WH admits they lied and started the rumor that a R dissed Obama

your video is a he said she said video ... all he said was he can't say it was or wasn't said, how can you say it wasn't said ...

Jesus, when presented with a statement you say it didn't say what it said.

@:29 to @:40 ---

Reporter: do you rule out what Durbin said?

Carney: I looked into this and spoke with somebody that was in that meeting and it did not happen. ... again, from a participant in that meeting it did not happen.

Reporter: did anything like that happen?

Carney: not that I'm aware of.

Leftists take lying to a whole new level.

Carney's 'testimony' is hearsay. That does not 'debunk' the original story.
What Durbin said is hearsay too.

Looks like that little fact escaped you.
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

The episode has a certain familiar ring to it......

A trip down memory lane:

"Andrew [Breitbart] doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis, Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2010. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called (pardon me) bullshit and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it.

The key to the case was Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing video of the epithets being shouted. There were no takers because it didn’t happen.

.... the congressmen’s story was a fabrication intended to defame the Tea Party movement and distract attention from the resistance to Obamacare. Not a single video corroborated it although many videos were shot that day, and despite Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing a video that corroborated it. No independent journalist or other eyewitness stepped forward to vouch for the congressmen’s story."
Breitbart?s Big $100k | Power Line

Democrats: No morality, no shame.

just because there wasn't a video doesn't mean it did happen ...
That it was said has been denied by Carney. But......that someone lied has not been admitted. As far as I know.

It was another race card playing lie you stupid ass kissing brown nosing tool. Then they lied again trying to cover it up by trying to blame it on Democrat, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois.

CNN: White House Deputy Chief of Staff Lied!!!

"Sessions isn’t the only one who denies it; White House press secretary Jay Carney said “I looked into it and spoke with somebody who was in the meeting and it did not happen.”

Nabors and the White House was now accusing Durbin of sharing an untruthful story. Durbin did not back down. “Senator Durbin stands by his comments,” said Max Gleischman, a spokesman for Durbin, on Wednesday.

On Thursday a White House official accepted some blame for the story, saying, “While the quote attributed to a Republican lawmaker in the House GOP meeting with the President is not accurate, there was a miscommunication when the White House read out that meeting to Senate Democrats, and we regret the misunderstanding.”

Senior administration officials tell CNN that according to senior White House officials in the room, Sessions in the meeting was expressing frustration with the situation, not with President Obama.

White House officials would not comment on whether Nabors misunderstood what Sessions said or whether he just communicated the story to Senate Democrats in a less than optimal way. Nabors could not be reached for comment."

dimocraps caught lying yet again?

and let me guess - our pre-programmed leftards on the board as good Goebbels soldiers all defended the lie, didn't they?
I am shocked :lmao:
That it was said has been denied by Carney. But......that someone lied has not been admitted. As far as I know.

Change the channel dupe hater

the channel is fine ... your source is like it always is fucked!!!!!

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 222 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.

deal with it
White House press secretary Jay Carney said “I looked into it and spoke with somebody who was in the meeting and it did not happen.”

dimocraps why do you ALWAYS LIE?
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.


Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?


Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

The episode has a certain familiar ring to it......

A trip down memory lane:

"Andrew [Breitbart] doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis, Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2010. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called (pardon me) bullshit and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it.

The key to the case was Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing video of the epithets being shouted. There were no takers because it didn’t happen.

.... the congressmen’s story was a fabrication intended to defame the Tea Party movement and distract attention from the resistance to Obamacare. Not a single video corroborated it although many videos were shot that day, and despite Breitbart’s offer of a $100,000 reward to anyone producing a video that corroborated it. No independent journalist or other eyewitness stepped forward to vouch for the congressmen’s story."
Breitbart?s Big $100k | Power Line

Democrats: No morality, no shame.
republicans are the ones with No morality, no shame ... they have been proving that time and time again ... they would rather see women die ... they would rather see children starve .. so don't come with this breitbart as factual information cause its not ... they have never has been truthful...
I keep telling myself day after freaking day "well now I've seen everything".

But this crew of Obama's never cease to amaze me. They lied and started this rumor.

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

It never happened. Check this out. This is just so unreal.

Never said it: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions was blamed for telling President Obama that he couldn't stand the sight of him, but now Democrats are walking that claim back and admitting that the rumor began in the White House

AND guess who started the rumor?

Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors is allegedly the official who told Sen. Harry Reid about the phony quote and attributed it to Rep. Pete Sessions

White House admits it was behind rumor that GOP leader told Obama 'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting | Mail Online

Wow, you guys rewrite the story so fast your heads must be spun right off.

You mean the story the White House made up, and you immediately and unquestioningly believed like a sucker?

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 0 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.
That it was said has been denied by Carney. But......that someone lied has not been admitted. As far as I know.

Change the channel dupe hater

the channel is fine ... your source is like it always is fucked!!!!!

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 222 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.

deal with it

Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors lied to Reid, you fool. There are no witnesses to what Sessions supposedly said, only to Reid repeating Nabor's lie.
Change the channel dupe hater

the channel is fine ... your source is like it always is fucked!!!!!

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 222 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.

deal with it

Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors lied to Reid, you fool. There are no witnesses to what Sessions supposedly said, only to Reid repeating Nabor's lie.

and your source waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas oh yeah a far right wing nut case source ... try again you fool !!!!!!!
Jesus, when presented with a statement you say it didn't say what it said.

@:29 to @:40 ---

Reporter: do you rule out what Durbin said?

Carney: I looked into this and spoke with somebody that was in that meeting and it did not happen. ... again, from a participant in that meeting it did not happen.

Reporter: did anything like that happen?

Carney: not that I'm aware of.

Leftists take lying to a whole new level.

Carney's 'testimony' is hearsay. That does not 'debunk' the original story.
What Durbin said is hearsay too.

Looks like that little fact escaped you.

So why are people like you automatically assuming, and now stating, that Durbin LIED,

when you only have two conflicting variations of the story, neither of which outweighs the other from a credibility or evidentiary perspective?

Can you explain that to us?
Wow, you guys rewrite the story so fast your heads must be spun right off.

You mean the story the White House made up, and you immediately and unquestioningly believed like a sucker?

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 0 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.

Sucker!! :lmao:
That's not true. He qualified it with "not that I am aware of".

Watch the video. He said he talked with people who were there, and stated flatly it did not happen.

he stated he wasn't aware ... get the shit out of your ears...
Like I said, no fact can penetrate your programming.

Obama could tell you water is dry and things fall up and you'd believe him.

Hooked through the bag. No self-respect at all.
What's laughable is the idea that the administration would have any need or motive to start a rumour about a Republican 'dissing' the President.

To what end? To get the list of Republican disses of this President to an even 100? lol 1000?

I know you think the White House's shit is yummy.

But don't expect us to believe it.
well stupid people like yourself would believe your handlers at every chance you can ... its that damn ring in your nose that the drag your ass around on...

Sheer projection.
Carney's 'testimony' is hearsay. That does not 'debunk' the original story.
What Durbin said is hearsay too.

Looks like that little fact escaped you.

So why are people like you automatically assuming, and now stating, that Durbin LIED,

when you only have two conflicting variations of the story, neither of which outweighs the other from a credibility or evidentiary perspective?

Can you explain that to us?
Yes. One does indeed outweigh the other from a credibility or evidentiary perspective.

And it's not the one your comrades insist is correct.

So why are people like you automatically assuming that Durbin is telling the truth? Bonus points if you can take Carney's flat-out dismissal of the claim into account.
the channel is fine ... your source is like it always is fucked!!!!!

THU OCT 24, 2013 AT 08:36 AM PDT
HuffPo: Pete Sessions the GOP Rep who "cannot even stand to look" at Obama
Email 222 Comments / 222 New
Racist climate denier Rep Pete Sessions is the (most recent) scumbag who disrespected President Obama, per Huffington Post. Perhaps the White House is denying this in an attempt to take the high road. They probably should have said they had no comment though....

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) let his Democratic caucus know last week in a private meeting that a top House Republican told President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," according to two Democratic senators who were present, and confirmed by two Senate Democratic aides who said they independently learned of the exchange from two other senators.
The alleged incident took place in the throes of the government shutdown, when Obama was meeting with different factions of lawmakers to try to find a resolution to the debacle. The White House aide told Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who couldn't stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee, the two senators told HuffPost.
One of the two Democratic senators who spoke to HuffPost said that Reid told the caucus about the incident last Tuesday and named Sessions.

deal with it

Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors lied to Reid, you fool. There are no witnesses to what Sessions supposedly said, only to Reid repeating Nabor's lie.

and your source waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas oh yeah a far right wing nut case source ... try again you fool !!!!!!!

And your source in Jim Nabors and Harry Reid? Try again, indeed!

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