What a sinister government we have.

Fake news blacklist

In 2019, Poynter used various "fake news" databases (including those curated by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, Merrimack College, PolitiFact, and Snopes) to compile a list of over 515 news websites that it labeled "unreliable". Poynter called on advertisers to "blacklist" the sites on the list. The list included conservative news websites such as the Washington Examiner, The Washington Free Beacon, and The Daily Signal. After backlash, Poynter retracted the list, citing "weaknesses in the methodology".[26] Poynter issued a statement, saying: "We regret that we failed to ensure that the data was rigorous before publication, and apologize for the confusion and agitation caused by its publication."[27] Reason magazine says that in May 2019, the Poynter Institute retracted a List of 500 Fake news Sites, many of them conservative news and Think tank websites.[28]

It would seem, even the sources you like, are biased.

But you would prefer to believe, they are not. :rolleyes:

wiki is as unreliable as you can get for a source. there's a reason why it is not accepted in university research papers because it can be & has been edited & inserted with false info.

Sarah Palin Fans Trying To Rewrite Wikipedia History Of Paul Revere's Ride To Match Her Crazy Version​

Henry Blodget
Jun 6, 2011, 10:38 AM

Sarah Palin Fans Trying To Rewrite Wikipedia History Of Paul Revere's Ride To Match Her Crazy Version
wiki is as unreliable as you can get for a source. there's a reason why it is not accepted in university research papers because it can be & has been edited & inserted with false info.

Sarah Palin Fans Trying To Rewrite Wikipedia History Of Paul Revere's Ride To Match Her Crazy Version​

Henry Blodget
Jun 6, 2011, 10:38 AM

Sarah Palin Fans Trying To Rewrite Wikipedia History Of Paul Revere's Ride To Match Her Crazy Version

Wiki can be a good starting point, but footnotes must be read, analyzed and the actual text of the article not taken as gospel.
There is no point in showing people any information about this jab. The denial is really weird.

The faith in the government by the sheeple is unbelievable, even when the truth is on their faces!

but hey! there is free will in this world....you make the wrong choice and you pay the consequences.

Still pumping this garbage.


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