What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.

Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
This is about trump? Oh wait.....EVERYTHING is about trump to his cult.

Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?

Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Conservatives want to conserve the status quo.

If this guy dies of corona maybe it will get them to take this more seriously. Maybe the war on science and facts will end.
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell
What's your solution, dumbfuck?
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell
Yes, we can, do something about intellectual theft, like not voluntarily handing it over, which is what china was demanding we do if we had them manufacturing something for an American company in china.

And no, I did NOT like the trade imbalance, and yes, I would GLADLY pay more for an American made item, and do. I look far and wide for American made, and the price of it is fine with me.

Many, MANY manufacturing jobs have RETURNED to America, and more are all the time. THAT is what President Trump won, that's what he won for AMERICA.

Why is it that we have to constantly educate you people about this stuff when it's all common knowledge?

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

PROGS are just a little slow and a lot demented. Let's look at the OP for a moment, call him out....

1. Dumbshit thinks Louie rec'd COVID because he wouldn't wear a mask. That sound rational to you?

2. PROGS celebrate deaths and illnesses if it's perceived it supports a PROG-narrative.

Remember in November
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell

The thing is, I do have a problem with such low wages.

Low wages, no opportunities and all that comes with conservative economics and social policy got us in the mess we're in now.

People in America won't take that BS long. As we've seen with the protests.

People are fed up with police brutality, with people being killed for no real legal reason while the police are allowed to lie and get away with it.

People are very fed up with working long ours for pay that doesn't support them.

The federal minimum wage has not been increased since the bush boy years. Some states have increased their minimum wage but most of the red states don't even have a state minimum wage.

People can't live on 10 dollars an hour much less 7.25 which is what the federal minimum wage is now.

While at the same time CEOs, executives and stockholders have become filthy rich.

People whine that the extra 600 dollars in unemployment is preventing people from returning to work because it's more than they normally get paid don't seem to see the problem isn't that the unemployment is too much, it's that the regular pay is too low.
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Conservatives want to conserve the status quo.

If this guy dies of corona maybe it will get them to take this more seriously. Maybe the war on science and facts will end.

If over 150 thousand dead Americans in just 6 months with no end in sight isn't enough, the death of louie gohmert won't change a thing.
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell
Yes, we can, do something about intellectual theft, like not voluntarily handing it over, which is what china was demanding we do if we had them manufacturing something for an American company in china.

And no, I did NOT like the trade imbalance, and yes, I would GLADLY pay more for an American made item, and do. I look far and wide for American made, and the price of it is fine with me.

Many, MANY manufacturing jobs have RETURNED to America, and more are all the time. THAT is what President Trump won, that's what he won for AMERICA.

Why is it that we have to constantly educate you people about this stuff when it's all common knowledge?
He brought some back some still moved like Harley davidson
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Conservatives want to conserve the status quo.

If this guy dies of corona maybe it will get them to take this more seriously. Maybe the war on science and facts will end.

If over 150 thousand dead Americans in just 6 months with no end in sight isn't enough, the death of louie gohmert won't change a thing.
You're right....nary a blip.
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell

The thing is, I do have a problem with such low wages.

Low wages, no opportunities and all that comes with conservative economics and social policy got us in the mess we're in now.

People in America won't take that BS long. As we've seen with the protests.

People are fed up with police brutality, with people being killed for no real legal reason while the police are allowed to lie and get away with it.

People are very fed up with working long ours for pay that doesn't support them.

The federal minimum wage has not been increased since the bush boy years. Some states have increased their minimum wage but most of the red states don't even have a state minimum wage.

People can't live on 10 dollars an hour much less 7.25 which is what the federal minimum wage is now.

While at the same time CEOs, executives and stockholders have become filthy rich.

People whine that the extra 600 dollars in unemployment is preventing people from returning to work because it's more than they normally get paid don't seem to see the problem isn't that the unemployment is too much, it's that the regular pay is too low.
People care now but then don’t show up to the midterms. I learned that in 2010.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

PROGS are just a little slow and a lot demented. Let's look at the OP for a moment, call him out....

1. Dumbshit thinks Louie rec'd COVID because he wouldn't wear a mask. That sound rational to you?

No, it's not. Wearing a mask protects others, not oneself.

He got COVID because Rand Paul went swimming in the pool.
Well of COURSE... that JOKE hanging off your face is going to PROTECT you from a MICRON SIZED VIRUS... SUUUUUUUuuuure it will.... REALLY... now just put the fuckin' mask on and DON'T THINK... just DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD and don't QUESTION ANYTHING... nothing can get PAST the MASK, ESPECIALLY a MICRON SIZED VIRUS...

I hope you don’t wear a mask and go to a trump rally.

You know what pisses me off? The guy was set to go meet with trump. It’s why he took the test. I think he should still go meet trump
I don't wear a mask, and I'd love to go to Trump rally. I honestly don't give a flyin' fuck if I catch it or not since my survival chances are 99%+.

Why don't you go out and block a highway, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will shoot your worthless ass.
3.4% die. 82 million republicans in the USA.

So you’re ok with 300,000 republicans dieing?
OF ?

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?
Well of COURSE... that JOKE hanging off your face is going to PROTECT you from a MICRON SIZED VIRUS... SUUUUUUUuuuure it will.... REALLY... now just put the fuckin' mask on and DON'T THINK... just DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD and don't QUESTION ANYTHING... nothing can get PAST the MASK, ESPECIALLY a MICRON SIZED VIRUS...

I hope you don’t wear a mask and go to a trump rally.

You know what pisses me off? The guy was set to go meet with trump. It’s why he took the test. I think he should still go meet trump
I don't wear a mask, and I'd love to go to Trump rally. I honestly don't give a flyin' fuck if I catch it or not since my survival chances are 99%+.

Why don't you go out and block a highway, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will shoot your worthless ass.
3.4% die. 82 million republicans in the USA.

So you’re ok with 300,000 republicans dieing?
OF ?
Corona. You’d be ok if by end of year 300,000 republicans died From corona?

How come Vietnam has zero cases? They wore masks and stayed home. We didn’t. Republicans said we were trying to take their freedom away. Ok, if you don’t have a sense of community and all of us in this together, fuck it. Go shop at Walmart and chic fil a.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?
You’re one of the lucky ones. I don’t wan to get it and find out.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

He was chastised yesterday for not wearing a mask during the hearing with Barr. It seems their concerns over safety were warranted.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?

Why is that a tragedy? Is he dying? Does he have any symptoms at all? Or did he just test positive?

I know 3 people that tested positive. Nothing happened to them. There was no tragedy, anymore than having the common cold was a tragedy. I had corona myself. Nothing happened. I got over it. Life goes on. No tragedy.

What tragedy is happening here?
My brother runs a Fortune 500. There’s a vp of finance who’s an asshole like you even though many employees have died from the virus. My brother told him what a piece of shot he is.

The vp of finance is obviously a trump supporter. My brother said he’s not voting for trump again. You trump supporters turn people off

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