WH responds to Cheney

Not at all, sweetie: the premise was yours and you have not supported it with convincing evidence: outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable witness. Thus, you have failed.

Prove that it was outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable.

I already have. Look above. I am not about to post it again because you are either intellectually lazy or ditheringly dishonest.

Oh yes, you said it. Now prove it.
and here's the part you left out...of course....
page 2 of 4...first paragraph, FIRST LINE!!!!!!!
"On the separate issue, the 9/11 question, we've NEVER HAD CONFIRMATION ONE WAY OR ANOTHER."

You got that alvin.....don't cherry pick bullshit out to support your failure to find ANY definitive statement made by any Bush Administration personnel that Iraq was responsible for 9/11.

I am not cherry picking anything. That was the closest time anyone ever came to out right stating it in public. What they did do was conjoin the two over an extended period of time until 44% of the US population believed that Saddam personally flew those planes into the towers.
Anyone who believes the "I didn't say exactly that!" as an excuse must have had a lobotomy. And considering you can't get 44% of Americans to agree to come out of the rain most of the time, that is one hell of a feat.

Oh yes you did...first of all you quoted an interview without leaving a link thinking I wouldn't bother to look for it. Secondly you chose the quote that suited your failed argument that Cheney said Iraq was responsible for 9/11. Cheney never got 44% of Americans to believe a goddam thing!!!! You assholes on the left who repeated the same thing for 3 fricken years ("Bush said Iraq was responsible for 9/11") caused it. Look at the polling questions from that time.

So I guess, with your brilliant critical thinking skills, that when someone conjoins to unrelated things it all of a sudden becomes a fact?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....no wonder this country is so fucked up....who needs enemies when we have the Democrat Party and left wing kneejerk reactionaries?

It's scary that this mindset is now running this country. Are we doomed or what?

They can't get simple truths right.
You (Cmike), Dick Cheney, et al don't have the wits or decency to admit you were wrong and gravely damaged this country,

Wrong about what?

That it's okay to let terrorism flourish? That's okay to let state sponsors like Afghanisan and Hussein give support to terrorism. That's okay to treat terrorism like an law enforcement problem and wait for the next attack to occur and focus on prosectuing those offenders? That's what Obama believes.

How is Obama "waiting for the next attack" to take action?

Because he is treating it like a law enforcement issue instead of a war.

Law enforcement focuses on prosecuting criminals after the fact.

The war focuses (or focused) on stopping an attack before it occurs.
I love how Cheney feels it's his Responsibilty to go and defend Bush against every attack :cuckoo:. Dick Cheney is one of the biggest bafoons we've had in Public Office.

If I were the Obama WH I wouldn't even respond to this idiot who insist's on making stupid comments that can't be backed with fact.
I love how Cheney feels it's his Responsibilty to go and defend Bush against every attack :cuckoo:. Dick Cheney is one of the biggest bafoons we've had in Public Office.

If I were the Obama WH I wouldn't even respond to this idiot who insist's on making stupid comments that can't be backed with fact.

Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.
Wrong about what?

That it's okay to let terrorism flourish? That's okay to let state sponsors like Afghanisan and Hussein give support to terrorism. That's okay to treat terrorism like an law enforcement problem and wait for the next attack to occur and focus on prosectuing those offenders? That's what Obama believes.

How is Obama "waiting for the next attack" to take action?

Because he is treating it like a law enforcement issue instead of a war.

Law enforcement focuses on prosecuting criminals after the fact.

The war focuses (or focused) on stopping an attack before it occurs.

It's the usual story.

First, the Obamrrhoids LIE, or distort the TRUTH.

Second, you catch them in the LIE, or the Distortion.

Third, they whine about you getting a source. Hoping that either you won't bother (as in most cases we have learned that they will reject it, or get their obfuscated BOGUS sources from Move On, Org, Daily Kos, etc., to counter your real sources.....so most of us just don't bother).

Fourth, no matter how you box them in with IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE, and logic.......THEY WILL NEVER ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG.......and walk away claiming it is THEY who won.

My Conclusion: I present my arguments to them only as a means to inform the ANTI-OBAMARRHOIDS of the arguments one should use against THE OBAMARRHOIDS, the despicable turds that they are. Because, in the final analysis, THE OBAMARRHOIDS are more dangerous than the Islamofascist Swine with whom we are at WAR.

