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What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.

That's correct. Your opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

FACTS are what matter.

Oh for me too. Which is why I don't think I would look to Greg Palast, darling of Air America and the left and who is getting rich with his Greg Palast Investigative Fund - who I don't believe has ever written anything complimentary about anybody on the right nor 'investigated' anybody on the left - I don't think I would look to him for believable 'facts' unless strongly counter balanced with a more objective source.

But you don't care about my opinion and that's cool. I'm just setting the record as straight as I can here in case people who REALLY care about facts are reading along.

You've set no record straight other than the record that says you and your ilk are ignorant and partisan-blind. That's it. :clap2:

Bring something to the table in the order of maybe ..... oh I dont know.... SOME FACTS, or STFU.
Yes and night after night during the Reagan Administration, Henry Gonzales and others took to the House floor to spew out an hour or two of 'special orders' speech listing all the sins and deviousness and conspiracies and crimes of the Reagan Administration and all those associated with it. That continued through the G.H.W. Bush administration and well into the Clinton Administration.

So the Democratically appointed special counsel spends some $300 million--still a handsome sum back in the $80's instead of being considered pocket change as it is now--to investigate President Reagan and others. And the final report spoke about some vague minor rules and laws broken, but nothing that carried a penalty. No recommendation for a Grand Jury. No recommendation for charges, much less any sort of indictment.

But man oh man, how the Left still tries to hold all that up as the sum total of what Reagan was and refuse to allow a few citizens remember him fondly.

So it goes. . . . .
Yes and night after night during the Reagan Administration, Henry Gonzales and others took to the House floor to spew out an hour or two of 'special orders' speech listing all the sins and deviousness and conspiracies and crimes of the Reagan Administration and all those associated with it. That continued through the G.H.W. Bush administration and well into the Clinton Administration.

So the Democratically appointed special counsel spends some $300 million--still a handsome sum back in the $80's instead of being considered pocket change as it is now--to investigate President Reagan and others. And the final report spoke about some vague minor rules and laws broken, but nothing that carried a penalty. No recommendation for a Grand Jury. No recommendation for charges, much less any sort of indictment.

But man oh man, how the Left still tries to hold all that up as the sum total of what Reagan was and refuse to allow a few citizens remember him fondly.

So it goes. . . . .

The left really is just a bit pathetic looking right now.
So I am sure you had the same problem as when Cheney held secret meetings with Oil companies..right?

Nope because there is ZERO evidence that any oil company received any government benefit from those meetings. They were held sans press coverage so that the participants could speak freely in a brain storming session. The execs were called in to provide training and input for the Administration in advance of developing an energy policy which frankly sucked and none of the oil companies liked. :)

And you do know that Halliburton is not an oil company yes?

You're kidding right?

During the Bush Administration, Oil Companies, made more profit then any other commercial enterprise at any time during human history..combined.

It's completely ludicrious to come up with the notion there wasn't any connection.

I'm sure that's why gas prices still remain high, must be "more oil profits" going for our Commander and Chief. Bush and Cheney must be at it again. Remember that excuse from the left? :lol::lol::lol: How convenient that rising oil prices is no longer considered a "relevant issue" by the left-stream media, since Obama has taken office.
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Here comes the jerkoff a thon!!!

Why?? Because not everybody agrees with you?? I liked RR as a person and I admired him for being such a good husband. But I think he should have stuck to acting. He was really good. I thought he did a great job in, "Kings Row". As prez?? Not so great.

And I've been wondering why there was a celebration for his 100th birthday. Lots of former presidents are dead and we haven't celebrated their 100th. Kind of weird, I think.
Here comes the jerkoff a thon!!!

Why?? Because not everybody agrees with you?? I liked RR as a person and I admired him for being such a good husband. But I think he should have stuck to acting. He was really good. I thought he did a great job in, "Kings Row". As prez?? Not so great.

And I've been wondering why there was a celebration for his 100th birthday. Lots of former presidents are dead and we haven't celebrated their 100th. Kind of weird, I think.

I think you're mistaken. I believe most Presidents have been acknowledged on what would have been their 100th birthday.

See this site:
LBJ100.com | Lyndon B. Johnson Centennial Celebration
I don't know if this has been mentioned but there's a doc on HBO airing tonight called Reagan. The life and legacy of him.
Halliburtons' contracts with the govt increased tremendously while Cheney was VP, and contrary to the wingnuts lies, he continued to receive money from Halliburton while he was serving as VP so he had a personal financial interest in making sure that Halliburton kept making money

Correct - it was held in a trust. It's been released to him by now, of course.
How is this crony capitalism?

Immelt cozies up to Obama, supports and helps to push his policies so as to get preferred statis for any contracts to be doled out by the administration over any other company that might provide the same service or product. It's very simple, GE stands to make billions off of Cap & Trade and Obama's EPA can implement these policies without congress’s approval it's not the free market, and it’s part of whats wrong with our BIG government too much power.

So I am sure you had the same problem as when Cheney held secret meetings with Oil companies..right?

Nope.. It wasn't one particular oil co was it? If you have an energy summit you of course have to meet with the companies that produce energy your analogy does work try again genus
10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

Tomorrow will mark the 100th anniversary of President Reagan’s birth, and all week, conservatives have been trying to outdo each others’ remembrances of the great conservative icon. Senate Republicans spent much of Thursday singing Reagan’s praise from the Senate floor, while conservative publications have been running non-stop commemorations. Meanwhile, the Republican National Committee and former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich are hoping to make a few bucks off the Gipper’s centennial.

But Reagan was not the man conservatives claim he was. This image of Reagan as a conservative superhero is myth, created to untie the various factions of the right behind a common leader. In reality, Reagan was no conservative ideologue or flawless commander-in-chief. Reagan regularly strayed from conservative dogma — he raised taxes eleven times as president while tripling the deficit — and he often ended up on the wrong side of history, like when he vetoed an Anti-Apartheid bill.

ThinkProgress has compiled a list of the top 10 things conservatives rarely mention when talking about President Reagan:

1. Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled. As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,” including four times in just two years. As former GOP Senator Alan Simpson, who called Reagan “a dear friend,” told NPR, “Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times in his administration — I was there.” “Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes,” said historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan’s memoir. Reagan the anti-tax zealot is “false mythology,” Brinkley said.
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ThinkProgress 10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

:clap2: Check the tax rates when Reagan came to office, as opposed to when he left. Reagan did make a deal with the dems were if he raised taxes a little he get twice that amount in spending cuts. He never got the spending cuts he was promised.
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That's correct. Your opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

FACTS are what matter.

The opinion of one may be irrelevant. The opinon of a few perhaps of no consequence. The opinion of many a possibility you might ignore. You however are the irrelevant factor. This is fact. Deal.
good lord, so saying he was a good president is now "cult" like?

Assigning imaginary greatness in spite of ample evidence to the contrary because of some real or abstract personal need or wish is what gives rise to deities, both spiritual and political. Ronald Reagan is as much a cult figure to Conservative political junkies as rock musicians are to their groupies.

Ronald Reagan was not a good president. But he was packaged and presented as such and those with a personal need to believe in the portrayal of a political hero will do so with the fervor of a religious fanatic.

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