What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

But some did so on J6 and seriously weakened us by doing so. And if the Marxist left forces us into revolution or civil war, if we aren't a hell of a lot smarter than those idiots were on J6, we lose. And we most likely lose everything.

It isn't enough to just get mad and act or react. Sam Houston would not allow the first constitutional congress of the Republic of Texas adjourn to go to the aid of the Alamo as he knew that if they did not first form a government no country on Earth was going to see them as anything but a bunch of disgruntled rebels and they would be doomed to fail before they started.

It is essential that Patriots come to agreement on what has to happen and work with one unified resolve to accomplish it. If everybody is just spouting off their own pet issues and grievances and there is no cohesiveness we lose.
We are in agreement.
You must not remember or have learned about the tumult of the civil rights and anti-war eras.
Far more crazy than a single summer.
I was there and experienced such first hand. The first real effort on part of USA enemies to infiltrate the American youth and turn them against our Constitution, Founding Principles, and Nation in general.

Civil Rights might have been a partial essential but the "anti-war" was manifestation of ignorance, stupidity, subversion and insurrection.
I was there and experienced such first hand. The first real effort on part of USA enemies to infiltrate the American youth and turn them against our Constitution, Founding Principles, and Nation in general.

Civil Rights might have been a partial essential but the "anti-war" was manifestation of ignorance, stupidity, subversion and insurrection.
^^^ straight John Birch Society shit
kaz in #531 24.01.02 wrote: “So your argument is it's your country, give it to you peacefully, don't fight back. Considered and denied. BTW, you don't get to pick how we fight back, brainless born.” kvz!.24.01.02 #531

WinterBorn in #558 24.01.03 wrote: “No where in my posts did I say it was my country and you should give it to me peacefully. So that is bullshit. “ •¥• “If anything I have said it is OUR country. And we rule it via the ballot box. Leave the bullets where they are.” •¥¥• “My point has never been that the civil war is inevitable. In fact, I think it will never happen outside of a few lunatics trying to start something. But if it starts, it will be ugly for both sides. •¥¥¥• wntrbrn.24.01.03 #558

Saint Kaz has suggested that she reserves the right to use violence against a law abiding peaceful citizen as I am sure Voter Winterborn must be.

If she ever acts out her deplorable angry whim she becomes a criminal subject to due process just as deplorable as any criminal who loots an “Athletes Foot” or sets a car on fire in close proximity to a peaceful Chauvin protest on a public street.

nf.24.01.03 #688
to kvz!.24.01.02 #531
kaz in #531 24.01.02 wrote: “So your argument is it's your country, give it to you peacefully, don't fight back. Considered and denied. BTW, you don't get to pick how we fight back, brainless born.” kvz!.24.01.02 #531

WinterBorn in #558 24.01.03 wrote: “No where in my posts did I say it was my country and you should give it to me peacefully. So that is bullshit. “ •¥• “If anything I have said it is OUR country. And we rule it via the ballot box. Leave the bullets where they are.” •¥¥• “My point has never been that the civil war is inevitable. In fact, I think it will never happen outside of a few lunatics trying to start something. But if it starts, it will be ugly for both sides. •¥¥¥• wntrbrn.24.01.03 #558

Saint Kaz has suggested that she reserves the right to use violence against a law abiding peaceful citizen as I am sure Voter Winterborn must be.

If she ever acts out her deplorable angry whim she becomes a criminal subject to due process just as deplorable as any criminal who loots an “Athletes Foot” or sets a car on fire in close proximity to a peaceful Chauvin protest on a public street.

nf.24.01.03 #688
to kvz!.24.01.02 #531
What on earth are you going on about? You have the quote right there and you still lie about what she said. Defending oneself is NOT attacking innocent ppl.

That election cycle was insanely out of the ordinary on many fronts, and you know this.

A FORENSIC Congressional Audit most definitely was warranted, and that was Pence's Constitutional call to make.

Again, he FAILED
Still no real evidence for ANY of your fraud bs, dupe
koshergrl in #690 24.01.03 wrote: “What on earth are you going on about? You have the quote right there and you still lie about what she said. Defending oneself is NOT attacking innocent ppl.“ kshrgrl.24.01.03 #690 to nf.24.01.03 #688

Read what Saint Kaz says with the understanding that the first sentence is a lie.

kaz in #531 24.01.02 wrote:So your argument is it's your country, give it to you peacefully, don't fight back. Considered and denied. BTW, you don't get to pick how we fight back, brainless born.” kvz!.24.01.02 #531

Voter Winterborn has never demanded Saint Kaz to give him her country peacefully or to resist violently, but that is what in a deranged sort of way she believes she is being forced to give something up. I realize Saint Kaz is delusional in this entire exchange but she insists she will not let voter Winterborn take her country away from her peacefully.

That is what delusional Ashley Babbitt was doing in the US Capitol on J6. Violence to keep the lawful winners of the 2020 presidential election from seeing Joe Biden’s inauguration.

She’s dead. Let’s hope MAGA St.Kaz is just all talk.

nf.24.01.04 #692
to kshrgrl.24.01.03 #690
koshergrl in #690 24.01.03 wrote: “What on earth are you going on about? You have the quote right there and you still lie about what she said. Defending oneself is NOT attacking innocent ppl.“ kshrgrl.24.01.03 #690 to nf.24.01.03 #688

Read what Saint Kaz says with the understanding that the first sentence is a lie.

kaz in #531 24.01.02 wrote:So your argument is it's your country, give it to you peacefully, don't fight back. Considered and denied. BTW, you don't get to pick how we fight back, brainless born.” kvz!.24.01.02 #531

Voter Winterborn has never demanded Saint Kaz to give him her country peacefully or to resist violently, but that is what in a deranged sort of way she believes she is being forced to give something up. I realize Saint Kaz is delusional in this entire exchange but she insists she will not let voter Winterborn take her country away from her peacefully.

That is what delusional Ashley Babbitt was doing in the US Capitol on J6. Violence to keep the lawful winners of the 2020 presidential election from seeing Joe Biden’s inauguration.

She’s dead. Let’s hope MAGA St.Kaz is just all talk.

nf.24.01.04 #692
to kshrgrl.24.01.03 #690
False narrative. It’s wasted on me.
Still ok with it. I said what I wanted to say. Shrug. lol
No. I am quite certain that my narrative is exactly what happened.

I will go to my grave defending the right of people to peacefully assemble and petition their government for redress of grievances which is what J6 was.

I will never see those relative few who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts as anything other than stupid idiots who served the President and the Patriot cause/vision miserably. I suspect some, maybe many, intended to do just that and it very well may have been engineered by the Democrats. I don't know. But it turned what should have been a very good thing into failure.

We Patriots have to be much much smarter than that or we will continue to fail.
What on earth are you going on about?
See my Post nf.23.01.04 #12,067 to dgtldrftr.24.01.03 #575

So MAGASaint Koshergirl do you agree with MAGASaint Foxfyre’s verdict that Ashley Babbitt and all those inside the Capitol on J6 with her in the least of it were unlawful, criminal, stupid idiots who served the former one term loser of a president and the patriot cause/vision behind him miserably?

nf.23.01.04 #698
to kshrgrl.24.01.03 #690
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Most reps could hope for is civil unrest, not a civil war in traditional terms of war.

Dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
All branches of the US Military.
CIA, DOJ, IRS, ATF and the rest of the alphabet agencies.
Plus, they own half of America's vote.

As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

The reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. Beside all that, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And progressives only get progressively worse.

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So just give up then…Sounds like that’s what you’re promoting…

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