WH responds to Cheney

Not at all, sweetie: the premise was yours and you have not supported it with convincing evidence: outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable witness. Thus, you have failed.

Prove that it was outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable.
You (Cmike), Dick Cheney, et al don't have the wits or decency to admit you were wrong and gravely damaged this country,
Not at all, sweetie: the premise was yours and you have not supported it with convincing evidence: outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable witness. Thus, you have failed.

Prove that it was outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable.

I already have. Look above. I am not about to post it again because you are either intellectually lazy or ditheringly dishonest.
He should ignore the Cheneys of the world completely. Obama is the President now, not just some Senator running for the job.

Weirdly we agree. But it is media with nothing to do that gives the draft dodger a pedestal and keeps his idiocy on the front page. In the days before all this 24x7 media Cheney would be treated as McCarthy was - as a loud mouth buffoon.

"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. George Orwell

Yes, Cheney needs to be replied to in the same way as McCarthy was...."Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

The person who has no decency is Obama who cares more about giving terrorist rights than with protecting americans.
Horsecrap, Cmike: you are making wild charges. Admit you neo-cons screwed our country up.
Weirdly we agree. But it is media with nothing to do that gives the draft dodger a pedestal and keeps his idiocy on the front page. In the days before all this 24x7 media Cheney would be treated as McCarthy was - as a loud mouth buffoon.

"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. George Orwell

Yes, Cheney needs to be replied to in the same way as McCarthy was...."Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

The person who has no decency is Obama who cares more about giving terrorist rights than with protecting americans.

you mean like the way Bush/Cheney gave rights to the shoe bomber...?
Not at all, sweetie: the premise was yours and you have not supported it with convincing evidence: outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable witness. Thus, you have failed.

Prove that it was outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable.

I already have. Look above. I am not about to post it again because you are either intellectually lazy or ditheringly dishonest.

No you haven't.

As far as dishonest you side takes the cake.

We have shown you numerous times that both Bush and Cheney categorically stated that they didn't have evidence that Hussein did 911 but your side still continues with the same lies.

You seem to ignore that your entire democrat leadership said that Hussein had WMD, and needed to be taken out

Your side can not win, other than by deception and dishonesty, because the truth is not on your side.
Horsecrap, Cmike: you are making wild charges. Admit you neo-cons screwed our country up.

Obama has been royally fucking up this country, and making this country vulnerable to more terrorist attacks within the US.

Not only is he stupid and naive, he is reckless and dangerous to this country.
Prove that it was outdated, poorly sourced, and unreliable.

I already have. Look above. I am not about to post it again because you are either intellectually lazy or ditheringly dishonest.

No you haven't.

As far as dishonest you side takes the cake.

We have shown you numerous times that both Bush and Cheney categorically stated that they didn't have evidence that Hussein did 911 but your side still continues with the same lies.

You seem to ignore that your entire democrat leadership said that Hussein had WMD, and needed to be taken out

Your side can not win, other than by deception and dishonesty, because the truth is not on your side.

I disagree with your opening statement and agree with the rest of it. I think both sides are equally capable of lying and both do their fair share.
You are dishonest, Cmike, and you have lost this debate.

You have been repeatedly and convincingly rebuttaled with current, object, honest evidence that completely gutted whatever you posted.

Until you learn how to do this right, you will keep looking very stupid (which I don't think you are) and very being inept (which indeed you do).
You (Cmike), Dick Cheney, et al don't have the wits or decency to admit you were wrong and gravely damaged this country,

Wrong about what?

That it's okay to let terrorism flourish? That's okay to let state sponsors like Afghanisan and Hussein give support to terrorism. That's okay to treat terrorism like an law enforcement problem and wait for the next attack to occur and focus on prosectuing those offenders? That's what Obama believes.
You are dishonest, Cmike, and you have lost this debate.

You have been repeatedly and convincingly rebuttaled with current, object, honest evidence that completely gutted whatever you posted.

Until you learn how to do this right, you will keep looking very stupid (which I don't think you are) and very being inept (which indeed you do).

You have given ZERO evidence that helps your side. Your evidence helps the other side.
You (Cmike), Dick Cheney, et al don't have the wits or decency to admit you were wrong and gravely damaged this country,

Wrong about what?

That it's okay to let terrorism flourish? That's okay to let state sponsors like Afghanisan and Hussein give support to terrorism. That's okay to treat terrorism like an law enforcement problem and wait for the next attack to occur and focus on prosectuing those offenders? That's what Obama believes.

How is Obama "waiting for the next attack" to take action?
Well, I couldn't plow through all 26 pages of comments, so I hope this isn't repetitive. It never ceases to amaze me how thin-skinned the White House is about criticism. The smartest thing to do would have been to simply ignore Cheney's remark and celebrate being in a country where a person can disagree with its leader without fear of retribution. Instead, by posting not only its objections but essentially launching a counterattack on an official blog, the Obama administration comes across as a bunch of crybabies.

