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What a hate filled man...who's supposedly a Christian.

When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

Well, I for one promise to direct you further than your own conscience. I promise no inquisition, no slavery, no torture coming from me. ;) :lol: Your Salvation is Your Business. Hint, it's not so much about Brand names, or what color your team jersey is, just more about sincerity of heart, regardless of the choice of words you use when you pray or by what name you refer to God. You might try getting past the Dark Ages in your views, you know, join the living. ;)
No one who supports Obamacare has any right to be whining about big government forcing itself into the doctor-patient relationship. That's all Obamacare is about.

And......No one who supports "big gubmint" controlling the private decisions of doctors and their patients in regards to abortion has any right to be whining about Obamacare, which actually promotes personal responsibility.

How does it do that?

You didn't whine about "personal rsponsibility." You whined about big gubmint intruding on the doctor-patient relationship. Obamacare is 2000 pages of legislation that does nothing but intrude on the doctor-patient relationship.

It promotes responsibility by putting a stop to people that go for treatment without insurance and then forces you and me to pay for their treatment through higher premiums and hospital costs. YOU may like the idea of being forced to pay more than what the treatment costs and letting even those who can afford insurance have a free ride but I sure don't.

Uninsured Americans stick hospitals with as much as $49 billion in unpaid bills a year, according to a government study released Tuesday as the Obama administration prepared to defend its healthcare law in court.

The study by the Department of Health and Human Services found that, on average, uninsured families pay only about 12 percent of their full hospital bills.

Even families with incomes above 40 percent of the poverty level — around $88,000 a year — pay just 37 percent of their hospital tabs, the study said, according to USA Today.

Uninsured Americans Cost Hospitals Billions, Report Says

And for your contention that Obamacare "intrudes on the doctor/patient relationship" you'll just have to show me where it tries to dictate whether or not a woman and her doctor can choose abortion.

And didn't you support the Florida law that said that a doctor could not ask whether or not their patient had a gun in the house? :confused:

So no. Don't pretend you are for "getting big gubmint out of the doctor/patient relationship".

Go pull someone else's leg. Mine are long enough.
Not only is 'tolerant', 'honest', 'compassionate', and 'all -inclusive' (cough) Left using sound bites taken out of context, interpreting words to mean something that absolutely does not apply when placed in context, and accusing Santorum of all sorts of things without any evidence whatsoever to suppprt the accusations. . . . .

. . . . how does that same Left square such intolerance, dishonesty, fanaticism, and hate with their accusations that Santorum is hateful?

It simply boggles the mind.

One point for illustration: Biker equates 'theology' with Santorum's religious beliefs when he obviously did NOT listen to the interview that produced that phrase and now is being intentionally and dishonestly used by the Left. Had he listened to that particular program, however, and assuming that he would then be intellectually honest, he would know that the 'theology as Santorum used it had absolutely nothing to do with religion and everything to do with Obama's world view.

And on we go, in example after example like that.

You would think sooner or later they would start questioning why they can't find anything legitimate to demonize the opposition with and have to make everything up. You would think at least a few would start waking up and smelling the coffee at some point.

I don't think they could handle the shock FF. :eek:
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

Well, I for one promise to direct you further than your own conscience. I promise no inquisition, no slavery, no torture coming from me. ;) :lol: Your Salvation is Your Business. Hint, it's not so much about Brand names, or what color your team jersey is, just more about sincerity of heart, regardless of the choice of words you use when you pray or by what name you refer to God. You might try getting past the Dark Ages in your views, you know, join the living. ;)

People are funny. For some reason(s), they insist on believing on things despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever to support it.

As for me, I don't believe in ghosts (or spirits) or other concepts like a physical heaven or hell. Heaven and hell is here on earth. I encourage people to live a good and decent life, but I certainly don't try to impose my views on them.

However, the idea that there is some kind of life after death, where the 'spirit' or a 'soul' resides, independent of the very body which was always necessary for the personality (and the senses) to reside, is little more than a modern day fairy tale which was originally postulated thousands of years ago as an attempt to explain a world without scientific understanding. Hey, even THEN, it was probably understood to be a parable. Additionally, it was likely always used as a way of controlling the behavior of others.
those are performed under the most dire of circumstances.

do you know the percentage of births in which they occur?

once again, it is not the place of government to make medical decisions for women. it is for a woman and her doctor.

