What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.

Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit
It's a tragedy....as I said in my title. A HUGE tragedy....that would even be worse if he spread it to his fellow "Republicans" on the Judicial Committee.

Be great if it somehow found Jerry Nadless.

After yesterday's performance a mercy killing would be just that.
He will be 67 in August. Not a good age to get the virus.

I hope he will be ok and didn't transmit it to too many people.

When are you getting it?
It's going away, right? Just like the flu, right? A hoax, right?
No it's not going away. It's a Pestilence just like The Bible said was coming only this one is mild compared to what The Book of Revelation says is coming upon The Godless and Lawless.... Yes...that's you, Satan's Little Helper.

But don't worry.... after all of the suffering in The Great Tribulation such as humanity has never seen, you get to spend eternity in Hell, and suffer knowing there is a God, and He rejected you, because you rejected Him.

I think I'll start calling you Bubbles for your sparkling clean disposition and balanced outlook on life.

In reality it's another evolution of one of the viruses mother nature wants to cull the herd with. After all she is one cold-hearted bitch you know.
Comrade Bubbles to you.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?

Could be the tragedy is that you don't get satire.
Well of COURSE... that JOKE hanging off your face is going to PROTECT you from a MICRON SIZED VIRUS... SUUUUUUUuuuure it will.... REALLY... now just put the fuckin' mask on and DON'T THINK... just DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD and don't QUESTION ANYTHING... nothing can get PAST the MASK, ESPECIALLY a MICRON SIZED VIRUS...

I hope you don’t wear a mask and go to a trump rally.

You know what pisses me off? The guy was set to go meet with trump. It’s why he took the test. I think he should still go meet trump
I don't wear a mask, and I'd love to go to Trump rally. I honestly don't give a flyin' fuck if I catch it or not since my survival chances are 99%+.

Why don't you go out and block a highway, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will shoot your worthless ass.
3.4% die. 82 million republicans in the USA.

So you’re ok with 300,000 republicans dieing?
OF ?
Corona. You’d be ok if by end of year 300,000 republicans died From corona?

How come Vietnam has zero cases? They wore masks and stayed home. We didn’t. Republicans said we were trying to take their freedom away. Ok, if you don’t have a sense of community and all of us in this together, fuck it. Go shop at Walmart and chic fil a.
False. They do not have zero cases. They have had 400 some cases of Covid-19.

They have had zero deaths from Covid-19.

Now that alone should tell you something.

Do you think Vietnam has a better, higher quality, higher tech, health care system than the US, or the rest of the world? Of course not.

Do you think they have a magic vaccine that the US or the rest of the world does not have? Of course not.

Do they have any magic treatments that the US or the rest of the world does not have? Of course not.

So..... they have had zero deaths, while having hundreds of cases, and don't have a vaccine, nor any treatments.

What does that tell you about this virus? Apparently... it's not that deadly.
Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit
It's a tragedy....as I said in my title. A HUGE tragedy....that would even be worse if he spread it to his fellow "Republicans" on the Judicial Committee.

Be great if it somehow found Jerry Nadless.

After yesterday's performance a mercy killing would be just that.
Sounds like a threat to a member of Congress.

Only in your warped mind.
Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit
It's a tragedy....as I said in my title. A HUGE tragedy....that would even be worse if he spread it to his fellow "Republicans" on the Judicial Committee.

Be great if it somehow found Jerry Nadless.

After yesterday's performance a mercy killing would be just that.
Sounds like a threat to a member of Congress.

Report me.

Anyone who can comprehend would know what I was saying....and it wasn't a threat.

Why I bother responding to a huge moron like you, I 'll never know.....it's a weakness I have. Thinking that explanations somehow help braindead hacks get a more correct perspective.

That certainly doesn't work.
Are you going to sob into your drink when he recovers?
So it's ok that he put his colleagues at risk?
He didn't.
He didn't
Of course he did. His staff as well.
He was wearing a mask (proving that masks don't work), and still manage to catch it. He put no one in danger.
He was chastised for not wearing one around his colleagues during the hearing yesterday.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?
You’re one of the lucky ones. I don’t wan to get it and find out.

Dude, you may have already had it, and never even known you had it.

That's point.

The CDC released that report, where they were finding in donated blood, from blood drives, that over 10% of people donating blood, had anti-bodies in their blood from Covid-19.

That means that 10% of the people donating blood got the virus, never knew they had the virus, had zero symptoms whatsoever, and got over it without knowing it.

And that is what 90%+ of the people are having. Zero symptoms.

That's why you have to play this up as a tragedy every time someone tests positive. Because there is nothing else to this virus.

You have a better chance of being struck by a car and dying, then getting this virus and dying.

Literally a million plus people HAVE the virus, or HAVE HAD the virus and lived, and no one knows it. Million people or more.

