WH blocks McGahn testimony

White House intends to block former counsel from congressional testimony

The Asshole in Chief needs to go. The Mafia at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is nothing more than a criminal enterprise....the courts need to slap this bas*ard down....

Separation of powers Bro

Don't forget kids, Lib Tard DemNazis don't think people have rights, or that there is a separation of powers.

They think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Adam Shit, Maxine Waters, and Nadler run the country.

What needs held in check is the over reach of corrupt Senators and Representatives, because they can be in office for a lifetime and have more impact on our laws than a president who only gets 8 short years at best.
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?

Exactly right. Congress is not the Executive's boss. McGahn will not show, and Congress can't do squat. I do agree that the USSC needs to better define WTF "Congressional Oversight" means, and what it does not mean. Maybe the House needs to send Nancy with handcuffs to bring Barr in.

You know what it fucking means.
Years of Benghazi bullshit, email bullshit, uranium one bullshit, fast and furious bullshit showed you what oversight authority they have, dope.
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
Why did Obama lawyer up so he could avoid showing his original 1961 long form birth certificate with the state raised seal?
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
/——/ I’ll tell you want he’s afraid of- you lying, stinking, traitorous libtards lying about his financials. Just like your skumbag dingy Harry lying about Mitt not paying taxes. That’s what you moron.
But his state taxes and bank records are fair game,,The judge ruled
/——/ The judge was appointed by Obozo. I’m sure it will be appealed.
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
/——/ I’ll tell you want he’s afraid of- you lying, stinking, traitorous libtards lying about his financials. Just like your skumbag dingy Harry lying about Mitt not paying taxes. That’s what you moron.
Cell ,,you're killing me

It will take time...cause the Criminal in Chief is obstructing law....but the Courts will give the Democrats a win.

There is no reason for McGahn not to come. If Hillary had refused to answer Benghazi subpoenas...the GOP WOULD HAVE SCREAMED....
/——/ The judge was appointed by Obozo. I’m sure it will be appealed.
Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
/——/ I’ll tell you want he’s afraid of- you lying, stinking, traitorous libtards lying about his financials. Just like your skumbag dingy Harry lying about Mitt not paying taxes. That’s what you moron.
Cell ,,you're killing me

Totally will be appealed because the ruling violated privacy laws. No citizen, congressman, senator, governor, president, can just outright demand to see a company's or person's tax returns. Same goes with 'secret grand jury' testimony. That stuff is never supposed to be made public knowledge.
/——/ Well, how in blazes are the sore loser democRATs supposed to over thorn the 2016 election if they can’t violate Trump’s privacy?
A presidents life's work should be an open book Let the citizens know what they're getting Trump is afraid using teams of lawyers to avoid the shit in his life from coming out Wouldn't you want that from every leader of the free world? My question to you is why do you think he's trying to avoid subpoenas? Why forbid others from testifying ? Why threaten to sue if banks show his records, why if his tax returns are revealed? My answers are he's a filthy crook and will fight to the end not to let his dotard public know it
/——/ I’ll tell you want he’s afraid of- you lying, stinking, traitorous libtards lying about his financials. Just like your skumbag dingy Harry lying about Mitt not paying taxes. That’s what you moron.
Cell ,,you're killing me

/——/ You Commies spent two years on the fake Steele Dossier. Go pound sand.

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