WH says negative comments on Fauci are "incredibly dangerous"

Look at how the virus spread because you cons told your followers not to listen to the medical community. That's dangerous. You're idiots.
Democrats like this want China style lockdowns and soon will try to use climate change to lock Americans down.
Sure we would. It was at that infamous meeting where Trump and Putin met alone without anyone else in the room that Trump gave Putin the Green Light to invade. Because they didn't go along with digging up fake news on Hunter. LOL.
Lol, Ukraine wouldn't have happened under Trump. Putin wouldn't have his pipeline to fund his war. All he had to do was to give Hunter 2.5 million.
They should have said something right away. Like when Trump was saying stupid shit about injesting bleaches or using radiation to cure it. The doctor sitting there looked perplexed to say the least. They should have jumped up and said, "hold on a second" when Biden said something wrong. Fuck offending the POTUS.
Lol, bless your heart, Trump never said to injest bleach.
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

Fraudci needs to be investigated
What is dangerous is the left flat out will not even consider to question, or even take a few seconds to consider the sheer number of times this man has spoken out of both sides of his mouth.
He admitted in an interview, that they knew it wasn't true that the vaccine would keep you from getting it. Flat out admitted it. However the video if it pretty much disappeared after that interview because social media cleansed it out. You can find it on youtube, but you have to be looking for it.
If you tweeted it or posted it on Facebook it would either not even show up, because they had the links to it blocked - or they would hide your video of it.
And the left is perfectly okay with this. 100%. No problem.
If Trump said it you wouldn't think so.
so that’s your defense? you think if trump lied under oath republicans wouldn’t think so?

you really are pathetic

the reality is. i don’t have to speculate, since he didn’t do it! unlike your guy
Joe Rogan - "as long as you are supporting the approved narrative, you can make as many mistakes as you want and you will be forgiven for it. You can outright lie, cheat, steal, burn buildings down - it doesn't matter to them. As long as you did it in support of what they like - you will be forgiven."

This stolen WH can shove its opinions where the sun doesn't shine. :wink:
Brandon's W.H. knows better than anyone that if you label any information "dangerous" and add "incredibly", it authorizes the government to censor otherwise 1st Amendment freedom of speech. Lefties fall for it every time.
Negative comments are not enough! Dr Death aka Fauci should be hanged.

GOD knows he deserves it!
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

Hoaxed America Has Been Faucied Up Beyond All Recognition

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