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What a hate filled man...who's supposedly a Christian.

Here's a list (a partial list) of so-called heretics who were burned at the stake. Which ones were the result of the Muslim Caliphate?

That was a surprisingly short list.

Hence the classification as a partial list.

You DO realize, don't you, that not everyone who was burned at the stake was historically significant enough to be listed by name?

Burning at the stake, Throwing under the bus, when are you going to learn to live and let live. Abandon the quest to control all of our lives. Work on advancing your own. You can do it! ;)
That was a surprisingly short list.

Hence the classification as a partial list.

You DO realize, don't you, that not everyone who was burned at the stake was historically significant enough to be listed by name?

Burning at the stake, Throwing under the bus, when are you going to learn to live and let live. Abandon the quest to control all of our lives. Work on advancing your own. You can do it! ;)

But then how would one show their superiority to others?
those are performed under the most dire of circumstances.

do you know the percentage of births in which they occur?

once again, it is not the place of government to make medical decisions for women. it is for a woman and her doctor.

If that's the case, then you must be against Obamacare.
Well I meant fewer Muslims died during the crusades than people died in the twin towers.

If you count the Christians that were slaughtered, of course, the numbers start jumping.

I think that's a gross underestimate.
Hence the classification as a partial list.

You DO realize, don't you, that not everyone who was burned at the stake was historically significant enough to be listed by name?

Burning at the stake, Throwing under the bus, when are you going to learn to live and let live. Abandon the quest to control all of our lives. Work on advancing your own. You can do it! ;)

But then how would one show their superiority to others?

Their DNC, and/or Union Membership Card, or Their Government Employee ID Card, silly.
Well I meant fewer Muslims died during the crusades than people died in the twin towers.

If you count the Christians that were slaughtered, of course, the numbers start jumping.

I think that's a gross underestimate.

Yes, well, that's the point, isn't it...we have no numbers. These jackass idiots spout as if they KNOW how many people were killed and inflate it however they choose, and pass that off as "knowledge". They are talking out their cracks, about things they know absolutely nothing about, and they are PRETENDING that their statements are factual, when in reality, it's just shit they're making up...after watching a couple of late night "Histories Mysteries" episodes.

I can make shit up too...and there's no way to disprove it because the claims they make are FARCICAL to begin with. I can also make ridiculous claims about things that there is no evidence to support...and it's every bit as valid as the crap they spew.
And......No one who supports "big gubmint" controlling the private decisions of doctors and their patients in regards to abortion has any right to be whining about Obamacare, which actually promotes personal responsibility.

How does it do that?

You didn't whine about "personal rsponsibility." You whined about big gubmint intruding on the doctor-patient relationship. Obamacare is 2000 pages of legislation that does nothing but intrude on the doctor-patient relationship.

It promotes responsibility by putting a stop to people that go for treatment without insurance and then forces you and me to pay for their treatment through higher premiums and hospital costs. YOU may like the idea of being forced to pay more than what the treatment costs and letting even those who can afford insurance have a free ride but I sure don't.

Uninsured Americans stick hospitals with as much as $49 billion in unpaid bills a year, according to a government study released Tuesday as the Obama administration prepared to defend its healthcare law in court.

The study by the Department of Health and Human Services found that, on average, uninsured families pay only about 12 percent of their full hospital bills.

Even families with incomes above 40 percent of the poverty level — around $88,000 a year — pay just 37 percent of their hospital tabs, the study said, according to USA Today.

Uninsured Americans Cost Hospitals Billions, Report Says

And for your contention that Obamacare "intrudes on the doctor/patient relationship" you'll just have to show me where it tries to dictate whether or not a woman and her doctor can choose abortion.

And didn't you support the Florida law that said that a doctor could not ask whether or not their patient had a gun in the house? :confused:

So no. Don't pretend you are for "getting big gubmint out of the doctor/patient relationship".

Go pull someone else's leg. Mine are long enough.

those are performed under the most dire of circumstances.

do you know the percentage of births in which they occur?

once again, it is not the place of government to make medical decisions for women. it is for a woman and her doctor.

If that's the case, then you must be against Obamacare.

You must have heard that recently on Rush because I asked you to back up that statement and you chose to either ignore it or "pretend" you didn't see it..

Posted earlier and again.......

And for your contention that Obamacare "intrudes on the doctor/patient relationship" you'll just have to show me where it tries to dictate whether or not a woman and her doctor can choose abortion.

And didn't you support the Florida law that said that a doctor could not ask whether or not their patient had a gun in the house? :confused:
I looked up santorum's statements and what I saw was typical liberals taking what santorum said out of context and attaching a one line catch phrase that had nothing to do with what santorum said.

For example; liberal one line catch phrase: President Obama isn't a real Christian.

What Santorum really said: ""I've repeatedly said I don't question the president's faith. I've repeatedly said that I believe the president's Christian," Santorum told host Bob Schieffer.

