WH admits they lied and started the rumor that a R dissed Obama

What's laughable is the idea that the administration would have any need or motive to start a rumour about a Republican 'dissing' the President.

To what end? To get the list of Republican disses of this President to an even 100? lol 1000?

There is little credibility to the previous 1,000 race baiting disses they claim happened. The assholes are trying to paint all white men as racist, but it always winds up proving the exact opposite is true.
Damn retarded leftists.

so you agree he said he wasn't aware ... damn retarded right wing nuts ... When will they learn you can't cut off a statement in the middle of his answers ... not only are these repub-lie-tards, retarded, but they are retards that can comprehend to boot ...

After he said that IT DID NOT HAPPEN, the reporter asked him if "anything like that happened". His response was "not that I'm aware of". Meaning: it did not happen and Carney is not aware of anything like that happening.

Keep spinning and being obtuse. I'm done being the dumbass whisperer.

His saying it didn't happen was based on someone telling him that, so he can't actually be aware of that either.
What's laughable is the idea that the administration would have any need or motive to start a rumour about a Republican 'dissing' the President.

To what end? To get the list of Republican disses of this President to an even 100? lol 1000?

There is little credibility to the previous 1,000 race baiting disses they claim happened. The assholes are trying to paint all white men as racist, but it always winds up proving the exact opposite is true.

I can't stand to look at Dick Cheney, and he's the same color I am.
That's not true. He qualified it with "not that I am aware of".

what he said if this clown took long enough to hear it he was repeating the question, it didn't happen, then said he wasn't aware it was said ... he never said it didn't happen ... but these repub-lie-clowns love to hear what they want to hear ... they've been sooooooooo programed into what they should or shouldn't hear ... try again ... you lost the debate here ...your point has failed ... you've lost your leg to stand on ... GET IT!!!!

You're a lying dirtbag. Listen to the fucking tape again. Put headphones on and listen to it.

But you already know you're lying, don't you?

clean the shit out of your ears when you pull your head out of your ass ... you lying worthless repub-lie-tard ... not only are you retarded you even admitted on a previous post that he said he wasn't aware... and that you heard it with headphones ... not only are you nuts but stupid, when it comes to headphones ... I recorded the audio and that's what they were saying he wasn't aware, you jiust confirmed it for all the repub-lie-tard here
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What's laughable is the idea that the administration would have any need or motive to start a rumour about a Republican 'dissing' the President.

To what end? To get the list of Republican disses of this President to an even 100? lol 1000?

There is little credibility to the previous 1,000 race baiting disses they claim happened. The assholes are trying to paint all white men as racist, but it always winds up proving the exact opposite is true.

I can't stand to look at Dick Cheney, and he's the same color I am.

When I first heard this yesterday, my first thought was,

That's exactly how I feel when I look at most Republicans.

Another factor in this --

The pubs have worked hard to take attention away from their disastrous sequester and shut down. They've been using ObamaCare to hide behind. Chances are pretty good that they started this.
Jesus, when presented with a statement you say it didn't say what it said.

@:29 to @:40 ---

Reporter: do you rule out what Durbin said?

Carney: I looked into this and spoke with somebody that was in that meeting and it did not happen. ... again, from a participant in that meeting it did not happen.

Reporter: did anything like that happen?

Carney: not that I'm aware of.

Leftists take lying to a whole new level.

if you righties are going to post it post it correctly ... so far you didn't ...which I can't say it take lying to a whole new level ... because you republicans lie so much and so often, you're off the charts when it comes to lying ...we would have to start a 1 to 1000 lying chart for you republicans ...

I posted exactly what he said, you retard. From the video ... what I posted is exactly what he said:


You went back and listened and realize how utterly and totally stupid you look so you've decided to double down on it. :lol:

What an idiot.

like I've said you repub-lie-tards need to clean the shit out of your ears after you pull your heads out of your ass ....
your video is a he said she said video ... all he said was he can't say it was or wasn't said, how can you say it wasn't said ...

Jesus, when presented with a statement you say it didn't say what it said.

@:29 to @:40 ---

Reporter: do you rule out what Durbin said?

Carney: I looked into this and spoke with somebody that was in that meeting and it did not happen. ... again, from a participant in that meeting it did not happen.

