WH says negative comments on Fauci are "incredibly dangerous"

Yeah, because the respiratory virus wasn't going to spread otherwise. I mean the US was the only country affected by this pandemic due to all the right-wing people unwilling to listen to the medical community.... Look at how well China is doing or Europe.
Common Sense, Not Commie Science

China's famous "pollution" killed it off. Ours had been doing that ever since it stopped the Spanish Influenza once auto-emissions reached a concentration that deadly viruses can't survive in. Our previous "Clean" Air Acts and the Lethal Lockdown caused all the cronyvirus deaths.
That ape that comes out to lie to the piss-ants every day has been instructed to cast anything critical of the regime as "dangerous" and "against democracy".

Their schtick is worn out and laughable. That's why they have steal elections.

Fauci will end up in some kind of hobbitt prison.

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All Elections Steal Self-Determination From Citizens and Hand It Over to Pre-Owned Politicians
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

Is Muska actual epidemiologist?

Are any of you fuckups
We already know if you could you would make Trump king. And then next would be off with our heads. Yes, we know.

Then hopefully one day the rest of the world would come liberate us from the Trumpzis.
Time for Trump to Cross the Rubicon

After the decadent one-class Roman Republic inevitably collapsed, the Roman Empire lasted for 500 years under the Caesars.
This is just another example, one of many, that shows just how cultist the dembots are and how free thinking is not welcome in the demafasict party
But if the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them. If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up — may see this progress reversed.

Ultimately, those who are not vaccinated will pay — end up paying the price. The vaccinated will continue to be protected against severe illnesses, but others may not be if you’re not vaccinated.

But given that the vaccination is convenient and free, it will be a tragedy if — and a needless one — to see COVID cases among those who do not get vaccinated go up.....

And I want to thank the American people who have stepped up and done their patriotic duty and gotten vaccinated.

We’re still losing too many Americans and we still have too many unvaccinated people in America. Last week, the CDC announced that if you’re fully vaccinated, you no longer have
to wear a mask. They reported that science — the science now shows that your vaccination protects you as well as being masked or better than being masked.

So you can protect yourself from serious illness from COVID by getting vaccinated or wearing a mask until you are fully vaccinated. Either way, you’re protected.

As I said last week, some people may want to continue to wear a mask even if they are fully vaccinated. That’s a decision they can make. Some businesses may want to continue
to require wearing masks.

Let’s all be kind and respectful to one another as we come out of this pandemic and respect those who want to continue to wear a mask even if they’ve been vaccinated.

May 2021. Any lies in this?
Being Immune, I Inhale Live Viruses and Exhale Dead Ones
We should have truly locked down for a month. Or until we had the vaccine. Instead Trump kept hosting rallies and kids went to Spring break if I recall.
the the demafasict brownshirts looted, robbed, firebombed, and attempted insurrections

nancy got her hair done, gavin went to fancy dinners, and cuomo (the gold standard) sent grandma to her death bed while he sexually assaulted women, fauci lied and the xiden campaign spread distrust in the fda…
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

Wow, a nimrod supporting a nimrod.
the the demafasict brownshirts looted, robbed, firebombed, and attempted insurrections

nancy got her hair done, gavin went to fancy dinners, and cuomo (the gold standard) sent grandma to her death bed while he sexually assaulted women, fauci lied and the xiden campaign spread distrust in the fda…
And “covid will be gone this spring”…..three years ago. You bought that, you’ll buy anything.
the the demafasict brownshirts looted, robbed, firebombed, and attempted insurrections

nancy got her hair done, gavin went to fancy dinners, and cuomo (the gold standard) sent grandma to her death bed while he sexually assaulted women, fauci lied and the xiden campaign spread distrust in the fda…
All while Trump, lost and lost and lost.
And “covid will be gone this spring”…..three years ago. You bought that, you’ll buy anything.
i believed in the hope…i didn’t believe “if you get the vaccine you won’t get sick”. -xiden

but i did feel the despair from his “it’s gonna be a long winter of illness and death” … in fact we have felt it since jan 2021…rescinds deaths, record inflation….a long national nightmare with no hope from the “there is no federal solution” xiden

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