NOTE: (1) The Obamarrhoids claim (then disclaim, then claim, etc.) we are NOT involved with "terrorists", or "Jihadists"....but subduing ISOLATED INSTANCES of "Man caused Disasters"...
(2) The Obamarrhoids claim (then disclaim, then claim, etc.) we are not involved in a "WAR against Terrorism".....but engaged in "Overseas Contingency Operations".

Fortunately, the days when the 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media, and their Hollywierdo allies RULED the minds of America. And, were able to ANNIHILATE Bush and Cheney.....THOSE DAYS ARE GONE !!!
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I love how Cheney feels it's his Responsibilty to go and defend Bush against every attack :cuckoo:. Dick Cheney is one of the biggest bafoons we've had in Public Office.

If I were the Obama WH I wouldn't even respond to this idiot who insist's on making stupid comments that can't be backed with fact.

Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.

LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.
Wrong about what?

That it's okay to let terrorism flourish? That's okay to let state sponsors like Afghanisan and Hussein give support to terrorism. That's okay to treat terrorism like an law enforcement problem and wait for the next attack to occur and focus on prosectuing those offenders? That's what Obama believes.

How is Obama "waiting for the next attack" to take action?

Because he is treating it like a law enforcement issue instead of a war.

Law enforcement focuses on prosecuting criminals after the fact.

The war focuses (or focused) on stopping an attack before it occurs.

What is entailed in stopping an attack before it occurs? Terrorism is a long enforcement issue. If the FBI and police depts had been allowed to share information, 9/11 would have been foiled.
I love how Cheney feels it's his Responsibilty to go and defend Bush against every attack :cuckoo:. Dick Cheney is one of the biggest bafoons we've had in Public Office.

If I were the Obama WH I wouldn't even respond to this idiot who insist's on making stupid comments that can't be backed with fact.

Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.

LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

I am not your friend, I am old enough to be your grandfather. And if Mr Obama had any sense he would listen to everyone who has been involved in this War on Terror because he needs all the help he can get. You have no clue what idiotic is.
Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.

LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

I am not your friend, I am old enough to be your grandfather. And if Mr Obama had any sense he would listen to everyone who has been involved in this War on Terror because he needs all the help he can get. You have no clue what idiotic is.

It's a figure of Speech made popular by the Republican's 08 Presidential Candidate :cuckoo:.

How would Obama listening to Cheney spread falsehood's about him and his Presidency further our progress in the two war's??..:eusa_hand:
LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

I am not your friend, I am old enough to be your grandfather. And if Mr Obama had any sense he would listen to everyone who has been involved in this War on Terror because he needs all the help he can get. You have no clue what idiotic is.

It's a figure of Speech made popular by the Republican's 08 Presidential Candidate :cuckoo:.

How would Obama listening to Cheney spread falsehood's about him and his Presidency further our progress in the two war's??..:eusa_hand:

My goodness someone is filling your head full of BS and not teaching you any respect at the same time. they must multitask. I do not believe that Mr Cheney has "spread falsehood" about the way Mr Obama is acting. he is treating much of this war on terror as a police action. He is attempting to end both wars as fast as possible while saving face. This is not necessarily the best thing for the country. In fact i can't think of anything good he has done for the country. You haven't earned the right to call me nutz kid.
I am not your friend, I am old enough to be your grandfather. And if Mr Obama had any sense he would listen to everyone who has been involved in this War on Terror because he needs all the help he can get. You have no clue what idiotic is.

It's a figure of Speech made popular by the Republican's 08 Presidential Candidate :cuckoo:.

How would Obama listening to Cheney spread falsehood's about him and his Presidency further our progress in the two war's??..:eusa_hand:

My goodness someone is filling your head full of BS and not teaching you any respect at the same time. they must multitask. I do not believe that Mr Cheney has "spread falsehood" about the way Mr Obama is acting. he is treating much of this war on terror as a police action. He is attempting to end both wars as fast as possible while saving face. This is not necessarily the best thing for the country. In fact i can't think of anything good he has done for the country. You haven't earned the right to call me nutz kid.

Um..I attempted respect at calling you "Friend" but you in turn said you were no friend of mine..Who has no respect?..Mr. Dick HAS spread many, many lies about Obama..Even when they are debunked he doesn't have the decincy to retract his IDIOTIC comments. Obama is trying to tell A-stan's govt. what they have needed to be told all along- 'We aren't gonna be here forever, Get your act Straight!'. Obama did enough good by bringing us out of the Bush Error!

