Wha Is A Political Circus?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
When people like me claim that America and the axis of the so called democracy are in fact a dictatorship rule hiding under a puppet circus, many people who keep watching government officials openly criticizing each other on the mass media may be confused and in disbelief about such a statement. So here is one of many examples demonstrating that our statement about axis of democracy being a staged puppet circus:
(It's like in a dream you sometimes have glitches or black outs, they too make mistakes and this is one of them.)

#1. In the video below, state department spokesman is quite embarrassed about not knowing the answer to the statement she just made, BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT! THE POINT IS that she made another mistake in stating "I'm not sure as I was reading this I'm not familiar with that term either" - so this means that she was reading a response to the question, which means that the question was prepared in advanced, and asked by a guy who is acting like a journalist.

#2. Shortly after Ukrainians in the east held a referendum to separate from oligarchy, a passenger airplane with 298 civilians was shot down. The so called democratic international world community instantly "demanded answers" pointing fighters and rebels which they called "Russian" rebels. But it's been over two months since the black box was transferred to Malaysia and instantly shipped to Britain, and somehow the international "world community" and it's "free" media did not care to share with the world what was on those black boxes OR WHY DID US/EU backed Ukraine failed to transfer air traffic control data which would explain WHY was the airplane derailed as it was flying over UKRAINE to instead fly off course North OVER A WAR ZONE, where just recently multiple Ukrainian military air planes have been shot down flying as high as 21,000 feet? How come the independent international community/media does not care to ask these questions? what is going on?

Please share your thoughts, my only explanation is because the so called world community is an absolute fraud, a bunch of political puppets paid and manipulated by big money, a bunch of lowlifes put in suits, given careers and told what to do and how to act or else they lose their careers.
To paraphrase WS:
The media presents tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
Thank goodness for alternative media, blogs and progressive critical thinkers.... Lean forward comrades !!!!!
I second Logik's sentiment. Where does the democrat party find these nasty bitches? I mean c'mon, the left has a plethora of female intellectuals. Why don't any ever find their way into the State Department? Nasty and stupid is the rule of the day under this administration.
I second Logik's sentiment. Where does the democrat party find these nasty bitches? I mean c'mon, the left has a plethora of female intellectuals. Why don't any ever find their way into the State Department? Nasty and stupid is the rule of the day under this administration.
When you single out "this" administration, you leave people to wonder about the previous administration of quail hunters and pretzel chokers.
Because instructional time is finite and there are opportunity costs for choices that we make.

I'm so glad that I teach the way I do.

While instructional time is still finite, it is much more efficiently used.

And what do you have to say about the Alberta results which arose from teaching your way?

I was referring to the ignorance of the poster.....
Hmmm...I still second your sentiment.
Jen Psaki and Marie Harf are a couple of ignorant political hack bimbos. Nothing either says or does would surprise me. Plus, neither are good speakers or good at their jobs. Of course, when they work for the perpetual fuck-up, John Kerry, it a little more sense. All 3 of them reflect poorly on the institution. Personally, I would not point to any of these three morons as an example of anything but unmitigated incompetence. I imagine that the serious, career foreign service workers probably quietly seethe in anger at having those two twats serving as spokes people.

You may be right, but I will reserve judgment until I see a lot more evidence.

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