WH: Protests not directed at US - WYF!?

These muslims who now lay in hallowed ground will never disapear so you can retain your historcally failed ideas
If you are near a t.v turn it on. Obie, Biden and Shrillary receiving the bodies. Tragic yet they should be ashamed of themselves. They let it happen.
Why do you spew hate on me and warmly dream of people harming me because I reminded you these heros lie in a place of honor which you will NEVER share?

Who even talks like this??

May a thousand Pig ballz line your casket..
May the sweat of your hairy chin form crusted Matzah(Matzo) BALLS..
May your Ramadan turn in to Rosh Hashana!
Their graves will be forever maintained by this country and honored long after you are dead.

They were better Americans than you will ever be
If it were my relative even though I knew I'd get arrested, I spit in his face if he came near me to offer condolences. He doesn't care one iota. He cared so much he ran off to Vegas to campaign. There is nothing about him that warrants respect. Thunder thighs is waddling her fat ass up to the podium now.
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shame on your phoney partiots who REFUSE to even acknowledge they exsisted and sacraficed everything for your freedom
If it were my relative even though I knew I'd get arrested, I spit in his face if he came near me to offer condolences. He doesn't care one iota. He cared so much he ran off to Vegas to campaign.

Just a photo opportunity for the Campaigner N Chief.
pages now not one of you cons would admitt muslim Americans died in 911 and in fighting for this country.

You looked right passed their names because they were the wrong religion.
If it were my relative even though I knew I'd get arrested, I spit in his face if he came near me to offer condolences. He doesn't care one iota. He cared so much he ran off to Vegas to campaign. There is nothing about him that warrants respect. Thunder thighs is waddling her fat ass up to the podium now.

Truth Matters is taking the podium?
This message is hidden because Truthmatters is an imbecile.

If it were my relative even though I knew I'd get arrested, I spit in his face if he came near me to offer condolences. He doesn't care one iota. He cared so much he ran off to Vegas to campaign. There is nothing about him that warrants respect. Thunder thighs is waddling her fat ass up to the podium now.

Truth Matters is taking the podium?

Do you claim every Muslim needs to die?

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