. So why not be in court? Liberalism is a mental disease.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
I swear every republican in america is retarded at this point. All of them, from tRump right on down to the posters here.

Ahhhhhh but the retarded are winning. See the news? Justice Kennedy calling it a career.

There is some speculation in here that some progressive members offed themselves since yesterday after Kennedy resigned.

WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
Are suggesting minors don’t deserve representation?

Doesn't REPRESENTATION denote consciousness of action for ACTUAL representation? WE BEHAVED BADLY--WE put these kids in legal jeopardy and now limbo. WE created absurd CONSEQUENCES. WE have now come up with some half-assed INSANE wholly inadequate fix furthering the absurdity of what WE created.

Some of us other WE's are pointing the absurdity and the insanity! And WE will continue to do so.
Seriously? LOL I break into your house, you call the cops, I go to jail and YOU'RE responsible for behaving badly and creating the bad consequence I find myself in? That's your premise? Are you retarded?

Babies and toddlers BREAK INTO people's houses? Really, how do they do that? What are they armed with bottles, rattles, shitty diapers?
Ahhhh, so you are indeed retarded. Good to know what we are dealing with here. The baby is in the arms of an adult who broke into the house. Tellus genius, what are you going to do with them? Put them in jail with the adult who says they are the parent? What if it is an MS13 member using the child to get across the border which was happening as far back as the Obama admin, hence why his admin was also detaining children separate from adults. Bottom line amigo, the adult bringing the child across the border illegally is the bad guy in the scenario and responsible for the consequences each suffers. No matter how much you want it, the border is not going to be open to non-citizens and people crossing it illegally force our hand to deal with it. Go find your new party members the old fashioned way among your fellow citizens.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
Well you loons think a parent should get permission from their new born to change their diaper. You also think that a child should be able to take hormone pills to become the opposite sex. So why not be in court? Liberalism is a mental disease.

DSMV. Here's the link. The 'bible' of mental disorders. Find liberalism. I dare you.

WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
Well you loons think a parent should get permission from their new born to change their diaper. You also think that a child should be able to take hormone pills to become the opposite sex. So why not be in court? Liberalism is a mental disease.

DSMV. Here's the link. The 'bible' of mental disorders. Find liberalism. I dare you.


All because you lost the election.

You actually think this is normal.

You think this is respectable. Do I need to say more?
What he did was change a policy/procedure of "catch and release" without having all the agencies involved figure out BEFOREHAND how to accommodate the obvious crowd that was going to ensue in detention facilities. It became not only outrageously inhumane to the children, it was chaotic and disorganized and pretty obvious that no one knew what to do.

Trump is the one who made this change without doing the necessary work beforehand. You can blame the folks coming up here all you want; that was not the problem, though. It was Trump making a simplistic fiat about a very complex problem involving several agencies.

I vehemently disagree.

The people who trekked up here across central America, knowing the US Government was going to enforce our laws, and attempted to defy the law put their own kids at risk not just during the trip, but as a result of their actions they could be detained if not raped, kidnapped or murdered by human traffickers.

One of the most disgusting aspects to this entire issue is how these illegal invaders admit they spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to cross the border, after leaving a country where that sort of money is a couple years salary....

These "poor" people have a couple extra years salary on hand saved up for a trip like that?

The fault of this lies squarely at the feet of the assholes who tried to sneak into the country and now are exploiting the plight of their children suffering because of the actions of the people who are supposed to care about them. Looks like YOU give a shit about these kids more than anyone else does.

That's because you're being manipulated by media.

I think most of the fault rests with Sanctuary Cities just begging for them to come here.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

We need to immediately reunite these families.....on a southbound bus in Mexico.
By law the US can not return people to a country they are not from.

Keep driving south until they all get out.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

We need to immediately reunite these families.....on a southbound bus in Mexico.

Hey genius!! How the fuck do you know IF THE KID IS MEXICAN? Just dump his diapered little ass across 'any' border?
yeah, what the hell guys. You know that there are real American citizens sneaking across the border with their toddlers so that they can ask for asylum from America!

Get it together!
It was definitely Trump's fault on this one. No question.


Trump dragged a kid that wasn't his across a fucking desert and placed them at the mercy of the government?

What an asshole...

Oh wait...

What he did was change a policy/procedure of "catch and release" without having all the agencies involved figure out BEFOREHAND how to accommodate the obvious crowd that was going to ensue in detention facilities. It became not only outrageously inhumane to the children, it was chaotic and disorganized and pretty obvious that no one knew what to do.

Trump is the one who made this change without doing the necessary work beforehand. You can blame the folks coming up here all you want; that was not the problem, though. It was Trump making a simplistic fiat about a very complex problem involving several agencies.
Yes. As a matter of fact; you can, and must blame those coming here illegally; if you hope to maintain any integrity.
We have to deal with the situation before us. You don't blame the enemy when a General blows an engagement. You blame the General who made the poor decision.
In your case, you're blaming the wrong general.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
I swear every republican in america is retarded at this point. All of them, from tRump right on down to the posters here.
I hear you saying that you want children held in adult facilities
Then you really need to have your hearing checked.
WE HAVE LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS. Come ON PEOPLE! HOW? WHY? How is this even done? Your client crawls up in the middle of the table while you are trying to decide his deportation proceedings? Is the judge going to hold the toddler in contempt of court?


Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

Christina Jewett and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health NewsPublished 3:34 p.m. ET June 27, 2018 | Updated 3:47 p.m. ET June 27, 2018

A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. Time

As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Requiring unaccompanied minors to go through deportation alone is not a new practice. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy, more young children – including toddlers – are being affected than in the past.

The 2,000-plus children will likely need to deal with court proceedings even as they grapple with the ongoing trauma of being taken from their parents.

We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

More: Judge orders families separated at border be reunited within 30 days

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which oversees the deportations of unauthorized immigrants, did not respond to a request for comment.

Woczylowski said parents typically have been tried along with young children and have explained the often-violent circumstances that led them to seek asylum in the U.S....

Defendants in diapers? Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

No no, stop saying WE and put the blame where it belongs.

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