WH blocks McGahn testimony

Get used to seeing more and more of this bitches!

White House intends to block former counsel from congressional testimony

The Asshole in Chief needs to go. The Mafia at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is nothing more than a criminal enterprise....the courts need to slap this bas*ard down....
So Much Fun!

The Fake Investigation is Over.

Congress cannot even appoint another Special Counsel if they wanted to.

These Pukes are all going to be investigated and a lot of Obama Bin Sucking Deek's Administration is going to Jail for a LONG LONG TIME!

Time to play 'Drop The Soap' Left Tards!
What is donnie hiding, Comrade?
And you know this how?
You do realize Trump turned over over a million documents, correct?
McGahn gave 30 hours of testimony, dear. You jump all over the place rather than stay on topic. Lol
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.
Yes, he already gave 30 hours of interrogation.
Is that how long it took him to have his lawyers answer the 2 written questions he agreed to answer? Wouldn’t be surprised. The guy’s a fucking idiot,
I don't recall I don't recall I don't recall The guy with this great mind A fn farce
McGahn gave 30 hours of testimony, dear. You jump all over the place rather than stay on topic. Lol
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.
Yes, he already gave 30 hours of interrogation.
Is that how long it took him to have his lawyers answer the 2 written questions he agreed to answer? Wouldn’t be surprised. The guy’s a fucking idiot,
I don't recall I don't recall I don't recall The guy with this great mind A fn farce

I don't recall I don't recall I don't recall

mantra used by the Clintons.

How did they fare in court?
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.

Turned over Millions of Documents. Never once claimed Executive Privilege.

Take the Obama Bin Lying Bobble Head out of your ass, and wipe Putin's Lipstick off of your face.

it's over Lib Tard!
Forced to turn them over, and is claiming executive privilege left and right. I don’t know what lipstick you’re talking about, but you should doublecheck that you wiped Trump’s spraytan residue from around your mouth.
No Collusion Pig Fornicator.

The Caliphate: Where the men are Pigs who love Pigs and the Women are Pigs too!

Go to http://I_Date_Caliphate.com
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.

The WH Never blocked requests like the Mafia King

Independent voters can recognize a scam artist when they see one....
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.

shhhhhhhhhhh -

let these stupid sob's figure it out ........
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.

Turned over Millions of Documents. Never once claimed Executive Privilege.

Take the Obama Bin Lying Bobble Head out of your ass, and wipe Putin's Lipstick off of your face.

it's over Lib Tard!
Forced to turn them over, and is claiming executive privilege left and right. I don’t know what lipstick you’re talking about, but you should doublecheck that you wiped Trump’s spraytan residue from around your mouth.

The Idiot is claiming executive privilege for testimony that HAS BEEN MADE PUBLIC!

His approval rating will drop from the low 40s now...
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything

Not without a legitimate reason.

Congressional oversight...trump is pissing on the Constitution....


I am loving watching you desperate Lib Tard DemNazis go unhinged.

You need a wife.

Go to http:// I_Date_Hogs.com
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything

Not without a legitimate reason.

that reason is clear as day - to determine if trump is compromised.

The legal argument behind Mnuchin’s refusal to give Congress Trump’s tax returns

Neal has argued that his legitimate legislative reason is this: The IRS has a policy that every year it reviews the tax returns of the president and vice president to make sure they’re not doing anything fishy and to instill public confidence that they aren’t above the law.

But Congress has no idea how thorough the IRS is with this. Does it do a full audit? A cursory check looking only for red flags? A Democratic committee aide pointed out that the IRS has appeared to go easy on a president before. Richard Nixon once received a letter from the agency saying that his taxes were a-okay, only for Congress to find out that he owed $500,000 in interest and back taxes.

This is all IRS policy, not a law written by Congress. Trump is the first president in decades not to share his taxes with the public, so Democrats argue that this is a good time to consider giving Congress more oversight into how the IRS reviews a president’s taxes. To do that, it needs to request this president’s returns.
Democrats on this panel counter that they’re pretty sure they’re on firm legal ground. The 1924 law says the IRS “shall furnish” the tax information to Congress.

