WH Stands by Trump’s ‘Human Scum’ Comment, Never-Trumpers ‘Deserve Strong Language Like That'

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.

We are enabling his actions, because they enable his results, which are fantastic.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate

NO President should EVER resort to that kind of language, period. Anyone that does should not be filling the role as a President because they certainly are filling the purposes of the President of the United States.

No free ride on this one, Rumpster.

Needless to say, I disagree. If you look at the names that President Trump and his supporters have been called by the libs, "human scum" is pretty mild. Trump has had "Racist" "Nazi" "Hitler" "Homophobe" "sexist" "small-dicked" "traitor" and "homosexual" tossed at him.

Trump grew up in the mean streets of New York, he always returns fire. It was a matter of survival.
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.

We are enabling his actions, because they enable his results, which are fantastic.
Like what? The economy? International relations? Race relations?

What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?
"Fines up to 250,000 for addressing people with the correct gender pronouns"
- New York.

"Fines up to 250,000 for accurately addressing someone as an illegal"
- New York

Trump used a word as it has been used for the past hundred of years.
- REEEEeeee!

The left, the left... We should always address them for what they are, communist thieves.
To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.

We are enabling his actions, because they enable his results, which are fantastic.
Like what? The economy? International relations? Race relations?

What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?

Those things, but above all, for the American people.
What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?
Those things, but above all, for the American people.

Get specific.


Not his actions, not his tweets, ACTUAL, TANGIBLE, DEMONSTRABLE RESULTS.

Since his RESULTS have been FANTASTIC, this should be EASY.
I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.

Liberal activist Martin Bashir on MSNBC suggested that people should literally defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth and that would be appropriate. Not a word of apology for any liberals, no one took responsibility. No condemnation of MSNBC by Obama, Hillary, no one.

The Trump Doctrine is to fight fire with fire. No more Babyface tactics while Trump remains silent and just takes all violations of decency from the Libs.

Its been pretty successful so far, especially in comparison to the results achieved by that pathetic loser , Sen. Pierre Delecto.
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.

Liberal activist Martin Bashir on MSNBC suggested that people should literally defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth and that would be appropriate. Not a word of apology for any liberals, no one took responsibility. No condemnation of MSNBC by Obama, Hillary, no one.

The Trump Doctrine is to fight fire with fire. No more Babyface tactics while Trump remains silent and just takes all violations of decency from the Libs.

Its been pretty successful so far, especially in comparison to the results achieved by that pathetic loser , Sen. Pierre Delecto.
Perfect, thanks. My point is illustrated for me.
What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?
Those things, but above all, for the American people.

Get specific.


Not his actions, not his tweets, ACTUAL, TANGIBLE, DEMONSTRABLE RESULTS.

Since his RESULTS have been FANTASTIC, this should be EASY.

Record low unemployment , record high markets, return to respect for America, NATO allies paying their share
What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?
Those things, but above all, for the American people.

Get specific.


Not his actions, not his tweets, ACTUAL, TANGIBLE, DEMONSTRABLE RESULTS.

Since his RESULTS have been FANTASTIC, this should be EASY.

Record low unemployment , record high markets, return to respect for America, NATO allies paying their share
The trajectory of unemployment was CLEARLY headed down when he took office. GDP is down to 2.0% despite his exploding the deficit. The stock market is stagnant. Bond yields have crashed. We're in a manufacturing recession already. We are an international pariah.

So NATO allies "paying their fair share" is worth what he has done to the office of the President? That's it????

That's pathetic.
What is worth what this person has done to the office of the Presidency?
Those things, but above all, for the American people.

Get specific.


Not his actions, not his tweets, ACTUAL, TANGIBLE, DEMONSTRABLE RESULTS.

Since his RESULTS have been FANTASTIC, this should be EASY.

Record low unemployment , record high markets, return to respect for America, NATO allies paying their share

President Trump's ideas, like reducing black unemployment levels to the lowest of all time, have been very controversial and liberals have fought them every step of the way. Trump rejects the idea of a Permanent American Underclass, and believes that all Americans should have the chance to succeed and a job is the first step. Although Trump's policy is extremely unpopular with Liberal politicians who rely on black discontent to fuel their campaigns, he just thinks its the right idea so he did it.
In a normal world there wouldn't be the Democratic media and their political party, trying to overturn the results of a presidential election, right out in the open.

If we had a president who didn’t break the law we would be a lot better off.

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We do have a president that hasn't broken the law AND we're a lot better off.

No. We have a criminal for a president.

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That was the Obama years :D

Black man bad.

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In a normal world there wouldn't be the Democratic media and their political party, trying to overturn the results of a presidential election, right out in the open.

If we had a president who didn’t break the law we would be a lot better off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We do have a president that hasn't broken the law AND we're a lot better off.

No. We have a criminal for a president.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


That was the Obama years :D

Black man bad.

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In most cases.
If we had a president who didn’t break the law we would be a lot better off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We do have a president that hasn't broken the law AND we're a lot better off.

No. We have a criminal for a president.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


That was the Obama years :D

Black man bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In most cases.

Whats bad is judging someone you don’t know based solely on skin color.

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I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'

Of course the victim has to be blamed. Otherwise the WH would have to admit the President has no respect for himself or others.
I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'

Of course the victim has to be blamed. Otherwise the WH would have to admit the President has no respect for himself or others.

What "victim"? If someone is Human Scum, and it gets pointed out to them, how are they a "victim"?

President Trump stands up for himself, by not letting the attacks on him go unanswered shows he has self-respect.
I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'

Of course the victim has to be blamed. Otherwise the WH would have to admit the President has no respect for himself or others.

What "victim"? If someone is Human Scum, and it gets pointed out to them, how are they a "victim"?

President Trump stands up for himself, by not letting the attacks on him go unanswered shows he has self-respect.

That's funnier than shit, PP. No one with any self-respect would stand before the world and lie the way Trump does.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Liberals have already abandoned the rule of law and are well on the way to a leftwing dictatorship

But it can and probably will get worse
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Liberals have already abandoned the rule of law and are well on the way to a leftwing dictatorship

But it can and probably will get worse

Here is a weird thing.

All the polls show (when asked) what 2 things would cause a civil war today

The top two answers are -

Impeaching a President
Gun confiscation

So - clearly the Dems have a plan.
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