Reporter: did anything like that happen?

Carney: not that I'm aware of.

Leftists take lying to a whole new level.

Carney's 'testimony' is hearsay. That does not 'debunk' the original story.

as we all saw on the video he wasn't aware and these morons can't get that through their heads ... they must make something out of noting cause their party is in the toilet and gone down the hole when it comes to credibility and they know it ...
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I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

First, this post is as far as I've read in the thread, but right off, my question is: Will this Nabors character be fired or otherwise be held accountable?
Seems like this administration promises to get to the bottom of things, but the worst that happens to Sr level people is some time off (paid) and a quick retirement ala Lois Lerner. More senior people like Sebelius and Clinton get His unending support.
It seems like the only way you can get fired under this administration is if you are interviewed by Sean Hannity.
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

Where does Durbin come into all this?
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

The episode has a certain familiar ring to it......

A trip down memory lane:

"Andrew [Breitbart] doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis, Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2010. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called (pardon me) bullshit and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it.

The key to the case was Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing video of the epithets being shouted. There were no takers because it didn’t happen.

.... the congressmen’s story was a fabrication intended to defame the Tea Party movement and distract attention from the resistance to Obamacare. Not a single video corroborated it although many videos were shot that day, and despite Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing a video that corroborated it. No independent journalist or other eyewitness stepped forward to vouch for the congressmen’s story."
Breitbart?s Big $100k | Power Line

Democrats: No morality, no shame.
well you know tiny dancer she has a big problem with comprehension just like a lot of these republicans here

Carney stated flatly it did not happen.

But the truth has no chance of penetrating your programming.

Wouldn't it be nice for Sessions to deny saying it without qualification?

In any case..you'd be here defending him if there were a recording of him saying it.
Your record of successful predictions of conservative behavior is hovering somewhere near zero.
Republicans have engaged in despicable, disrespectful and unprecedented behavior to this President and have abandoned all decency and protocol.
Yeah. Funny how history starts in January of 2009, innit?
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

Wow, you guys rewrite the story so fast your heads must be spun right off.

You mean the story the White House made up, and you immediately and unquestioningly believed like a sucker?
The admission doesn't matter. The typical low-information Obama supporter only has room in his head for one talking point at a time -- and the lie the WH put out is currently center stage.

They'll STILL be repeating it as fact for months

Yeah, I gotta agree...where does it say that the comment was never made?

Yep, I called it.

and yet we have shown you the only thing you call was you don't have a clue ....
yep we called it
So, the White House lied to you -- and you DEFEND them for it.

You're a stupid, stupid boy.
That people automatically believe someone had said it is telling. You must see how your Republican party is perceived. Pete Sessions especially is rude and disrespectful.

This is hard for Republicans to disprove simply because they have a history of hate speech not only with this president but with the previous Democratic president. Charges of rape, corruption, even murder are within the realm of their psychotic rumors. :cuckoo:

Yet another liberal who defends the White House for lying to her. :cool:
well you know tiny dancer she has a big problem with comprehension just like a lot of these republicans here

Carney stated flatly it did not happen.

But the truth has no chance of penetrating your programming.

you better go back and try again... when you do, make sure you clean the shit out of your ear, from having you head in you ass ... he clearly said he wasn't aware of it... no where in the video did he ever say "it didn't happen" ... try again loser

P.S. if anyone has a programing problem, its you ... you've been programed to hear shit that was never said ... that you can take to the bank
Boy, if you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.
your video is a he said she said video ... all he said was he can't say it was or wasn't said, how can you say it wasn't said ...

Jesus, when presented with a statement you say it didn't say what it said.

@:29 to @:40 ---

Reporter: do you rule out what Durbin said?

Carney: I looked into this and spoke with somebody that was in that meeting and it did not happen. ... again, from a participant in that meeting it did not happen.

Reporter: did anything like that happen?

Carney: not that I'm aware of.

Leftists take lying to a whole new level.

if you righties are going to post it post it correctly ... so far you didn't ...which I can't say it takes lying to a whole new level ... because you republicans lie so much and so often, you're off the charts when it comes to lying ...we would have to start a 1 to 1000 lying chart for you republicans ...
Then you provide us a transcript, you illiterate little snot.

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