Wharton Study: Biden's college loan forgiveness will cost $1 TRILLION.

Wealth transfer from the working class to the higher incomes.

Remember when Democrats used to be for the poor instead of the rich?

They don't even pretend anymore.
Nobody was ever for the poor. Not even Marx. The poor are a commodity to be used. In this country..it's the votes
You are free to donate as much as you want. Why should some woman working as a waitress pay for the college degree of a (fill in the blank)____________?
Ok, tell us why some guy working at a grocery story should pay for the degree of a doctor, chemist, or engineer
Why the fuck do you think some guy working in an auto plant should pay for the degree of a lawyer
You've asked the same question three times now in three successive posts.

I dunno..maybe he'll be the one who saves her kids life...or cures cancer? Maybe the lawyer becomes a judge and serves societies interest.
Investment in our educated class can only improve quality of life.
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You've asked the same question three times now in three successive posts.

I dunno..maybe he'll be the one who saves her kids life...or cures cancer? Maybe the lawyer becomes a judge and serves societies interest.
Investment in our educated class can only improve quality of life.
Non answer.

Try again, Troll.
Presidents, as John F. Kennedy once observed, are subject to “clamorous counsel” — everyone, it can seem, has an opinion on how to do the job
No, you are lying, Troll.

Anything on topic? As in, the actual cost of this Unconstitutional scheme by your Vegetable Messiah?
Get caught in a lie, so you want to say I’m off-topic, as a distraction from getting pwned?!?! Seems to be a tactic on the right, to act all tough and then run to authorities when they lose arguments and get their feelz hurt!
Once again the Biden White House lies about how much their schemes will cost.

I wonder how all the hard working Americans who didn't go to college, or went and paid for it themselves, will feel about paying for Harvard grad's loans.

As with all Gubmint programs, the actual cost will be many times what they claim.

What their study actually says...

We estimate that President Biden’s proposed student loan debt cancellation alone will cost between $469 billion to $519 billion over the 10-year budget window, depending on whether existing and new students are included. About 75% of the benefit falls to households making $88,000 or less per year.

Loan forbearance for 2022 will cost an additional $16 billion.
I dunno...as was stated..amounts to about $2k. I can handle that. Can you?

Not exactly crippling, now is it?.
You federal supremacists are the scum of the Earth.
Doesnt matter if its "crippling" to someone or not.
People are paying for this that make LESS than the folks getting this free shit.
Give every citizen who has worked in their lives at least 4 years and paid taxes on an average yearly income level set, ten thousand dollars also. The four years would represent a bachelor's degree length of time.
Get caught in a lie, so you want to say I’m off-topic, as a distraction from getting pwned?!?! Seems to be a tactic on the right, to act all tough and then run to authorities when they lose arguments and get their feelz hurt!
You really need to go back to the third grade for the fourth time and learn to read. I never said ONLY Harvard grads.

But this is your MO.....you can't discuss the topic intelligently because it makes your Vegetable Messiah look bad, so you troll in a pathetic attempt to derail the thread.

I am done playing your games. See ya. :bye1:
What their study actually says...

We estimate that President Biden’s proposed student loan debt cancellation alone will cost between $469 billion to $519 billion over the 10-year budget window, depending on whether existing and new students are included. About 75% of the benefit falls to households making $88,000 or less per year.

Loan forbearance for 2022 will cost an additional $16 billion.
Cherry pick much, Simp?

However, depending on future details of the actual IDR program and concomitant behavioral changes, the IDR program could add another $450 billion or more, thereby raising total plan costs to over $1 trillion.
Cherry pick much, Simp?

However, depending on future details of the actual IDR program and concomitant behavioral changes, the IDR program could add another $450 billion or more, thereby raising total plan costs to over $1 trillion.

Do you know what the word "could" means?

Your OP said it "will", which is not what the study claimed.

If you could have just stuck to the facts and talked about the actual increased cost you might have finally had a legit thread
Once again the Biden White House lies about how much their schemes will cost.

I wonder how all the hard working Americans who didn't go to college, or went and paid for it themselves, will feel about paying for Harvard grad's loans.

As with all Gubmint programs, the actual cost will be many times what they claim.

tRump got a degree from Wharton so well enough said?
Do you know what the word "could" means?

Your OP said it "will", which is not what the study claimed.

If you could have just stuck to the facts and talked about the actual increased cost you might have finally had a legit thread
When was the last time a government program didn't cost more than the highest estimate?

Bring links and examples, Simp.
Nancy Pelosi said Biden couldn't forgive student loans.

So why haven't the Republicans filed a lawsuit to stop the steal?
When was the last time a government program didn't cost more than the highest estimate?

Bring links and examples, Simp.

Which is a legit discussion, but you could not stick to that, you had to lie about what the study claimed.

This is what you all would call Fake News had the other side did it

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