WH responds to Cheney

Must we sit and count the time's Bush did thing's that bear repeating over and over?
You're the one who said he wasn't saying it enough... I said you're full of shit, since he says it almost daily...

Are you physically capable of talking about Barry without discussing Bush? I'm just trying to gauge whether you're interested in actual debate or just talking-point regurgitation... So far it seems the latter....

He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.
You're the one who said he wasn't saying it enough... I said you're full of shit, since he says it almost daily...

Are you physically capable of talking about Barry without discussing Bush? I'm just trying to gauge whether you're interested in actual debate or just talking-point regurgitation... So far it seems the latter....

He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

the young lefty is going to call you a blasphemer. he can't believe you dare say anything against the Ossiah.
You're the one who said he wasn't saying it enough... I said you're full of shit, since he says it almost daily...

Are you physically capable of talking about Barry without discussing Bush? I'm just trying to gauge whether you're interested in actual debate or just talking-point regurgitation... So far it seems the latter....

He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans
He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

didn't Obama say the War on Terror was over?
He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

the young lefty is going to call you a blasphemer. he can't believe you dare say anything against the Ossiah.

The youngling who drinks the Barry Juice seems to think that worn out talking point bullshit is something new to us here... So far, he seems incapable of discussing barry without mentioning Booooooosh....
Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

the young lefty is going to call you a blasphemer. he can't believe you dare say anything against the Ossiah.

The youngling who drinks the Barry Juice seems to think that worn out talking point bullshit is something new to us here... So far, he seems incapable of discussing barry without mentioning Booooooosh....

Ok. Let's get this out of the way. Bush was a complete fuckup and Obama is a bigger one. Let's see if that sinks in with him.
the young lefty is going to call you a blasphemer. he can't believe you dare say anything against the Ossiah.

The youngling who drinks the Barry Juice seems to think that worn out talking point bullshit is something new to us here... So far, he seems incapable of discussing barry without mentioning Booooooosh....

Ok. Let's get this out of the way. Bush was a complete fuckup and Obama is a bigger one. Let's see if that sinks in with him.

I doubt it... He's still doing one-arm presses while holding 0boma's picture in the other....:lol:
The youngling who drinks the Barry Juice seems to think that worn out talking point bullshit is something new to us here... So far, he seems incapable of discussing barry without mentioning Booooooosh....

Ok. Let's get this out of the way. Bush was a complete fuckup and Obama is a bigger one. Let's see if that sinks in with him.

I doubt it... He's still doing one-arm presses while holding 0boma's picture in the other....:lol:

:eek: Stalker!!
Nope--we have gone back to pre-9/11 mentality. We are trying the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks that declared "war on the United States" that very day in New York City. He is now under the protection of civilian courts--that are offered to U.S. citizens. He will be lawyered up--& the exact same laws that protect American citizens have now been given to him.

The Christmas day attempt--is another example of this pre-9/11 mentality. He was given his miranda rights--you know (you have the right to remain SILENT--if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you) & he will be tried in a civilian court. We can't even get his head wet to see if he knows of any other planned attacks.

What I find very odd with liberals is they continually complain about the lack of credible intelligence--yet tie the hands of intelligence officers--by not letting them interogate terrorists--aka known in Obama's new terms as humans running around trying to inflict a man-made disasters--LOL.

Terrorists do not respect the nice guy or appeasement. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance.

Right on target.

The problem is that Obama's naivete and recklessness is making the US unsafe and even more vulnerable to successful terrorist attacks.

Well, I think most of the people that voted for Obama became hysterically irrational--cheering on--Eric Holder when he declared that water boarding was torture. Obama then went on his world-wide apology tour--& declared to terrorists around the world that basically they would not be water-boarded--if caught.

So what happened next? We had a radical muslim major in the U.S. army that murdered unarmed soldiers & wounded doesn's more--(in this country). They knew he was on radical web-sites before the murders & did nothing. Then we had some guy that lived in Denver--who was in a conspiracy for bomb making--with another in New York--that was caught early--thankfully--& now we have the Christmas day incident--where all security broke down--& lets face it--if this bomb would have worked correctly--it would have killed hundreds of innocents on that plane.

So since Obama & Eric Holder have been in office--we have had one sucessful terrorist attack & two other attempts. Needless to add that this President took 72 hours before he addressed the Christmas day attempt--& referred to it as an "isolated" incident. I don't think this spells for a good record for this administration--in his primary duty of protecting American citizens against--humans running around tyring to inflict man made disasters--:lol::lol:

Remind us how many died on 9/11, Oreo, and under who's watch.
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From the OP link

"He seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won't be at war," Cheney said in the statement. "He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of 9/11 to New York, give him a lawyer and trial in civilian court, we won't be at war. He seems to think if he closes Guantanamo and releases the hard-core al Qaeda-trained terrorists still there, we won't be at war."
Cheney is spot on. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yes he is.

The guy is kicking ass.

Cheney and his possee did this for 7 years and kept this country safe.

