WH: Protests not directed at US - WYF!?

My last boyfriend was Jewish.. He has family in Jaffa.. He told me about a cafe blown up that had a dead child's bodies strewn all over.. I sat there literally stunned in to silence picturing that scene and was horrified.. God Bless Israel and God bless America!

I did date an Israeli woman for 4 months when I was in California, she had served in the Military over there as well. Amazing woman and very strong. Israelis have no choice but to be tough.

Which begs the question, can they take out Iran's nuclear facilities without us?

Its hard to say, I can't call it. Iran is such a huge country and they have plenty of space to hide their nukes.
I did date an Israeli woman for 4 months when I was in California, she had served in the Military over there as well. Amazing woman and very strong. Israelis have no choice but to be tough.

Which begs the question, can they take out Iran's nuclear facilities without us?

Its hard to say, I can't call it. Iran is such a huge country and they have plenty of space to hide their nukes.

and their delivery system?
My last boyfriend was Jewish.. He has family in Jaffa.. He told me about a cafe blown up that had a dead child's bodies strewn all over.. I sat there literally stunned in to silence picturing that scene and was horrified.. God Bless Israel and God bless America!

I did date an Israeli woman for 4 months when I was in California, she had served in the Military over there as well. Amazing woman and very strong. Israelis have no choice but to be tough.

Which begs the question, can they take out Iran's nuclear facilities without us?

Probably, but not as easily because we have planes the can carry the bigger bunker busting bombs. Of course that still means conventional weapons, even if very big and destructive ones. Our lack of interest might force Israel into using a nuclear strike as a first strike. Not just one, but multiple nuclear strikes. The bunkers hiding Iran's nuclear weaponry is said to be numerous and linked by a vast underground highway network of tunnels.

Newt Gingrich nailed it when he said that our abandonment of Israel pushes the world much closer to nuclear war.
Yup. From what I've read the Isreali's are masters at security. They have to be as they are surrounded by enemies. One mistake can be costly in human lives.

No flies on those boys and girls and they sure don't try to appease folks who are trying to kill em.


My last boyfriend was Jewish.. He has family in Jaffa.. He told me about a cafe blown up that had a dead child's bodies strewn all over.. I sat there literally stunned in to silence picturing that scene and was horrified.. God Bless Israel and God bless America!

I did date an Israeli woman for 4 months when I was in California, she had served in the Military over there as well. Amazing woman and very strong. Israelis have no choice but to be tough.

Unlike US women that are fat and lazy.
You can not get away scott free with trashing victims and heros because you hate a religion.

fuck you evil people
over 200 Americans heros who happened to be muslims will NOT be forgotten so you can retain your hate filled world views

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