This entire thing is ridiculous.
I have Dr's that tell me they think that better than 35% of the populace has had this virus already. Those who give blood are barely 7% of the populace so that number is very realistic as an expectation.
Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit
It's a tragedy....as I said in my title. A HUGE tragedy....that would even be worse if he spread it to his fellow "Republicans" on the Judicial Committee.

Be great if it somehow found Jerry Nadless.

After yesterday's performance a mercy killing would be just that.
Sounds like a threat to a member of Congress.

You report me yet ?
Are you going to sob into your drink when he recovers?
He’s going to be the first congressional death from Covid19.
Is he? You hopping to cash in in Vegas?
The guy just doesn’t look healthy to begin with. I hope he doesn’t die, but I also hope he gets really fucking sick first, and maybe has life-lasting complications. Not because I’m a bad guy, but because he is. Republicans ONLY care when something happens to them. Senator Portman only cared about Gays when his son came out. Steve Scalia only cared about emergency workers when he got shot. Numerous examples.
Are you going to sob into your drink when he recovers?
He’s going to be the first congressional death from Covid19.
Is he? You hopping to cash in in Vegas?
The guy just doesn’t look healthy to begin with. I hope he doesn’t die, but I also hope he gets really fucking sick first, and maybe has life-lasting complications. Not because I’m a bad guy, but because he is. Republicans ONLY care when something happens to them. Senator Portman only cared about Gays when his son came out. Steve Scalia only cared about emergency workers when he got shot. Numerous examples.

Oh, I see.
Get real sick and almost die, but don't die.

This is the new Dimm moral high ground.
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Conservatives want to conserve the status quo.

If this guy dies of corona maybe it will get them to take this more seriously. Maybe the war on science and facts will end.

If over 150 thousand dead Americans in just 6 months with no end in sight isn't enough, the death of louie gohmert won't change a thing.

In that time, only 9,000 have actually certifiably died OF COVID19

That said, so many want desperately to believe the false narratives, propaganda and fear mongering.

I have a few in my family. There is NO reasoning with these people. It's almost as thought they attended a Cult conditioning camp
and no longer have the ability to see reality. They go off the deep end if you even try to show them evidence.
Are you going to sob into your drink when he recovers?
He’s going to be the first congressional death from Covid19.
Is he? You hopping to cash in in Vegas?
The guy just doesn’t look healthy to begin with. I hope he doesn’t die, but I also hope he gets really fucking sick first, and maybe has life-lasting complications. Not because I’m a bad guy, but because he is. Republicans ONLY care when something happens to them. Senator Portman only cared about Gays when his son came out. Steve Scalia only cared about emergency workers when he got shot. Numerous examples.

That's EVERY BIT as ignorant as saying ALL blacks are apes.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?
You’re one of the lucky ones. I don’t wan to get it and find out.

Dude, you may have already had it, and never even known you had it.

That's point.

The CDC released that report, where they were finding in donated blood, from blood drives, that over 10% of people donating blood, had anti-bodies in their blood from Covid-19.

That means that 10% of the people donating blood got the virus, never knew they had the virus, had zero symptoms whatsoever, and got over it without knowing it.

And that is what 90%+ of the people are having. Zero symptoms.

That's why you have to play this up as a tragedy every time someone tests positive. Because there is nothing else to this virus.

You have a better chance of being struck by a car and dying, then getting this virus and dying.

Literally a million plus people HAVE the virus, or HAVE HAD the virus and lived, and no one knows it. Million people or more.

This entire thing is ridiculous.
I have Dr's that tell me they think that better than 35% of the populace has had this virus already. Those who give blood are barely 7% of the populace so that number is very realistic as an expectation.

Oh yeah, extremely realistic. 10% of those who have given blood, have had the virus, or even had the virus when they gave blood.... had zero symptoms, and recovered.

And only a tiny fraction of the population gives blood. Well known fact.

That means a MASSIVE number of people had, or have the virus, without knowing it.

And the Democraps know this. That's why they keep pushing for even more testing. They all know millions of people have this thing. It's obvious.

So they know that more testing will result in more cases.

And they know the mindless lemmings of the left, will sit there "GASP! GASP! Oh the TRAGEDY! Oh the HORROR!"

and they will think that more cases means something. The only thing it means, is that they can whip more people up into fear and hysteria. That's all it means.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Poor Gomer. His mask gave him the virus. CNN just reported that Gomer berated his staff when they wore masks.
Are you going to sob into your drink when he recovers?
So it's ok that he put his colleagues at risk?
He didn't.
He didn't
Of course he did. His staff as well.
He was wearing a mask (proving that masks don't work), and still manage to catch it. He put no one in danger.
He was chastised for not wearing one around his colleagues during the hearing yesterday.
LOL. He stated that he had been wearing a mask for over two weeks. You know, the incubation period of c19.

Proving, that the masks DO NOT work.

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