WH Can’t Say When Joe Biden Believes Life Begins

Mainstream science agrees that life begins at conception. Here is a scientific definition of life:

Life Definition

noun, plural: lives
(1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce

Where does it mention science in that article.
Joe Biden is one of the backwards, anti-science nutjobs who believes human life doesn't begin until the fully-developed baby exits the mother's birth canal. Those are the lengths of ignorance the pro-aborts must go to try to justify their bloodlust.
He is not pro abortion you liar.
He believes the woman should have the choice. The godbotherers want to directions of God regarding abortions, to apply. Even though god never mentioned.
It's religion that wants it. Get that??
Is there still some value in this sort of baiting by the Christians? Or has it become mostly just blowing smoke.

Ask mainstream science when life begins! Science isn't subject to baiting.
Ask Richard Dawkins!
Most Leftists believe babies can be killed after birth. Like everything else they’re crawling out of the closet and exposing what they really believe.
They hate children. They hate women too. In fact, I think they just hate everything. More and more, their attitudes and behaviors are nudging me towards the belief that Satan exists and walks the world today, happy with what he has wrought.
The atheist’s case against abortion: respect for human rights

I am an atheist, a 29-year-old woman, well-educated at secular institutions, and I lean liberal on many issues, including same-sex marriage and climate change.

I am also a dedicated pro-life activist, working to make abortion unthinkable.

The abortion industry would have you believe that people like me do not exist. They would have you believe that the pro-life movement is almost exclusively old white men, with a few pearl-clutching church ladies thrown in. This characterization is insulting to both young and old. The older pro-life leaders of today are the pioneering young adult activists of the 1970s, who courageously dissented from Roe v. Wade. And they have recruited new generations of pro-lifers to follow in their footsteps; millennials in the movement call ourselves the “pro-life generation.”

There are important differences between the millennial generation and those that came before. One of the biggest is religion. The well-reported decline in church attendance is driven largely by young adults. Over a third of millennials tell pollsters they have no religious affiliation, compared with 23 percent for Generation X and 17 percent for baby boomers. And even among millennials who have maintained a religious affiliation, many favor same-sex marriage and show less appetite for the “culture war” than their elders do.

Yet this more secular generation still shows up to save preborn children and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion. This puzzles some abortion supporters, who had assumed they would benefit from demographic changes. The key to understanding this discrepancy is to realize that it is not a discrepancy at all: We see abortion not as a culture war issue or as a religious issue but as a human rights issue.

It is not enough to understand “Humanae Vitae” (indeed, lecturing an atheist on the finer points of Catholic dogma is surely counterproductive). To work with pro-life young people and to change the minds of pro-choice millennials you must be able to articulate the human rights case against abortion. The pro-life pioneer Dr. Mildred Jefferson said it best: “I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.” That’s a sentiment that anyone, from any religious or nonreligious background, can get behind.

Most secular pro-choice people are well-meaning and affirm a commitment to human rights. Most are horrified by ableism—but close their eyes to the often lethal consequences of prenatal genetic testing. Abortion advocates would never murder a defenseless sleeping or comatose person—yet they argue that because children in the womb lack consciousness, killing them is permissible.

Pointing out these contradictions is a delicate business. Many young pro-choicers have been exposed to years of ad hominem propaganda. They have been taught that pro-lifers are hypocrites who do not care about children after they are born. They have been taught that we hate women. They may be close to someone who has had an abortion—or even had an abortion themselves—and believe that becoming pro-life will require them to issue fire-and-brimstone condemnations of post-abortive women.

The best antidote to these fears is not argument but action. Examine your own life and ensure that your priorities reflect concern for human life at all its stages. Befriend pro-choice people and let them see what being pro-life really means on the ground. Do not expect they have learned this from the mainstream media.

When the time for discussing the issue comes, be gentle and ask questions. The Socratic method, allowing people to discover internal contradictions for themselves, usually works best. For more on this technique, I highly recommend the Equal Rights Institute website.

When we survey the lives destroyed by abortion over the past five decades, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. But we are making real progress. This is an incredibly exciting time to be pro-life. If we work together—secular and religious, young and old, from every race and gender—I firmly believe we can end abortion in my lifetime.
Progs use words to diffuse their agendas into ablur. Science is one of the agendas used to fool the people. But science also says that Biden is at the spore level in cognitive thinking now. Science can and is manipulated with technology used to fool people. The amount of people selling out is enormous for their agendas.
Did you mean to say?
The amount of people is enormous who are selling out for their (??) agendas.
'their' being who?
When the time for discussing the issue comes, be gentle and ask questions. The Socratic method, allowing people to discover internal contradictions for themselves, usually works best. For more on this technique, I highly recommend the Equal Rights Institute website.

When we survey the lives destroyed by abortion over the past five decades, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. But we are making real progress. This is an incredibly exciting time to be pro-life. If we work together—secular and religious, young and old, from every race and gender—I firmly believe we can end abortion in my lifetime.
You're obviously very sincere in what you say and so I'm going to offer a sincere comment and question back.

Abortion won't be eliminated in your lifetime and there are indications that the numbers will grow. The reason being that the issue is not being addressed from a socially responsible POV of reducing a woman's perceived need for an abortion.

Have you approached the issue from that POV?
You're obviously very sincere in what you say and so I'm going to offer a sincere comment and question back.

Abortion won't be eliminated in your lifetime and there are indications that the numbers will grow. The reason being that the issue is not being addressed from a socially responsible POV of reducing a woman's perceived need for an abortion.

Have you approached the issue from that POV?

A few thoughts:

Thought 1: Until hearts and minds are changed, abortion will continue. Lets take slavery: Hearts and minds had to change on race and slavery for us to get from where we were then to where we are today. As long as the Left teaches that abortion is okay, that will be difficult. Hearts and Minds

Thought 2: All decent people know that rape and murder is terrible. Even kids understand that. There are laws against it too. And yet, jails are full of rapists and murderers. So from that perspective, yes, abortion will always be around because the flagrant disregard for life will always be around.

Thought 3: Science: Young kids are more pro life today because they like science and science more and more shows how the baby in the womb is a living human being. DNA science also disproves the worn out slogan My Body My Choice because the NA proves that the baby is not part of the moans body, but rather a distinct individual.
Did you mean to say?
The amount of people is enormous who are selling out for their (??) agendas.
'their' being who?
Science is an agenda. Progs say it all the time. Global climate change is an agenda. The science can be manipulated and the weather in extremes used to brainwash people to pay another ten per cent of their salary to the elites. NASA will launch a few preprogrammed earth satellites to show us the bullshit they have concocted. The Weather Channel shills, and other services are in compliance with them. All nice and neat. A half century ago they started this. It is selling it to the dumb asses. We are paying at least a few hundred dollars apiece already for this from what I read a few years ago. When it goes to a few thousand dollars it will be more painful.

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