Lol, Didn't know 'Right to call people nutz' was handed out around here...where can I pick that up BTW?
maybe the obamalama could learn to keep his big whining mouth shut with the "blame boooooooooooosh" bullshit,, then Vice President Cheney wouldn't have to set the facts straight.. Just maybe..
maybe the obamalama could learn to keep his big whining mouth shut with the "blame boooooooooooosh" bullshit,, then Vice President Cheney wouldn't have to set the facts straight.. Just maybe..

Good post, Willow. Obama is trying to get us back to the pre 9-11-2001 mentality on how we should treat the terrorists. This is a error on his thinking, and we could end up with another tragedy because of it.
The newbie has been indoctrinated well by the left. He got his marching orders, and here is is.
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I love how Cheney feels it's his Responsibilty to go and defend Bush against every attack :cuckoo:. Dick Cheney is one of the biggest bafoons we've had in Public Office.

If I were the Obama WH I wouldn't even respond to this idiot who insist's on making stupid comments that can't be backed with fact.

Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.

LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

as much as our obama cries and whines, and takes no responsiblity with what goes on in our country....he deserves no respect, sonny. obama needs to man up and stop the blaming. At some point obama should have stopped, but he still doing it to cover his own fallacies. With obama and his band of thugs blaming the last administration for everything under the sun, hell yeah Cheney should call him on it. I've never seen any president with this much deflecting in my lifetime.
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Well young one, that is why you are not in the White House. Because you have no understanding of respect or fact.

LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

as much as our obama cries and whines, and takes no responsiblity with what goes on in our country....he deserves no respect, sonny. obama needs to man up and stop the blaming. I've never seen any president with this much deflecting in my lifetime.

Obama isn't blaiming Bush for as much as he should! As much as Righty's talk about Obama 'Always blaiming Bush for Everything'..I don't see it!

I think he should continue to remind the American people who got us into alot of the mess we are in! He DOES deserve respect if not but only for the fact he IS our nations leader.
LOL you come up with that all on your own?? I'm impressed :clap2:.

Oh it's respectfull for Cheney to say "Obama doesn't know we are at war"?..No my friend that is IDIOTIC.

as much as our obama cries and whines, and takes no responsiblity with what goes on in our country....he deserves no respect, sonny. obama needs to man up and stop the blaming. I've never seen any president with this much deflecting in my lifetime.

Obama isn't blaiming Bush for as much as he should! As much as Righty's talk about Obama 'Always blaiming Bush for Everything'..I don't see it!
Are you fucking kidding me? Must we sit and count the times Barry has said "the previous administration"?

You really need to broaden your horizons into reality, man...

I think he should continue to remind the American people who got us into alot of the mess we are in! He DOES deserve respect if not but only for the fact he IS our nations leader.
Did you respect Boooooosh?
as much as our obama cries and whines, and takes no responsiblity with what goes on in our country....he deserves no respect, sonny. obama needs to man up and stop the blaming. I've never seen any president with this much deflecting in my lifetime.

Obama isn't blaiming Bush for as much as he should! As much as Righty's talk about Obama 'Always blaiming Bush for Everything'..I don't see it!
Are you fucking kidding me? Must we sit and count the times Barry has said "the previous administration"?

You really need to broaden your horizons into reality, man...

I think he should continue to remind the American people who got us into alot of the mess we are in! He DOES deserve respect if not but only for the fact he IS our nations leader.
Did you respect Boooooosh?

Must we sit and count the time's Bush did thing's that bear repeating over and over?

Did I respect Bush's actions? No. Did I respect the Office he held? Yes.
Must we sit and count the time's Bush did thing's that bear repeating over and over?
You're the one who said he wasn't saying it enough... I said you're full of shit, since he says it almost daily...

Are you physically capable of talking about Barry without discussing Bush? I'm just trying to gauge whether you're interested in actual debate or just talking-point regurgitation... So far it seems the latter....
Must we sit and count the time's Bush did thing's that bear repeating over and over?
You're the one who said he wasn't saying it enough... I said you're full of shit, since he says it almost daily...

Are you physically capable of talking about Barry without discussing Bush? I'm just trying to gauge whether you're interested in actual debate or just talking-point regurgitation... So far it seems the latter....

He DOESN'T mention it nearly as much as I would if were holding that office.

Link? (To proof he mentions the bush administrations every day)

Yes, Are you physically able of talking about Obama without discussing Hitler or other thing's right wingers seemed to be hung on these days?

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