WH says negative comments on Fauci are "incredibly dangerous"

We already know if you could you would make Trump king. And then next would be off with our heads. Yes, we know.

Then hopefully one day the rest of the world would come liberate us from the Trumpzis.
Actually I just wanted him to be president for four more years. We wouldn't be suffering from high energy prices and high inflation.

He should be executed for what he did to those dogs alone.
to be fair, they wouldn't drag them to jail, if they made an appointment for them

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'​

Queen Nancy is special
I'm kidding of course. But it's a great point. If masks don't work, stop covering your mouth when you sneeze in a room full of other people because hands don't "work" either.

Masks do not inhibit aerosols. Even an N-95 with the slightest gap is useless in this regard.

There is a difference between aerosols and droplets, which are ejected when, for instance, someone sneezes. Nobody recommends, pre-covid or otherwise, coughing or sneezing on someone.

A group of people in a room are emitting aerosols, not droplets, from simply breathing. Masks do nothing in these cases, which is why the CDC's own study of masks in schools found they had no effect and they recommended local decision on masking in schools- that is, before the teacher's unions got involved, threw a shit-fit, pressured the White House, and the CDC flipped on their recommendation and slapped masks on kid's faces for 2 years.
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You are absolutely right in all respects except I can raise a defence for Xi .

Increasingly research points to the importance of high Vitamin D levels for SARS Covid 19 disease prevention .
Other factors also hugely help .

When Wuhan was involved in the Gain of Function work started at Chapel Hill in north Carolina , they overlooked the fact that Asian ( Chinese) ethnicity has a much lower average Vitamin D blood level than other ethnic groups.
So this group were enormously more at risk from the virus than , for example , white Caucasians .
And as a simple illustration, that is why so many Chinese literally keeled over and died immediately -- lots and lots of videos .
White Caucasians suffered the same fate after vaccination from the Spike Protein poison but not just from the virus .

Whether China now knows this at the top of the CCP , I do not know . But an important reason why China's severe , even extreme lock down protocols, are retained is because of this one main key difference .
Namely other ethnic groups have greater innate virus resistance .
All imho .But taken from a world specialist and expert who says he has yet to hear of anybody dying from Covid who has a high Vitamin D blood result . Assumes no comorbidities .
I doubt if Xi knows anything or cares about Vitamin D

For the commies this is about exerting power and saving face
Biden said if you get the vaccine, you wouldn't get covid. Now we have a pandemic of the vaccinated.
True. That's because we are the only ones still alive. Bbbbbaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't mind getting it. I just don't want to die from it.
It is NOT a vaccine.
Is that true? What is it then?

For the record, I don't get boostered either. And I only get the flu shot if someone is standing at CVS with a needle ready to prick me. Otherwise, I don't go out of my way to get those shots.
The lock downs worked. We should've done what Trump said in the beginning and kept the vulnerable protected and let healthy people carry on as normal.

We should have truly locked down for a month. Or until we had the vaccine. Instead Trump kept hosting rallies and kids went to Spring break if I recall.
Actually I just wanted him to be president for four more years. We wouldn't be suffering from high energy prices and high inflation.
Sure we would. It was at that infamous meeting where Trump and Putin met alone without anyone else in the room that Trump gave Putin the Green Light to invade. Because they didn't go along with digging up fake news on Hunter. LOL.
I'll be honest. They didn't get it 100% right. And they sure did push that needle on us, even mislead us by saying you won't get covid if you get vaccinated.

But maybe that's true? It's like the flu vaccinate. It isn't 100% but does prevent people from getting sick. Some get sick but it's not as bad because they were vaccinated.

Anyways, one time I went in for a medical thing and they said, "did you get vaccinated?" all serious and I said yes. Did you get the booster? And I said no. They wanted to say something but didn't. Because what the fuck are they going to do? Mandate every human gets this vaccinate?

At this point, whoever dies dies. We tried. But I guess if 40% wont' go along, we just have to go with the "if you die you die" plan.
Biden foolishly said that you won`t get Covid if you`re vaccinated. Doctors know better.
Biden foolishly said that you won`t get Covid if you`re vaccinated. Doctors know better.
They should have said something right away. Like when Trump was saying stupid shit about injesting bleaches or using radiation to cure it. The doctor sitting there looked perplexed to say the least. They should have jumped up and said, "hold on a second" when Biden said something wrong. Fuck offending the POTUS.
That`s unfortunate but the Covid did hit red states harder than the American states. I`m one of those that always finds the silver lining.

My untainted jizz is worth more than your entire existence, which I find amusing.
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

Musk has restored Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough, and has also started a "prosecute Jeremy Farrar" thread. One may call this progress, because of the POSPOTUS being a CIA puppet while Farrar links in close to British MI6, now dancing their Zelenskiy puppet in Ukraine.
Biden foolishly said that you won`t get Covid if you`re vaccinated. Doctors know better.

But if the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them. If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up — may see this progress reversed.

Ultimately, those who are not vaccinated will pay — end up paying the price. The vaccinated will continue to be protected against severe illnesses, but others may not be if you’re not vaccinated.

But given that the vaccination is convenient and free, it will be a tragedy if — and a needless one — to see COVID cases among those who do not get vaccinated go up.....

And I want to thank the American people who have stepped up and done their patriotic duty and gotten vaccinated.

We’re still losing too many Americans and we still have too many unvaccinated people in America. Last week, the CDC announced that if you’re fully vaccinated, you no longer have
to wear a mask. They reported that science — the science now shows that your vaccination protects you as well as being masked or better than being masked.

So you can protect yourself from serious illness from COVID by getting vaccinated or wearing a mask until you are fully vaccinated. Either way, you’re protected.

As I said last week, some people may want to continue to wear a mask even if they are fully vaccinated. That’s a decision they can make. Some businesses may want to continue
to require wearing masks.

Let’s all be kind and respectful to one another as we come out of this pandemic and respect those who want to continue to wear a mask even if they’ve been vaccinated.

May 2021. Any lies in this?
Sure we would. It was at that infamous meeting where Trump and Putin met alone without anyone else in the room that Trump gave Putin the Green Light to invade. Because they didn't go along with digging up fake news on Hunter. LOL.
I just went long on Alcoa Aluminum. I had no idea flat earthers like you still existed.... but I might as well make it pay off.

PRO TIP: The symbol is AA and they're the largest manufacturer of aluminum foil for those wanting to cash in.... you'll thank me later.
Then the negative comments made about anyone who disagreed with the would be science King Fauci the first must be dangerous as well.
Okay, I did some more research

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Rand Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Sorry, this is politics.
nah it's perjury.

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