WH Can’t Say When Joe Biden Believes Life Begins

Is there still some value in this sort of baiting by the Christians? Or has it become mostly just blowing smoke.

Ask mainstream science when life begins! Science isn't subject to baiting.
Ask Richard Dawkins!

Mainstream science agrees that life begins at conception. Here is a scientific definition of life:

Life Definition

noun, plural: lives
(1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce

I've provided the only answer necessary. And now I'll leave you to your spamming and desperation to bait for a disagreement.
You slandered me by insisting Joes refusal to answer the ultimate question among Americans is just baiting.

Slander, Lies, deception.
Your holy trinity.
You would find that is roughly consistent with mainstream science.

But that's the point at which science begins to differ with religious superstitious beliefs. You'll have to get the full story from somebody like Richard Dawkins.

Richard Dawkins is a pompous atheist ass who's only reward for being right is Oblivion.
Mainstream science agrees that life begins at conception. Here is a scientific definition of life:

Life Definition

noun, plural: lives
(1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce

Yep. Go have a Bald Eagle omelette and watch them scream how you’ve killed an eagle.
Richard Dawkins is a pompous atheist ass who's only reward for being right is Oblivion.
Oblivion? Is that the same as burning in hell for eternityyyyyyyy?
See dumb Marvin's answer. For once he adds something to the discussion instead of acting like a dumb rock.
The answer is simple for an atheist with morality.

I’m not sure so I will error on the side of life and assume at the earliest point.
You aren't erring or erroring either. Science has the same answer but in a more nuanced way that you should make yourself aware of.
Oblivion? Is that the same as burning in hell for eternityyyyyyyy?
See dumb Marvin's answer. For once he adds something to the discussion instead of acting like a dumb rock.

If you don't believe in an afterlife or something bigger than yourself, what happens after?

I would think Oblivion would be worse than Hell.
You aren't erring or erroring either. Science has the same answer but in a more nuanced way that you should make yourself aware of.
Uh huh - you are cherry picking.
Funny how the definition of life, when talking about non human, begins at fertilization. But when talking about human...oh...uh.. later :rolleyes:
It is called "situational thinking" - changing the answer depending on the situation you support.
Science is science. And in science, life begins at fertilization. Which is later than conception, but well the fuck earlier than a months old human embryo
Uh huh - you are cherry picking.
Funny how the definition of life, when talking about non human, begins at fertilization. But when talking about human...oh...uh.. later :rolleyes:
It is called "situational thinking" - changing the answer depending on the situation you support.
Science is science. And in science, life begins at fertilization. Which is later than conception, but well the fuck earlier than a months old human embryo
You haven't found an argument yet, but keep trying.
Science is o.k. with either, fertilization or conception. Try male ejaculation and see if anybody will bait into that for you.
You haven't found an argument yet, but keep trying.
Science is o.k. with either, fertilization or conception. Try male ejaculation and see if anybody will bait into that for you.
That fails as even a strawman argument.
Science has never been ok with conception. When they were heavily influenced by religion years ago - you bet. But now they are heavily influence by pro choice so some in the community will say later.
But the scientific fact is life begins at fertilization.
That fails as even a strawman argument.
Science has never been ok with conception. When they were heavily influenced by religion years ago - you bet. But now they are heavily influence by pro choice so some in the community will say later.
But the scientific fact is life begins at fertilization.
Go play.
Nobody can be expected to put up with the spamming nonsense forever!
The answer is simple for an atheist with morality.

I’m not sure so I will error on the side of life and assume at the earliest point.

Joe Biden is one of the backwards, anti-science nutjobs who believes human life doesn't begin until the fully-developed baby exits the mother's birth canal. Those are the lengths of ignorance the pro-aborts must go to try to justify their bloodlust.
Joe Biden is one of the backwards, anti-science nutjobs who believes human life doesn't begin until the fully-developed baby exits the mother's birth canal. Those are the lengths of ignorance the pro-aborts must go to try to justify their bloodlust.
Joe Biden is a lifelong politician that, like all other political lifers, base their opinions on the current opinions of the voters.
It is VERY difficult to understand who Joe Biden is right now. No one, and I mean NO ONE including Democrats possibly predicted the current Joe Biden. Who has gravitated to the far left. Even our own rightwinger has said Biden is a centrist. He doesn't say that now. Or if he did... he is just parroting.
You would find that is roughly consistent with mainstream science.

But that's the point at which science begins to differ with religious superstitious beliefs. You'll have to get the full story from somebody like Richard Dawkins.
Progs use words to diffuse their agendas into ablur. Science is one of the agendas used to fool the people. But science also says that Biden is at the spore level in cognitive thinking now. Science can and is manipulated with technology used to fool people. The amount of people selling out is enormous for their agendas.
The answer is simple for an atheist with morality.

I’m not sure so I will error on the side of life and assume at the earliest point.

Hold on. Don't you godbotherers all suggest atheists weren't gifted morality by God? Now you linking them with it. You can't have it both ways.

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