Obama and his posseee want to criminalize these guys. They are TERRORISTS not the average criiminal. Obama needs to get his head out of his ass and think about what will kee this country safe. He can play his political games on something else. Not the safety of this country and we the citizens.
He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

Good Lords....would you seriously expect him to?
Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

Obama isn't exactly caught flat-footed here. Richard Reid was taken into custody in December, 2001. We hadn't established a procedure for dealing with enemy combatants yet or holding them at Gitmo. We hadn't worked out the legal details of the military tribunal.

It took two years to get this guy sentenced, and even after a civilian trial, he was defiant in his claims that he was a "soldier", that he was "at war" with us, that his 'allegiance was to Osama Bin Laden and the religion of Allah'. That, and a whole lot of other crap which proves that even two years down the pike, the guy still fervently believed every scrap of bogus propaganda he'd ever heard.
CNN.com - Reid: 'I am at war with your country' - Jan. 31, 2003
CNN.com - Exchange between Reid, judge follows life sentence - Dec. 6, 2003

Today, he spends his time in prison suing us for his "Constitutional Rights", still defiant. And even after Obama allowed his restrictions to be eased, in his gratitude, Reid refers to Obama as a "hypocrite" who is "no better than Bush".
Burlingame: Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Sues to Resume Jihad from Prison - WSJ.com

Bear in mind that this asshole intended to murder all those innocent bystanders on that plane, just like the Underwear Bomber intended murder to innocents.

Here's the deal with the Underwear Bomber though. This guy has indicated to the FBI that there are more plots in the pipeline. And he was singing like a bird, apparently... right up until we mirandized him and told him he didn't have to. :rolleyes:
Now, in order to get information from him, information which may be necessary to preventing further attacks and the deaths of our citizens, we're going to have to plea bargain with him.

How stupid is that?! :eek:
It's not like we haven't already been down this road under Bush and seen that nothing is gained by it. Instead of learning from Bush's experience, Obama REPEATS the same mistake, treating an "act of war" as a criminal matter.

And since no one in the Obama administration can give us a coherent reason WHY a military tribunal would be inappropriate or illegal, we can only assume that Obama isn't taking this war seriously. All we've heard so far is natterings from Obama's underlings about how they want to avoid inciting jihadists. But we have SEEN already that the appeasement of offering civilian proceedings doesn't work. Because we still have terrorists boarding our airplanes!

So... we're not getting the intelligence that we need because we're not questioning this guy. And... we're not getting a deterrent, because even though we have tried offering the best of American jurisprudence, they keep coming.

THIS is why people are pissed off at Obama regarding the Underwear Bomber. Because he's NOT learning. He's obeying the whims of the political left and ignoring the evidence before him on what works and what doesn't based on what we've already SEEN. And endangering us in the process.

The Crotch Bomber was going to kill every person on that plane and as many on the ground as he could reach with an explosion on descent. He is NOT an American citizen with the Constitutional Rights we associate with citizenship. He entered our country illegally because HE LIED to get that visa. This is no different essentially than if he had flown over in his own plane and attacked us from the air as an enemy assault force of one. And if he had, would we arrest him as a common criminal? ...Not likely.

This president needs to pull his head out of his ass and make a fucking decision already. Either we're "at war" and we take it seriously, or we're not. And if we're not, he needs to explain why we've got combat troops on the ground.

Charles Krauthammer had an interesting commentary on the subject this past week:
This is all quite mad even in Obama’s terms. He sends 30,000 troops to fight terror overseas, yet if any terrorists come to attack us here, they are magically transformed from enemy into defendant.

The logic is perverse. If we find Abdulmutallab in an al-Qaeda training camp in Yemen, where he is merely preparing for a terror attack, we snuff him out with a Predator — no judge, no jury, no qualms. But if we catch him in the United States in the very act of mass murder, he instantly acquires protection not just from execution by drone but even from interrogation.

War? What War? by Charles Krauthammer on National Review Online

Krauthammer's right. The fact that this guy managed to cozen the State Department out of a visa and get himself on that plane, doesn't mean that he's somehow less of a foreign enemy combatant than those we deal with militarily on the field.

This approach from the Obama White House is INSANITY. :eek:

You're a young person, by your own posts... a newbie to the board. My advice... don't let partisanship blind your judgment. It suits politicians to have our unquestioning allegiance to their parties and their platforms. It's a game of "the Red Team vs. the Blue Team" that politicians encourage because it keeps us off their necks and supporting them with our votes and our cash. But don't be fooled. When something doesn't make sense to you... you have an unalienable right to SAY SO.

