Whacky Trump Grand Jury Forechick Goes on TV to Talk about Deliberations

Get therapy
My God, she exhibits the brand of vapid stupidity that is typical of Democrats and their voters. In what world is this OK? Moreover, in what world would an individual think this is OK?!? Forget that this involves Trump. This is just plain asinine. Truly, the local DA, and affirmative action lawyer, wasted a lot of taxpayer money going after Trump only to have this nitwit F- it up like this.

She is a little odd - but I respect her and her patriotism! She volunteered for the job. I admire her enthusiasm and how careful she tries to not violate the rules regarding what she is allowed to say publicly.
I’m not so concerned about her doing interviews as much as her statement about how she would be disappointed, after going through all of that, if nothing happened, which shows bias. They will question whether or not her bias was from the beginning. It could be problematic for the case.
Is this plan 'B'?
If there isn't the evidence to obtain the wanted results, could this woman be the useful idiot that provides the excuse.
To clarify: it is known that Trump is running for president in 2024.
So it would useful if there was an excuse such as, "well he would have been convicted and ineligible for office if only that woman hadn't gone to the media"
I obviously don't know this, but based on past events, it does seem probable.
Looks like the may or may not have violated the law, just ran up to the line.

In any event, she pretty much exposed the process as a sham.
She didn't reveal any deliberations of the GJ.

I don't think anyone will be surprised, especially now, if Trump gets indicted in Georgia for election interference sometime this year.
Not trying to be mean, but why do democrats always look like the product of 2 animals that shouldn't have fucked each other. This one could stop bird shit in mid-air.

The self-loathing is dripping off this one. It knows Trump tips his caddy more than it makes in a month and apparently that doesn't sit too well.

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What’s with all the side eye,hiding behind her hair as she cackles? What a loon.

Leftist for sure. They all have seriously arrested emotional development. That explains the bizarre behavioral tics.

I've been on juries several times. It's not unusual to have "characters" on them but it makes no difference.

If proof of prior bias can be shown. You have a point.

If she violated rules governing GJ procedure you have a point

If all you can say is "She looks weird"...you got nuffin
With fat cat conservative sugar daddies, raving bible thumpers, and media cheerleaders all abandoning the Cry Baby Loser in droves, his plethora of legal plights offer no solace for a vanquished cult leader whose memorial is a non-existent, big, beautiful wall paid for by Mexico.

He can still entertain and share his delusions, of course:

Are you objective? It certainly does not seem that way.
Anthony Michael Kreis, an assistant professor of law at Georgia State University, told Murray that while Kohrs’ media tour was unusual – particularly in a case where no one has yet faced charges – Kohrs was within her rights to discuss the case as long as she didn’t delve into grand jury deliberations.

“She didn’t do anything violative of her obligations,” Kreis said. “I don’t think she did anything that jeopardized Fani Willis’ strategy or her ability to bring her case.”

Kohrs told reporters McBurney gave the jury instructions, and she seemed to consider exactly how far she could go before answering reporters’ individual questions – though she also seemed to enjoy the opportunity to dish about the grand jury proceedings.
What a clown show. Any half witted attorney is going to have a field day with this circus. The key issue that remains to be seen is who will eventually be indicted and for what.
A colleague pointed me toward the series of interviews this women gave, so I caught the video of them late last night and I marveled at what I beheld. In a series of edited interactions with media I immediately saw what likely most would miss sans mental health professionals, specifically her inappropriate affect, and eccentric expressions, such as stopping in a reply, looking up and away whilst rolling eyes, giggling, and seemingly momentarily lost in thought. Did you folks see any of that shit??? I am nearly convinced she is a schizophrenic, those inappropriate expressions being a hallmark of such, indeed at one point I was all but convinced she was actively listening to voices, another hallmark of the disease....

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