Anybody who uses the bible to prove anything is hard up for reference.

Whirling Intellect, ....well .....except for the fact that the premise of the Discussion is on Christianity at least in part, of which the Bible, is a Primary Source of Reference..... otherwise, you would .... so totally be..... spot on.

I find it interesting that he doesnt think the Bible is a good book to quote in regards to Christianity.
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

The crusades were a reaction to an invasion of the Muslim Caliphate of Europe. I am amazed that people continue to act as if the crusades were somehow evidence of Christian intolerance when they were in large part defensive.
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

The crusades were a reaction to an invasion of the Muslim Caliphate of Europe. I am amazed that people continue to act as if the crusades were somehow evidence of Christian intolerance when they were in large part defensive.

Here's a list (a partial list) of so-called heretics who were burned at the stake. Which ones were the result of the Muslim Caliphate?
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!
He's thumpin' that bible as much as he is because he doesn't want someone to ask "HEY!!! Wasn't that guy Ricky a lobbyist before AND after being a senator?" :lol:
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

The crusades were a reaction to an invasion of the Muslim Caliphate of Europe. I am amazed that people continue to act as if the crusades were somehow evidence of Christian intolerance when they were in large part defensive.

and they were how many years ago?

And how many people died? More died in the twin towers.
Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding?
It is, however there has always been an authoritarian component to Christianity as well, where conformity is mandated and heresy punished.

What’s telling and interesting is the way conservative authoritarianism and religious authoritarianism mesh so well: conservatives have doctrine which must be taught and dogma which must be believed and religion has doctrine which must be taught and dogma which must be believed.

Both Christianity and conservatism disdain dissent and advocate punitive measures for the dissenters.

To his credit, Santorum is at least consistent in his authoritarianism, both as a conservative and a Christian.
After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?"

Why am I not surprised that the liberal failed to present his best example of what's wrong with Rick for the whole world to see!!

It will not even occur to a liberal to present evidence to support what he says
Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

The crusades were a reaction to an invasion of the Muslim Caliphate of Europe. I am amazed that people continue to act as if the crusades were somehow evidence of Christian intolerance when they were in large part defensive.

and they were how many years ago?

And how many people died? More died in the twin towers.

More died in the twin towers than the crusades?
What universe do you live in?
Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. .

of course religion is about intolerance, the intolerance of evil . If it tolerated everything it would not be needed. The Christians could have tolerated the Romans
Well I meant fewer Muslims died during the crusades than people died in the twin towers.

If you count the Christians that were slaughtered, of course, the numbers start jumping.
Anybody who uses the bible to prove anything is hard up for reference.

Maybe to you. Personally, I think it's quite wise to quote one of the most widely read and influencial books of all time.

especially when you compare the 2000 years after the Bible with the 2 million years before. The Bible seems to have jump started civilization.
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Here's a list (a partial list) of so-called heretics who were burned at the stake. Which ones were the result of the Muslim Caliphate?

That was a surprisingly short list.

Hence the classification as a partial list.

You DO realize, don't you, that not everyone who was burned at the stake was historically significant enough to be listed by name?
Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity is (in general) a religion of tolerance. If the crusades didn't prove it, the Inquisition(s) should have. And keep in mind that Christians actively engage in proselytizing, which is done for the purpose of converting others to the faith. And if none of that convinces you, all you need to experience is a Christian who tells you that you will not go to heaven unless you believe as they do. Otherwise, you're hell-bound.

The crusades were a reaction to an invasion of the Muslim Caliphate of Europe. I am amazed that people continue to act as if the crusades were somehow evidence of Christian intolerance when they were in large part defensive.

Here's a list (a partial list) of so-called heretics who were burned at the stake. Which ones were the result of the Muslim Caliphate?

You are confusing the Crusades with the Inquisition. Make up your mind already. Good point though in considering the Effects of Totalitarian Rule. You really need to abandon your quest for it and join the rest of us in Championing Individual Liberty, and the Quest for Salvation. We'll leave the light on for Ya. ;)

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