WH says negative comments on Fauci are "incredibly dangerous"

None of that is true

The chinese virus spread because thats what a virus does

It spreads and mutates

And in this case each mutation seemed to be less deadly

The chinese communists pursued the policy that fauci advised and are still wedded to that approach today

Which was lockdowns and isolation

Fauci and Xi are pandemic morons

You are absolutely right in all respects except I can raise a defence for Xi .

Increasingly research points to the importance of high Vitamin D levels for SARS Covid 19 disease prevention .
Other factors also hugely help .

When Wuhan was involved in the Gain of Function work started at Chapel Hill in north Carolina , they overlooked the fact that Asian ( Chinese) ethnicity has a much lower average Vitamin D blood level than other ethnic groups.
So this group were enormously more at risk from the virus than , for example , white Caucasians .
And as a simple illustration, that is why so many Chinese literally keeled over and died immediately -- lots and lots of videos .
White Caucasians suffered the same fate after vaccination from the Spike Protein poison but not just from the virus .

Whether China now knows this at the top of the CCP , I do not know . But an important reason why China's severe , even extreme lock down protocols, are retained is because of this one main key difference .
Namely other ethnic groups have greater innate virus resistance .
All imho .But taken from a world specialist and expert who says he has yet to hear of anybody dying from Covid who has a high Vitamin D blood result . Assumes no comorbidities .
"has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

Richard Ebright

Ebright said: "The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement in Wuhan are untruthful."

What does this even mean?

We funded it and Fauci lied to say we didn't. Obama put a halt to it. I have no link but I believe it was Fauci that convinced Trump to start the funding back up.
We funded it and Fauci lied to say we didn't. Obama put a halt to it. I have no link but I believe it was Fauci that convinced Trump to start the funding back up.
Was it because he stood to make money? If so, yea, get him out of there.
"has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

Richard Ebright

Ebright said: "The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement in Wuhan are untruthful."

What does this even mean?
that they lied.
Fauci just said “we are still in the middle of a pandemic.” Can we stop giving this clown air time?

Was it because he stood to make money? If so, yea, get him out of there.
All the patents were taken out many years before --- Dr David Martin is a world authority in this area and will give you chapter and verse . It's a cesspit .
I believe I remember correctly that there were 75 patents for this novel virus ( 100% untrue, it was not novel ) before it had been officially but wrongly termed a pandemic . That is , effective products virtually available for the market place .

Links of Fauci to Moderna are beyond dispute however much he lies and wails .The company had never made a retail sale of even a banana before their killer shot became available . They set up Moderna in 2012 from memory .
that they lied.
Okay, I did some more research

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Rand Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Sorry, this is politics.
Okay, I did some more research

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Rand Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Sorry, this is politics.

That's what Obama termed it when he halted funding. Who convinced Trump to start it back up? Fauci perhaps?
Look at how the virus spread because you cons told your followers not to listen to the medical community. That's dangerous. You're idiots.
Lol, most people did exactly what Fauci told them to do. Too bad what fauci wanted was the wrong thing to do. He should be executed.
Yes, incredibly dangerous :lol:
The White House called attacks by Twitter Inc. owner Elon Musk on outgoing top medical adviser Anthony Fauci “disgusting” and “incredibly dangerous.”
“These personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well. They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday when asked about Musk’s tweets.

“We will continue to call that out and be very clear about that,” added Jean-Pierre, who did not mention Musk by name.

Musk in a tweet on Sunday mocked the use of gender pronouns and called for Fauci to be prosecuted. “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” he wrote.

It has been PROVEN this guy lied and knowingly mislead the public.

Just for kicks, this is the video where rand paul DESTROYS fauci. This should have been enough to charge him with lying under oath.

This POS needs to be hung in a town square. Not defended.
Of course, its not surprising. The Biden admin seems to only defend the worse of the worse. Because thats their voting base.

God it's just so easy to catch you guys lying. Why do we even bother to entertain you?

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Now is when you attack the Washington Post. Which did a great job at explaining this because until I read there, I didn't know what this was all about. Still don't actually. But what we do know if this is Rand Paul playing GOCHA with something Fauci said. Splitting hairs. Even the scientific community is split on what is and isn't gain of function. And I still don't even know what it means.

God it's just so easy to catch you guys lying. Why do we even bother to entertain you?

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Now is when you attack the Washington Post. Which did a great job at explaining this because until I read there, I didn't know what this was all about. Still don't actually. But what we do know if this is Rand Paul playing GOCHA with something Fauci said. Splitting hairs. Even the scientific community is split on what is and isn't gain of function. And I still don't even know what it means.

I guess you didnt watch the video. Thats ok. I didnt expect you to. Or to be able to comprehend what was happening.
God it's just so easy to catch you guys lying. Why do we even bother to entertain you?

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Now is when you attack the Washington Post. Which did a great job at explaining this because until I read there, I didn't know what this was all about. Still don't actually. But what we do know if this is Rand Paul playing GOCHA with something Fauci said. Splitting hairs. Even the scientific community is split on what is and isn't gain of function. And I still don't even know what it means.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) today lifted a 3-year moratorium on funding gain-of-function (GOF) research on potential pandemic viruses such as avian flu, SARS, and MERS, opening the door for certain types of research to resume.

Feds lift gain-of-function research pause, offer guidance
Lol, most people did exactly what Fauci told them to do. Too bad what fauci wanted was the wrong thing to do. He should be executed.
We already know if you could you would make Trump king. And then next would be off with our heads. Yes, we know.

Then hopefully one day the rest of the world would come liberate us from the Trumpzis.
Did they? I don't think they did. You're probably referring to when they said if you get vaccinated you wouldn't get covid. Did they say that? If so, yea that's not true but it is true you will survive if you are vaccinated and have a rougher go if not. Usually.
Biden said if you get the vaccine, you wouldn't get covid. Now we have a pandemic of the vaccinated.
God it's just so easy to catch you guys lying. Why do we even bother to entertain you?

But we see no reason to change the Two Pinocchio rating we awarded Paul. There is a split in the scientific community about what constitutes gain-of-function research. To this day, NIH says this research did not meet the criteria — a stance that is not an outlier in the scientific community. Indeed, it appears as if EcoHealth halted the experiment as soon as it seemed to veer in that direction.
Meanwhile, Cotton and Cruz are spinning the letter as confirming what it does not say. They are welcome to offer an opinion about its meaning. But, so far, it’s not a fact that NIH has admitted funding gain-of-function research. So they also earn Two Pinocchios.

Now is when you attack the Washington Post. Which did a great job at explaining this because until I read there, I didn't know what this was all about. Still don't actually. But what we do know if this is Rand Paul playing GOCHA with something Fauci said. Splitting hairs. Even the scientific community is split on what is and isn't gain of function. And I still don't even know what it means.

"we" this, "we" that, "we" the other thing.

Have you ever considered being an individual rather than a mindless drone in a hive?

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