And so does Dick Cheney.
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He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

Have you gone back to when you were 7 years old and studied the accounts of Richard Reid? His lame attempt was only 3 months after the attacks on 9-11-01, we (and President Bush) were just starting the war on terror. The procedures used up until Christmas of 2009 were not yet in place. Yes this does make a difference. Obama has whined about the previous administration for nearly a year. And while we're on the subjecthis first executive order is a failure. Gitmo is still open, and I pray it will stay open.
Like I said....your indoctrinated well. All we hear is Booosh, and the last adminstration. You can't deny that...like I said at some point obama needs to stop blaming and take responsiblity, until that time Cheney has every right to point to obama's shortcomings...he has a lot of them. Right now the number one is obama's pre 9-11-2001 mentality. What a fucking fool he is.

Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

Have you gone back to when you were 7 years old and studied the accounts of Richard Reid? His lame attempt was only 3 months after the attacks on 9-11-01, we (and President Bush) were just starting the war on terror. The procedures used up until Christmas of 2009 were not yet in place. Yes this does make a difference. Obama has whined about the previous administration for nearly a year. And while we're on the subjecthis first executive order is a failure. Gitmo is still open, and I pray it will stay open.

Bush didn't even talk to the media til' 6 day's later! Then Obama get's blasted for waiting 3 hours.

Your Praying??? I'm sure God is gonna hear that prayer..He love's torture! :cuckoo:
Here is an example of Cheney Fairness:

"We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t."-- On Obama's Handling of the Underwear Bomber

-Crickets--On Bush's handling of Richard Reid (Shoe Bomber).

Cheney is quick to point out Obama's "Shortcomings" but doesnt hold the same standard for Rethuglicans

Have you gone back to when you were 7 years old and studied the accounts of Richard Reid? His lame attempt was only 3 months after the attacks on 9-11-01, we (and President Bush) were just starting the war on terror. The procedures used up until Christmas of 2009 were not yet in place. Yes this does make a difference. Obama has whined about the previous administration for nearly a year. And while we're on the subjecthis first executive order is a failure. Gitmo is still open, and I pray it will stay open.

Bush didn't even talk to the media til' 6 day's later! Then Obama get's blasted for waiting 3 hours.

Your Praying??? I'm sure God is gonna hear that prayer..He love's torture! :cuckoo:

Child, why aren't you in school? You may actually learn something there.
How is Obama "waiting for the next attack" to take action?

Because he is treating it like a law enforcement issue instead of a war.

Law enforcement focuses on prosecuting criminals after the fact.

The war focuses (or focused) on stopping an attack before it occurs.

What is entailed in stopping an attack before it occurs? Terrorism is a long enforcement issue. If the FBI and police depts had been allowed to share information, 9/11 would have been foiled.

I am afraid that I do not concur.

Terrorism mainly occurs because of the support it gets. Terrorism is expensive, it requires money, communications, and logistical support. Yanno, where it gets most of its support? State sponsors. Those governments that have the money to help terrorists attack its foes. It gives them money, places to train, logicistical support, intelligence, etc.

The way you combat terrorism effectively is by:

1) Taking away state sponsors, that give places to train, and communication and logistical support

2) Destroying their communication. UBL hiding in the cave in the middle of nowhere afraid to use a phone, lest he be found and killed, is great for hindering terrorism

3) Killing or capturing terrorist leaders. If a terrorist leader is dead he isn't going to help plan attacks

4) Getting intelligence information. One thing Pres. Bush implemented was spreading money around in Afghanistan to find the terroists. It worked.

Also interrogating terrorists effectively. Terrorists are not going to respond to tea and croissants. They will only talk if they are treated poorly. The thing is this it is mainly an intelligence war. The way to stop a terrorist attack is to find out what it is before it's launched.

5) Putting away terrorists. If they are in prison they are out of the game. Foreign terrorists should not be put in a civilian trial. In a civilian trial both sides get to see all the information. However, the information the authorities have is needed to stop other terrorist attacks. Revealing them to the terrorists can impede authorities from stopping other terrorist attacks.

Maintaining the confidentiality of souces is critical in an intelligence war.

Also, what are you supposed to do? Subpoena witnesses in Yemen? You can't put people away that way. In the case of the NWA bombing at least people saw him do it and its more clear cut. Most terrorists don't reveal themselves that way until its too late. Also, you want the terrorists lawyers' to see vital intelligence information that the US has?

This is why it's not a law enforcement issue. Law enforcement waits until the terrorists execute the attack and hope they get lucky. They hope they will be able to keep terrorists from getting on the plane.

The much more effective way is to foil the terrorists plots before it even gets to that point.

Terrorists only need to get lucky once, out of numerous attempts, to succeed.

The war is to make the terrorist groups ineffective by taking away their

state sponsorship
organizational ability
LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

I am not your friend, I am old enough to be your grandfather. And if Mr Obama had any sense he would listen to everyone who has been involved in this War on Terror because he needs all the help he can get. You have no clue what idiotic is.

It's a figure of Speech made popular by the Republican's 08 Presidential Candidate :cuckoo:.

How would Obama listening to Cheney spread falsehood's about him and his Presidency further our progress in the two war's??..:eusa_hand:

Cheney isn't spreading falsehoods. He is giving a warning what will happen to this country, if Obama doesn't wake up.

The Emperor has not clothes.

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