And Neal is known as someone who pins his requests on policy rather than politics. He has been expecting a legal fight, so he was very careful not to overstep his requests. He asked for only six years of Trump’s tax returns rather than, say, 10 or 20 years, because he thinks that number abides by the 1924 law. He asked for returns from only some of Trump’s businesses, such as his golf club in New Jersey. (Democrats say they requested enough to paint a picture of the “core of the president’s business empire.”)
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.

Turned over Millions of Documents. Never once claimed Executive Privilege.

Take the Obama Bin Lying Bobble Head out of your ass, and wipe Putin's Lipstick off of your face.

it's over Lib Tard!
Forced to turn them over, and is claiming executive privilege left and right. I don’t know what lipstick you’re talking about, but you should doublecheck that you wiped Trump’s spraytan residue from around your mouth.

The Idiot is claiming executive privilege for testimony that HAS BEEN MADE PUBLIC!

His approval rating will drop from the low 40s now...


And you know this how?
You do realize Trump turned over over a million documents, correct?
McGahn gave 30 hours of testimony, dear. You jump all over the place rather than stay on topic. Lol
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.
Yes, he already gave 30 hours of interrogation.
Is that how long it took him to have his lawyers answer the 2 written questions he agreed to answer? Wouldn’t be surprised. The guy’s a fucking idiot,
I don't recall I don't recall I don't recall The guy with this great mind A fn farce

And he ran like a little girl from grand jury testimony....
And you know this how?
You do realize Trump turned over over a million documents, correct?
McGahn gave 30 hours of testimony, dear. You jump all over the place rather than stay on topic. Lol
Most opaque administration in history. At least this highlights how badly Executive power has to be weakened. Trump will have to face Justice after leaving office. He has no problem wiping his ass with our laws, and with republicans holding the Senate the legislative branch will not be acting as a check or balance for anything.
Yes, he already gave 30 hours of interrogation.
Is that how long it took him to have his lawyers answer the 2 written questions he agreed to answer? Wouldn’t be surprised. The guy’s a fucking idiot,
I don't recall I don't recall I don't recall The guy with this great mind A fn farce

take your pick of sources.... donny is too much of a pussy to have an actual sit down with mueller & for someone who claimed to have a fantastic memory... it failed him bigley with bob.

trump don't recall answers mueller - Google Search
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.

shhhhhhhhhhh -

let these stupid sob's figure it out ........
You are still trying to figure out how to dislodge The Giant Russian Collusion Dildo From Your Ass.

You Slipped and Fell on it, right?

Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.
You had a CRIMINAL Administration covering it all up.

Now we are finding out just how Criminal these people are.

Half of The Obama Administration is going to go to jail, and I would not be shocked if Obama and Clinton end up in jail too.

They weaponized nearly every government agency and bureau against The American People and their Political Rivals.

People need to Hang for what was done.
Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything the pos is trying to hide and sad to say his republican schmucks are too stupid to say anything

His infamous words now apply to him...."WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE?"
/——/ Nothing most likely. You clowns are on a fishing expedition. So tough toenails.
Benghazi was 4 years of this shit, and what did they find?

The president cannot stop this when A.) McGahn may get subpoenaed eventually and B.) McGahn is a private citizen.

Sorry 45, but McGahn is a free man now. He no longer works for the WH.

shhhhhhhhhhh -

let these stupid sob's figure it out ........
You are still trying to figure out how to dislodge The Giant Russian Collusion Dildo From Your Ass.

You Slipped and Fell on it, right?


The special counsel wrote that in June 2017, after media reports indicated Mueller was investigating whether Trump had obstructed justice, Trump called McGahn at home and directed him to call the acting attorney general to say Mueller "had conflicts of interest and must be removed." McGahn declined to do so, deciding that he would "rather resign than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre."

for two years you've been slobbering about collusion, when in fact, OBSTRUCTION WAS IS ISSUE --

Trying to block the bank from showing his records The House has the right to see everything

Not without a legitimate reason.

Congressional oversight...trump is pissing on the Constitution....


I am loving watching you desperate Lib Tard DemNazis go unhinged.

You need a wife.

Go to http:// I_Date_Hogs.com
LOL after reading your posts I need a life

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