

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
The Stock Market rallys today at news from the FED that they will continue the mindless $85,000,000,000 PER MONTH handouts of your money so they can continue having record numbers.
Aren't you glad this administration is giving your money to the wealthiest companies in America so they can still look like they are doing well?? Just gives you a warm-fuzzy feeling.
Screw the sequester...doesn't stop this from happening.
Gold down $26. A couple hundred since bernake started his latest marathon dollar printing party.
Liberals hate the Stock Market, but they sure love alluding to it's success when they want to try to convince the rest of us that the economy under Obama is doing so well. :lol:
Liberals hate the Stock Market, but they sure love alluding to it's success when they want to try to convince the rest of us that the economy under Obama is doing so well. :lol:

Which is why the MSM has been TOTALLY silent on the $85Bn MONTHLY taxpayer hand outs.

Just yesterday (and the day before, day before...) Scott Pelley went on the daily "look at what the sequester is causing" mantra...yet no mention about the $85 central bank hand outs....nah...no bias here.
Liberals hate the Stock Market, but they sure love alluding to it's success when they want to try to convince the rest of us that the economy under Obama is doing so well. :lol:

I seem to remember when the price of stocks were based on the health of the company.Did the company have a strong management team.Were they carrying a lot of debt.Were they run well.

Now who knows what the value of a stock is based on. :cuckoo:
Liberals hate the Stock Market, but they sure love alluding to it's success when they want to try to convince the rest of us that the economy under Obama is doing so well. :lol:

I seem to remember when the price of stocks were based on the health of the company.Did the company have a strong management team.Were they carrying a lot of debt.Were they run well.

Now who knows what the value of a stock is based on. :cuckoo:

It is based on whether the government continues to use your money to take the losses of bad investments or not.
Today - the stock market is absolutely a game, only real money exchanges hands. Value is assessed by how high the stock unit can be sold for - not necessarily what the value of the company is - which is of course the very definition of a bubble building market.
Liberals hate the Stock Market, but they sure love alluding to it's success when they want to try to convince the rest of us that the economy under Obama is doing so well. :lol:

I seem to remember when the price of stocks were based on the health of the company.Did the company have a strong management team.Were they carrying a lot of debt.Were they run well.

Now who knows what the value of a stock is based on. :cuckoo:

As always, FEAR AND GREED and the two prime movers of stock prices.
Liberals hate the stock market? When did that happen?

Before Obama became President, and again after he leaves office.
Go ahead and try to get one liberal poster on this entire forum to even comment on the $85Bn this administration via the FED is handing over to the top banks and Wall Street firms every month. They won't talk about it - and neither has the MSM.
A whole lot of macro-economists (both those leaning left and right) seem to think that the only reason the stock market is up is because the Government continues to pump cash into the economy.

I'm inclined to think they're right.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MXgc8wzfC4]Tiny bubbles! - YouTube[/ame]
The Federal Reserve launches QE3: The power of positive thinking | The Economist

Just HORRIBLE! Just giving it away!

Psssst! Stay away from your sources on this.....they are scaring you!

I think your average intelligent person knows that no, they are not pulling up to the curb and unloading semi loads of $100 bills, however the central banks and Wall Street firms are getting the benefit of the $85Bn a month. Afterall, a lot of the toxic assets they are buying are theirs...so in that part, they are unloading $100 bills.
The money printing, bond buying and toxic asset buying all prop up the markets - no?
If today the FED announced they are ceasing all bond buying, buying no more toxic assets and will print no more money for one month...let's see what that little hit of reality would do.
We all need to thank our beloved Pres. Obama for this change of events.

He is the man of the hour........ :cool:
You guys notice the headlines today?
"Central Banks agree with the White House - robust recovery just around the corner".
Hmm...the same people that denied there was a problem in the first place, the same people that said everything would be good after QE1...oops, QE2...oops, QEInfinity....oops....no...NOW it is coming....yes...we can all rest easy now....this time they MEAN it.
How about the markets this week eh?
When is the last time we have had 200-250 point swings 3 days in a row?
And last Presidential election one person talked about the FED.... and people made fun of him openly on stage.
The Stock Market rallys today at news from the FED that they will continue the mindless $85,000,000,000 PER MONTH handouts of your money so they can continue having record numbers.
Aren't you glad this administration is giving your money to the wealthiest companies in America so they can still look like they are doing well?? Just gives you a warm-fuzzy feeling.
Screw the sequester...doesn't stop this from happening.
You are angry, no doubt. But the first thought I had was, what would happen to those companies and all the jobs, if this handouts would not take place.

It´s a thin patch, sure and I would do something different from applying thin patches but maybe this way has also its raison d'être. When it´s true, I can´t find a source.

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