WH: Protests not directed at US - WYF!?

That is utterly insane, someone please delete this bitchs account. :cuckoo:

lmao!!! I know, right?? SHE'S A FUCKING LOON!! Seriously.

Right now I would open my wallet and pay someone to delete her account off this board.

Isn't it wonderful every time we get to see this custom title??

UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE!!! She's appeasing again by prasing some half assed officials in Libya.

She's making political comments instead of just offering condolences and shutting the fuck up with the "politics".

It sounds like she's giving a campaign speech. Can you say 2016. What a POS opportunist!

I know..I'm listening even though I knew better.. That shrew voice of hers is like nails on a chalkboard.. I can't take it!
You people will not get the religious war you so desire.

Americans are not going to fall for it.

go the the hell of your choice
If it were my relative even though I knew I'd get arrested, I spit in his face if he came near me to offer condolences. He doesn't care one iota. He cared so much he ran off to Vegas to campaign. There is nothing about him that warrants respect. Thunder thighs is waddling her fat ass up to the podium now.

Truth Matters is taking the podium?

She speaking now with false sorrow. I'll bet she still maintains it was over a movie protest.

She's a more insincere speaker than Obie himself. Her demeanor is more due to embarassment than compassion.

And you were RIGHT. That's exactly what she did.
Ah, that's where TM wandered off too. I see she's been keeping you guys entertained over heere. Well, carry on.

TM, if you get bored repeating the same thing over and over adn over again here, come on back to the "stimulus works" thread you made and have a sweet meltdown.

Yea, go take your crazy ass back over there..
You wouldn't beleive the intro she just gave to Obama...another fawning campaign speech. You have to see this to believe it.

It's like a photo op.

These scumbags know no lows.

Him and her are the 2 most responsible for letting this happen.

Guns with no live rounds, Embasssies unprotected on 9/11.
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the war dead will not be forgotten by the American people no matter how much it serves your evil purposes
Ah, that's where TM wandered off too. I see she's been keeping you guys entertained over heere. Well, carry on.

TM, if you get bored repeating the same thing over and over adn over again here, come on back to the "stimulus works" thread you made and have a sweet meltdown.

I don't understand why people get upset by her behavior. It's just good old fashioned rambling.

Come on, TM, spit some of the nasty voodoo at us!


Bob Schiffier is falling over himself with praise for them. CBS is downplaying that it was premeditated.

We all take rocket propelled weapons to a protest over a movie, now don't we?
I so enjoy watching TM have a complete melt down, that's why I don't have her on ignore.

She speaks for the radical left, only problem is she never shuts up..............that's why she's going to H*ll and her party is dying.



Wow.. Liberals are really losing it.. This is absolutely ridiculous!
From LadyGunSlinger's link:

CARNEY: We also need to understand that this is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, and not to, obviously, the administration, or the American people, but it is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.

A little message for the Press Secy:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMXGSP_nPyY]The Castaways - Liar, Liar (lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

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