What a guy...


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Dec 15, 2012
How hard can this be?

CIA Director Pledges to Make Benghazi Survivors Available to Talk
1:00 AM, SEP 11, 2013 • BY STEPHEN F. HAYES Send to Kindle Single PagePrintLarger TextSmaller TextAlerts
One year after the terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, the survivors may finally begin to talk.

In a three-page letter to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Mike Rogers, CIA director John Brennan says that his agency will provide the “relevant information” to Rogers in order to facilitate meetings between CIA-affiliated personnel in Benghazi and congressional oversight committees. The offer of cooperation, dated September 3, 2013, comes as four committees of jurisdiction in the House of Representatives prepare to reinvigorate separate inquiries into the events of September 11, 2012, and their aftermath. In the next two weeks, the House Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, Government Oversight and Reform, and Intelligence Committees will all hold hearings looking into different aspects of the Benghazi attacks – beginning with an Intelligence Committee hearing later this week on the lack of progress in the investigation and apprehension of the perpetrators of those attacks. 60 Minutes is planning to air its investigation into the Benghazi attacks later this fall.

In his letter to Rogers, Brennan responded to several specific questions the Intelligence Committee chairman had posed in a letter dated August 2, 2013, denying that CIA officers on the ground during the attacks had been subjected to polygraphs or required to sign non-disclosure agreements. He also denied that any CIA officers – “either staff or contractor” – had been told not to speak to Congress about the attacks or threatened with consequences for any such cooperation. “To the best of my knowledge after inquiry, I am unaware of any officer who has been threatened with reprisals,” Brennan wrote. “Nor would I tolerate such behavior. To retaliate or threaten retaliation would be a violation of law.”

CIA Director Pledges to Make Benghazi Survivors Available to Talk | The Weekly Standard
How hard can it be?

It takes time and planning to make sure they all tell the same story...
How hard can it be?

It takes time and planning to make sure they all tell the same story...

Yup and they've had a year to get their stories straight..

I'm more interested in the survivors of the attack on the consulate. Those folks had to sign a NDA and one has to wonder what the hell for? Whats to hide and why hide it??
How hard can it be?

It takes time and planning to make sure they all tell the same story...

Yup and they've had a year to get their stories straight..

I'm more interested in the survivors of the attack on the consulate. Those folks had to sign a NDA and one has to wonder what the hell for? Whats to hide and why hide it??
I can imagine that some may have been privy to the contents of classified cables and such in addition to their mundane, non-secret daily chores around the embassy. Did they have to sign the NDAs before or after the terrorist attack disguised as a protest? Maybe they can't testify that there was no spontaneous demonstration.

If the NDAs were required after the fact, you can bet your bippy there's a coverup being orchestrated.
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How hard can it be?

It takes time and planning to make sure they all tell the same story...

...or to make sure they are paid enough to lie in favor of the administration.
I hope trey howdy gets to question them...I like that guy.

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