WH: Protests not directed at US - WYF!?

You fucking idiots keep pretending every Muslim in the world wants to kill you.

Fuck you you crazy war mongering idiots.

Go to the hell of your choice

No I don't you fucking idiot! That's what you are claiming about me that you can't possibly know to try and justify you're own shrill, meaningless and incorrect behavior.

I wouldn't say every Muslim is a radical but I would venture that every Muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes Muslim Americans. Where are all the Imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?
Why must evryone bend to your demands on how to live?

Protesters clashed with police near the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Two Islamist preachers in Egypt told worshippers that those who made the movie deserved to die under sharia (Islamic law) but they urged protesters not to take their anger out on diplomats or others.

I wouldn't say every Muslim is a radical but I would venture that every Muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes Muslim Americans. Where are all the Imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?

Unfortunately, I think that's precisely whats going to happen.. Some crazed Islamic terrorist blowing a mall to hell and back with our kids in it.... I pray it doesn't. Israel has to live that way daily... I can't even imagine the hell they live in.

The Israelis deal with it by top notch security, every Israeli is required to do Military service so even the average man and woman on the streets can defend themselves, and the biggest thing is the Israelis don't make excuses for the people trying to kill them like we are doing.

Yup. From what I've read the Isreali's are masters at security. They have to be as they are surrounded by enemies. One mistake can be costly in human lives.

No flies on those boys and girls and they sure don't try to appease folks who are trying to kill em.

No I don't you fucking idiot! That's what you are claiming about me that you can't possibly know to try and justify you're own shrill, meaningless and incorrect behavior.

I wouldn't say every Muslim is a radical but I would venture that every Muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes Muslim Americans. Where are all the Imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?
Why must evryone bend to your demands on how to live?

Protesters clashed with police near the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Two Islamist preachers in Egypt told worshippers that those who made the movie deserved to die under sharia (Islamic law) but they urged protesters not to take their anger out on diplomats or others.


But yet Eygpt just elected the Muslim Brotherhood. LOL!
No I don't you fucking idiot! That's what you are claiming about me that you can't possibly know to try and justify you're own shrill, meaningless and incorrect behavior.

I wouldn't say every Muslim is a radical but I would venture that every Muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes Muslim Americans. Where are all the Imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?

Unfortunately, I think that's precisely whats going to happen.. Some crazed Islamic terrorist blowing a mall to hell and back with our kids in it.... I pray it doesn't. Israel has to live that way daily... I can't even imagine the hell they live in.

Simply put. Muslim Americans stick together unlike Americans. They are only strong when in numbers. Here they wouldn't risk it in my opinion.

But don't be fooled by the propagandists who like to say all Muslims aren't like that. No not all... but the majority are. Don't be fooled by what they say. Watch what they do.

I remember on 9/11 in Jersey City. Here were Muslims on rooftops dancing. They live here, eat here, work here, pray here, get educated here.

So tell me what were dancing about when 3000 people were being killed?
i wouldn't say every muslim is a radical but i would venture that every muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes muslim americans. Where are all the imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?
why must evryone bend to your demands on how to live?

protesters clashed with police near the u.s. Embassy in cairo. Two islamist preachers in egypt told worshippers that those who made the movie deserved to die under sharia (islamic law) but they urged protesters not to take their anger out on diplomats or others.


but yet eygpt just elected the muslim brotherhood. Lol!

:-( I know.. it's haunted me.. Yes, he was raped.. they didn't say anything other than he had been sodomized before dying.

Well thats disgusting but this shouldn't surprise us, Gaddafi was raped before he was killed as well by a Libyan mob.

Wow..I didn't know that?

You didn't! OH my. Unless it was taken down, there's a video of Gaddafi being raped and raped by a stick too. Google must be on the hunt for the video of the ambassador's rape right now to take it down.
I wouldn't say every Muslim is a radical but I would venture that every Muslim is sympathetic to their cause. They may not spill out into the streets but they certainly don't see anything any other way. And yes that includes Muslim Americans. Where are all the Imams condemning this behavior?

One report said we will see it here. I actaully don't beleive that. One reason just might be they aren't on their home turf. How do you think those protests would go over let's say in the deep south?
Why must evryone bend to your demands on how to live?

Protesters clashed with police near the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Two Islamist preachers in Egypt told worshippers that those who made the movie deserved to die under sharia (Islamic law) but they urged protesters not to take their anger out on diplomats or others.


But yet Eygpt just elected the Muslim Brotherhood. LOL!

The same Muslim brotherhood that is firing bullets and tear gas at protestors?
so you are just going to pretend those dead American heros dont exsist because it dosent fit your idiotic narrative?

Poof no muslims died defending this country.

how handy for you
Unfortunately, I think that's precisely whats going to happen.. Some crazed Islamic terrorist blowing a mall to hell and back with our kids in it.... I pray it doesn't. Israel has to live that way daily... I can't even imagine the hell they live in.

The Israelis deal with it by top notch security, every Israeli is required to do Military service so even the average man and woman on the streets can defend themselves, and the biggest thing is the Israelis don't make excuses for the people trying to kill them like we are doing.

Yup. From what I've read the Isreali's are masters at security. They have to be as they are surrounded by enemies. One mistake can be costly in human lives.

No flies on those boys and girls and they sure don't try to appease folks who are trying to kill em.


My last boyfriend was Jewish.. He has family in Jaffa.. He told me about a cafe blown up that had a dead child's bodies strewn all over.. I sat there literally stunned in to silence picturing that scene and was horrified.. God Bless Israel and God bless America!
Well thats disgusting but this shouldn't surprise us, Gaddafi was raped before he was killed as well by a Libyan mob.

Wow..I didn't know that?

You didn't! OH my. Unless it was taken down, there's a video of Gaddafi being raped and raped by a stick too. Google must be on the hunt for the video of the ambassador's rape right now to take it down.

No..!! There is actual video of it?! SICK..
over 200 muslim Americans have died in these recent wars.

They are expendable and their families need to be insulted by you so you can pretend your right in wanting to heap evil on top of evil?

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