This is pretty unpresidential even if it wasn't Obama who posted the comments. It's a direct reflection on him.
I can agree with that, toome, and I wish Bush's WH had taken your advice. I suspect all WH administrations are thinskinned.
Jake what you say is irrelevant, what matters is what you can prove.

Let's summarize

1) You alleged that Bush/Cheney said that Hussein did 911. Yet you could not find one sentence from either of them saying this. In fact, I quoted both of them saying that they had no evidence that Hussein did 911.

2) You said Al Qaida and Hussein weren't linked. You could not prove it. I quoted CIA Director Tenet testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee stating that they had 10 years of ties. I also pasted declassified CIA and DOD documents showing that their was a decade of ties between them.

The DOD document showed that there were at least 50 contacts between Al Qaida and Hussein

3) You said that Pres. Bush lied about Hussein having WMD. However, I quoted your entire democrat leadership all saying that Hussein had WMD, and had to be stopped. This included, Bill Clinton, Hillary, Gore, Sandy Berger, Ted Kennedy, Kerry, etc.

Also I reported that Hussien's 2nd in command of the air force and the chief of Israeli intelligence saying that Hussein transfered them to Syria.

You were not able to back up anything you said, whereas I backed up everything that I said.
the obama WH are fools....terrorism is now just a "tactic"....

obama is completely out of touch....

Pray tell....if terrorism is NOT a tactic, what is it then? :eusa_eh:

Terrorism is a strategy for terrorists.

People who engage in terrorism are called terrorists, they are a group of people.

There are terrorists who can also make up different groups.

One such group is called Al Qaida. The war is with Al Qaida, terror groups similar to Al Qaida, and state sponsors who help them.

So, it IS a tactic. Thank you.
He never referred to Saddam's responcibility directly. He alluded to it constantly in just about every speech he gave.

The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq - CSMonitor.com
In his prime-time press conference last week, which focused almost solely on Iraq, President Bush mentioned Sept. 11 eight times. He referred to Saddam Hussein many more times than that, often in the same breath with Sept. 11.

Bush never pinned blame for the attacks directly on the Iraqi president. Still, the overall effect was to reinforce an impression that persists among much of the American public: that the Iraqi dictator did play a direct role in the attacks. A New York Times/CBS poll this week shows that 45 percent of Americans believe Mr. Hussein was "personally involved" in Sept. 11, about the same figure as a month ago.

Sources knowledgeable about US intelligence say there is no evidence that Hussein played a role in the Sept. 11 attacks, nor that he has been or is currently aiding Al Qaeda. Yet the White House appears to be encouraging this false impression, as it seeks to maintain American support for a possible war against Iraq and demonstrate seriousness of purpose to Hussein's regime.

"The administration has succeeded in creating a sense that there is some connection [between Sept. 11 and Saddam Hussein]," says Steven Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland.
The numbers

Polling data show that right after Sept. 11, 2001, when Americans were asked open-ended questions about who was behind the attacks, only 3 percent mentioned Iraq or Hussein. But by January of this year, attitudes had been transformed. In a Knight Ridder poll, 44 percent of Americans reported that either "most" or "some" of the Sept. 11 hijackers were Iraqi citizens. The answer is zero.

Nice try Alvin...you have FAILED again as well. and thankyou for admitting Cheney NEVER SAID Iraq was responsible for 9/11.
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and here's the part you left out...of course....
page 2 of 4...first paragraph, FIRST LINE!!!!!!!
"On the separate issue, the 9/11 question, we've NEVER HAD CONFIRMATION ONE WAY OR ANOTHER."

You got that alvin.....don't cherry pick bullshit out to support your failure to find ANY definitive statement made by any Bush Administration personnel that Iraq was responsible for 9/11.

I am not cherry picking anything. That was the closest time anyone ever came to out right stating it in public. What they did do was conjoin the two over an extended period of time until 44% of the US population believed that Saddam personally flew those planes into the towers.
Anyone who believes the "I didn't say exactly that!" as an excuse must have had a lobotomy. And considering you can't get 44% of Americans to agree to come out of the rain most of the time, that is one hell of a feat.

Oh yes you did...first of all you quoted an interview without leaving a link thinking I wouldn't bother to look for it. Secondly you chose the quote that suited your failed argument that Cheney said Iraq was responsible for 9/11. Cheney never got 44% of Americans to believe a goddam thing!!!! You assholes on the left who repeated the same thing for 3 fricken years ("Bush said Iraq was responsible for 9/11") caused it. Look at the polling questions from that time.

So I guess, with your brilliant critical thinking skills, that when someone conjoins two unrelated things it all of a sudden becomes a fact?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....no wonder this country is so fucked up....who needs enemies when we have the Democrat Party and left wing kneejerk reactionaries?
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