Santorum claimed that the "phony theology" he was referring to was not Obama's religion, but his support for "radical environmentalists" who, Santorum believes, oppose aggressive drilling and mining because they believe "man is here to serve the Earth."

LOL......that was after he said it. When he originally said it there was no question about what he meant.

That's like that premier bible thumper Franklin Graham. He said Mormons weren't Christians and He didn't know about Obama's faith...even said Obama might be a Muslim because he daddy was, but he was quick to declare Santorum a Christian. In other words he has his goddam bible thumping nose knee deep in politics. The first thing this country should do is cancel all tax exemptions for ministers and their conventions if they even mention anything political.
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So basically nothing evil was said, but the left is using outrageous hyperbole still.

So basically nothing evil was said, but the left is using outrageous hyperbole still.


Anything the left says is outrageous hyperbole and anything the right says will benefit corporations and the 1% and that's exactly where the useless shit in Washington, DC stands. I was a Republican when they used to be for small government, balance their budgets and protect our rights. Now they are as useless as the tits on a bull.
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So basically nothing evil was said, but the left is using outrageous hyperbole still.


Anything the left says is outrageous hyperbole and anything the right says will benefit corporations and the 1% and that's exactly where the useless shit in Washington, DC stands. I was a Republican when they used to be for small government, balance their budgets and protect our rights. Now they are as useless as the tits on a bull.

So your counter to spewing bullshit and lies about someone is;

Well they do it!!

My kids said that, when they were 5.

but do carry on

fyi, I used to be a rep myself, but I wasn't limp wristed enough to go back to the dems
So basically nothing evil was said, but the left is using outrageous hyperbole still.


Anything the left says is outrageous hyperbole and anything the right says will benefit corporations and the 1% and that's exactly where the useless shit in Washington, DC stands. I was a Republican when they used to be for small government, balance their budgets and protect our rights. Now they are as useless as the tits on a bull.

Please keep your Bedroom Fetishes out of this conversation!!! :eek:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So basically nothing evil was said, but the left is using outrageous hyperbole still.


Anything the left says is outrageous hyperbole and anything the right says will benefit corporations and the 1% and that's exactly where the useless shit in Washington, DC stands. I was a Republican when they used to be for small government, balance their budgets and protect our rights. Now they are as useless as the tits on a bull.

So your counter to spewing bullshit and lies about someone is;

Well they do it!!

My kids said that, when they were 5.

but do carry on

fyi, I used to be a rep myself, but I wasn't limp wristed enough to go back to the dems

I've voted Democrat twice in my lifetime, 2004 Kerry and 2008 Obama. It was the only way I knew to vote against "Spend And Borrow" Republicans. Anybody who is so ignorant that they cut their income and continue to spend more ain't too goddamed bright. At least the Democrats have never done that.

After the second world war all through the Eisenhower years anyone who earned more than $300,000 a year paid 91% of the excess to the government. We used to pay off our debts.

Now even with tax rates the lowest they've been in forty years all you can hear from the Republicans is "Lower Taxes." Who the phuck do they think they are
Well I meant fewer Muslims died during the crusades than people died in the twin towers.

If you count the Christians that were slaughtered, of course, the numbers start jumping.

Still wrongo.

What the fuck are you talking about?

How the fuck do you think the expansion of Islam came about??

You think non-Muslims and tribal communities peacefully converted to Islam??

You ever hear of the Muslim Conquests/Jihads???

Muslims are some of the most barbaric fucks of all time..

Do you have any idea of how much knowledge they're responsible for destroying in the name of Islam?? they only are responsible for setting libraries a blaze, destroying artifacts in an overall attempt to rewrite history..
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Drama Queen shite. Stating what you believe does not automatically = 'Hate.' People who throw that word 'Hate' around all the time, are usually the same dunces who also like to throw that word 'Racist' around. Just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean they're expressing hate. You just disagree with them. It really is that simple. So stop with feigned outrage Drama Queen shite.
Drama Queen shite. Stating what you believe does not automatically = 'Hate.' People who throw that word 'Hate' around all the time, are usually the same dunces who also like to throw that word 'Racist' around. Just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean they're expressing hate. You just disagree with them. It really is that simple. So stop with feigned outrage Drama Queen shite.

Yeah most progressives are like 5-year-olds..

The typical 5-year-old throws a fit when mommy doesn't buy them a candy bar and they typically use phrases like: "why you hate me mommy" all because they didn't get their candy.

Progressives are no different..

"I don't get free condoms and Viagra... Why are you republicans so hateful"

"I don't get a free house, TV, food, cell phone, car and clothing..... Why are you republicans so hateful."

"I don't get a free abortion and health care.... Why you republicans hate us."

It's all really no different than the 5-year-old stomping his feet, holding his breath while claiming mommy hates him just because he doesn't get his candy bar..

If you don't give the progressive whatever the fuck they want for free then you're nothing more than a hateful bigoted greedy racist...

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