WH Stands by Trump’s ‘Human Scum’ Comment, Never-Trumpers ‘Deserve Strong Language Like That'

In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly and bluntly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

In other words "Normal people are wretched lowly scum not fit to lick my boots and their vote should be invalidated"
I would have to say that I agree with the White House 100%. Never-Trumpers are very dangerous to this administration. Trump has exposed many of them and he's not through. President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party.

White House Stands by Trump's 'Human Scum' Comment, Never-Trumpers 'Deserve Strong Language Like That'

"President Trump must have 100% loyalty owed to him by his staffers and the Republican party."


their first and only loyalty should be to trump?

NOT the constitution?
NOT the country?
NOT the people?
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

In other words "Normal people are wretched lowly scum not fit to lick my boots and their vote should be invalidated"
That may somehow be how you perceived my post. Sadly, I think that's possible.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

try insulting a conservative by calling him "human scum" and see how quickly HE becomes PC
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

"I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are"

In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

In other words "Normal people are wretched lowly scum not fit to lick my boots and their vote should be invalidated"
That may somehow be how you perceived my post. Sadly, I think that's possible.

60 million americans voted for Trump because they need a justification to be their shallow, crass and undignified selves. That's what you said.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

In other words "Normal people are wretched lowly scum not fit to lick my boots and their vote should be invalidated"

""Normal people are wretched lowly scum not fit to lick my boots and their vote should be invalidated"

That is NOT what he said. He said TRUMP SUPPORTERS (who are NOT "normal people")

and he never said "wretched lowly scum"

but I will.

trump supporters are wretched lowly scum who love trump because uses the same insults and personal attacks as they do.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

I think you are forgetting another factor here. Suppose President Trump's assessment of the nevertrumpers is correct, and they are human scum?

Is it really improper or undignified then? Doesn't a President have a duty to be open to his people and give an honest evaluation of them?

I think if Mr. Kasich or Mr. Walsh or any of the others of the "never trump" group want to contest their President's observations, that's fine too. But I think the fact that they haven't really rebutted Mr. Trump's evaluation, tells me its probably pretty accurate
I do realize that Trump behaves and communicates at a level that is appropriate for some Americans, and that they celebrate his shallow, immature, undignified and nasty vulgarity and behaviors because he mirrors their own. They finally have someone in the White House who acts just like they do, AND it justifies (in their minds) the way they are.

That doesn't make it right.

To the contrary, in the era of PC a lot of people have self censored themselves. Then they see Trump just rise up there and state what he thinks directly. It is baffling to them. All of these years they have self-censored when they could have just stated what they believe all along, like our president. Obvious facts like men are not women etc.

More and more people are waking up to how they were scammed.
Trump's behaviors would have been considered an embarrassing abomination long before PC ever infected our culture.

His Trumpsters transparently try to make this about PC, which it has nothing to do with. Two different things.

To the contrary, people used to be able to speak even stupid shit and not have way out of the line punishment for it administered by the crazy media... which used to report news, not anti-American propaganda.

Americans are waking up to the fact that it does not have to be this way.
President Donald J Trump decides he has had enough of the radical commie Nancy Pelosi. He marches into her office, and without saying a word, he hops up onto her desk and stands above her, smiling. He turns around, pulls down his pants, crouches, and takes a big dump in the middle of her desk. He grabs her arm and wipes his butt with the sleeve of her jacket. He hops down off her desk, pulls out his dick, and pees in her face. Still silent, he zips up, turns, and exits her office.

In all seriousness, I think you and the other Trumpsters liked that story. I'll bet you had a little smile on your face as you were reading it. I'll bet you'd say that you'd be fine if it were true.

You enable the worst behaviors of the single most embarrassing individual of our time, and there's nothing I can say or do to change that.
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In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....

find me one other politician that attacks, mocks and ridicules people the way trump does.
Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....
As I said earlier, trying to compare or equate the daily, hourly storm of childish, embarrassing vulgarity from this petulant man-child to ANY, ANY public figure (let alone an elected official, let alone the President of the United States) is an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty, pitiable ignorance, or both.
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....

find me one other politician that attacks, mocks and ridicules people the way trump does.

They embody being undignified and beneath the office... Trump is the most honest politician in Washington....... they wear suits well and speak well.....hiding their vile behavior behind a false face...
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....

find me one other politician that attacks, mocks and ridicules people the way trump does.

If you and your family had been attacked for the past three years as the Trumps have been how would you react snowflake?
Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....
As I said earlier, trying to compare or equate the daily, hourly storm of childish, embarrassing vulgarity from this petulant man-child to ANY, ANY public figure (let alone an elected official, let alone the President of the United States) is an exercise in blatant intellectual dishonesty, pitiable ignorance, or both.

Wrong, actual actions by Washington politicians behind closed doors is the problem....not Trump calling them what they actually are.......that is your problem...you are hypnotized by the snake oil salesmen....
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....

find me one other politician that attacks, mocks and ridicules people the way trump does.

If you and your family had been attacked for the past three years as the Trumps have been how would you react snowflake?

Obama and his family was attacked for 8 years, starting on the first day of office, and he reacted like a gentleman.

apparently trump is KING SNOWFLAKE!
In Normal World, a President of the United States calling other Americans (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) "human scum" would be considered shocking and undignified, and certainly beneath the office.

But currently, it's just spitting into a hurricane.

I wonder how low our standards will ultimately go.

Shocking, undignified, and beneath the office........ that essentially describes every politician in Washington....yet they are still there....

find me one other politician that attacks, mocks and ridicules people the way trump does.

If you and your family had been attacked for the past three years as the Trumps have been how would you react snowflake?

Obama and his family was attacked for 8 years, starting on the first day of office, and he reacted like a gentleman.

apparently trump is KING SNOWFLAKE!


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