WH Stands by Trump’s ‘Human Scum’ Comment, Never-Trumpers ‘Deserve Strong Language Like That'

Another example of the President spewing invective like a radio show host...
Even Howard Stern shows more dignity than this guy.

Behaviors and temperament matter. They can affect how others see you, how they judge your honesty, how they judge your stability, how they judge your maturity, how they judge your competence.

The way people judge your honesty, stability, maturity and competence will affect how they work with you, if they work with you.

An adult should act like an adult, no more so than when they are President of the United States, representing 300,000,000 people. Most intelligent adults understand that.

Never in my life would I thought I would have to say that. How far we have fallen.

Some people need to here a soft voice and eloquent speech...they feel coddled, warm and fuzzy when things are delivered methodically, calculated and at just the right tone....Others can’t give two fucks about that shit for pussies...We want to she shit get done for the right people...PERIOD!
Another example of the President spewing invective like a radio show host...
Even Howard Stern shows more dignity than this guy.

Behaviors and temperament matter. They can affect how others see you, how they judge your honesty, how they judge your stability, how they judge your maturity, how they judge your competence.

The way people judge your honesty, stability, maturity and competence will affect how they work with you, if they work with you.

An adult should act like an adult, no more so than when they are President of the United States. Most intelligent adults understand that.

Never in my life would I thought I would have to say that. How far we have fallen.

And Yet,
He has been spectacular - against all resistance and against all odds -

Do adults know that the Media should be adults?
Do adults know that his political rivals should be adults?
Oh wait, you said intelligent adults - never mind.
Spectacular? Perhaps in Trumpworld.

And I notice you deflecting to others. They are not like him, thank goodness.

I wonder how further down your standards will fall for this man-child.
How about using body-language and throw McConnell and Graham, and Romney through a fucking window?

McConnell is a master at Politics and Graham has been the best that he has ever been since Trump took office.
Lets save some windows.

Okay, agree on Lindsey but the Turtle is saying some peculiar things....he's a RINO.

One has to win - to govern.
Sometimes he is two steps ahead of us.
McConnell says -Impeach Trump in the House and we will have a trial in the Senate.

Pelosi - WHAT???????
Another example of the President spewing invective like a radio show host...
Even Howard Stern shows more dignity than this guy.

Behaviors and temperament matter. They can affect how others see you, how they judge your honesty, how they judge your stability, how they judge your maturity, how they judge your competence.

The way people judge your honesty, stability, maturity and competence will affect how they work with you, if they work with you.

An adult should act like an adult, no more so than when they are President of the United States. Most intelligent adults understand that.

Never in my life would I thought I would have to say that. How far we have fallen.

And Yet,
He has been spectacular - against all resistance and against all odds -

Do adults know that the Media should be adults?
Do adults know that his political rivals should be adults?
Oh wait, you said intelligent adults - never mind.
Spectacular? Perhaps in Trumpworld.

And I notice you deflecting to others. They are not like him, thank goodness.

I wonder how further down your standards will fall for this man-child.

I will draw the line at ever supporting a Democrat - that's a red line that I can not cross.
In a normal world there wouldn't be the Democratic media and their political party, trying to overturn the results of a presidential election, right out in the open.

If we had a president who didn’t break the law we would be a lot better off.

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We do have a president that hasn't broken the law AND we're a lot better off.

No. We have a criminal for a president.

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Come on Trumpsters, I know you're all holding back, you want all those disloyal to the Don to be executed like Donnie was going to his nephews baptism dontcha?
"Respectable" politicians say worse behind closed doors. Trump's election has even goaded quite a few moments of honesty out of established politicians, what they think of Americans who disagree with their politically correct, globalist, anti-white agenda.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate

NO President should EVER resort to that kind of language, period. Anyone that does should not be filling the role as a President because they certainly are filling the purposes of the President of the United States.

No free ride on this one, Rumpster.
ALL of the never-Trump gang are 100% in favor of continued pointless war in the middle east.

Scum is an understatement.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

In a normal world...

pardon me for going back into history a bit....

deplorable and irredeemable

bitter clinger

massive right wing conspiracies

A few fired up crazies

oh and

Nazi's , racists, white supremacists...
In a normal world there wouldn't be the Democratic media and their political party, trying to overturn the results of a presidential election, right out in the open.

If we had a president who didn’t break the law we would be a lot better off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We do have a president that hasn't broken the law AND we're a lot better off.

No. We have a criminal for a president.

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That was the Obama years :D
I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'
Other than the dumb racist 20 some percent of idiots that voted for the Cheeto man, tell me who else here or in the world doesn't think the orange fiasco is a scum?
Married to a whore, cheats on her with sluts, calls people sons of bitches, little Rubio, Nasty woman, Scum.....is he an old fart or a fat 10 year old bully that needs to be smacked around?
I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'
Other than the dumb racist 20 some percent of idiots that voted for the Cheeto man, tell me who else here or in the world doesn't think the orange fiasco is a scum?
Married to a whore, cheats on her with sluts, calls people sons of bitches, little Rubio, Nasty woman, Scum.....is he an old fart or a fat 10 year old bully that needs to be smacked around?

Obviously you never heard what a mouth Truman had on him.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

In a normal world...

pardon me for going back into history a bit....

deplorable and irredeemable

bitter clinger

massive right wing conspiracies

A few fired up crazies

oh and

Nazi's , racists, white supremacists...
Trying to compare or equate the daily, hourly storm of childish, embarrassing vulgarity from this petulant man-child to ANY, ANY public figure (let alone an elected official, let alone the President of the United States) is an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty, pitiable ignorance, or both.
Awe.................the left get their feelings hurt again..........on calling RINO's a bunch of Scumbags...........

The Establishment has been serving itself and not the people. They join the millionaires club shortly after taking office. Scumbags suit them..............Because they are Pond Scum........Self Serving Traitors..............

Tar and Feathering them would be a great way to start.........

Oh........we are supposed to be Politically Correct here.............because some people might be offended that we are calling their sorry butts out..............too bad.

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