What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.

Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
This is about trump? Oh wait.....EVERYTHING is about trump to his cult.
He will be 67 in August. Not a good age to get the virus.

I hope he will be ok and didn't transmit it to too many people.

When are you getting it?
It's going away, right? Just like the flu, right? A hoax, right?
No it's not going away. It's a Pestilence just like The Bible said was coming only this one is mild compared to what The Book of Revelation says is coming upon The Godless and Lawless.... Yes...that's you, Satan's Little Helper.

But don't worry.... after all of the suffering in The Great Tribulation such as humanity has never seen, you get to spend eternity in Hell, and suffer knowing there is a God, and He rejected you, because you rejected Him.
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
He will be 67 in August. Not a good age to get the virus.

I hope he will be ok and didn't transmit it to too many people.

When are you getting it?
It's going away, right? Just like the flu, right? A hoax, right?

Sooooooo......tell us again bodacious......

How many billions of Americans have died of covid19 so far ???
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.


He's constantly whining that everyone is out to get him and everyone hates him.

He's a whining baby.

The world has treated Donald "very unfairly".
It all started with the horrendous luck of inheriting half a billion from Daddy. ;)

Last edited:
And this is why if we don't get the rabid left media under control, we're done.

That said, EVERY Mega corporation from Microsoft to Amazon is backing the Leftist agenda.....


Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
It's a Democratic hoax I tell you!!! The people doing the testing are all in on the hoax.

Oops, sorry, let me rewrite that for the uneducated, ignorant RWNJs on the board:

It's a Democrat hoax I tell you!!!
There is false information about the virus being spread. People waiting in line for hours to be tested filling out the information and leaving because of the long time to be tested. Then the results come back positive without a test.
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help
Meanwhile your side is talking about second amendment remedies. I don’t want to kill you. I want a virus to.

It's far more likely to kill a little wimp like you than us.
That’s why I wear a mask. Wont she’d one tear for louie g

There is no reasoning in your posts......

Just hatred and vitriol.
That’s all I have left for right wing Americans.

Because you believe they are all uneducated, disgusting rednecks?
IT would be pleasant to not see that kind in the forefront of the trump cult. But when they are, it's hard to not draw conclusions.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
It's a Democratic hoax I tell you!!! The people doing the testing are all in on the hoax.

Oops, sorry, let me rewrite that for the uneducated, ignorant RWNJs on the board:

It's a Democrat hoax I tell you!!!
There is false information about the virus being spread. People waiting in line for hours to be tested filling out the information and leaving because of the long time to be tested. Then the results come back positive without a test.
Oh really? Where and when did that happen?
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing? Was it the same time that, to cultists, doctors, teachers, and scientists became a bad thing?
Right from the very beginning, dumbass.
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help, along with millions of SJW's and others
When did being a social justice warrior become a bad thing?
There is nothing wrong with it. It is excesses and fraud protests and riots that come from the results. So women protest Trump making locker room comments. Most people make comments and you know that. Most of those women protesting have made comments. And what's more they most likely have had more sex then Trump. We waste to much resources on stupidity. We all knew Trump before he was elected. Like you are going to surprise us. It tells you the disappointing people that have been our leaders in national politics for a while now that Donald Trump could run and win. And have better policies then most of the career politicians who seem to run on the company line..
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?

There is something wrong with you.
at first I thought maybe it was racism. It's much deeper than that.

Your blindness extends far past your eyes bru.

You need help
Meanwhile your side is talking about second amendment remedies. I don’t want to kill you. I want a virus to.

It's far more likely to kill a little wimp like you than us.
That’s why I wear a mask. Wont she’d one tear for louie g

There is no reasoning in your posts......

Just hatred and vitriol.
That’s all I have left for right wing Americans.

Because you believe they are all uneducated, disgusting rednecks?
IT would be pleasant to not see that kind in the forefront of the trump cult. But when they are, it's hard to not draw conclusions.

BOOM !!!

Black Death Toll By Entity past year: At the hands of......
Other Blacks
- 67,000
Planned Parenthood - 22,000
Donald Trump - ZEE-ROE

You know, blacks really should start focusing on Donald Trump, that evil Negro Murderer
<Sigh> Instead they fight for PP and more B on B killings. Oh well.

When I say most of the hating blacks here are mentally unbalanced, I'm NOT kidding.

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
It's a Democratic hoax I tell you!!! The people doing the testing are all in on the hoax.

Oops, sorry, let me rewrite that for the uneducated, ignorant RWNJs on the board:

It's a Democrat hoax I tell you!!!
There is false information about the virus being spread. People waiting in line for hours to be tested filling out the information and leaving because of the long time to be tested. Then the results come back positive without a test.
Oh really? Where and when did that happen?
America has become a land of weak
As much as the Golfer-in-Chief tries to project strength everyone can see he's a whiny little bitch.

More see his stellar accomplishments, enthusiastic work to help blacks and his incredible fortitude to stand up to China.

There are things about him I do not like. But if you care about America it is undeniable he has done FAR more
FOR AMERICA than any President in the last 70 years.

I suspect you hate America and this is exactly why you hate Trump
He hasn’t done shit for middle class Americans. His trade war with China so far has only hurt Americans. Last year you guys said I’m going to have to take the hit initially if we are going to fix our trade imbalance with China.

And what replaced nafta, how is it different than nafta? How is it helping you?

And blacks see through trumps bs. Before trump won he didn’t believe the unemployment numbers. As soon as unemployment went down suddenly he believed and told blacks he gave them the lowest unemployment numbers ever.

You’ve been conned
So you think the way china was stealing our intellectual property was all fine and dandy? You think china stealing all our manufacturing was all fine and dandy? You think the massive trade imbalance with china was all fine and dandy?

Why are you so fine and dandy with china crushing America's industry and economy?
No I don’t like the theft of intellectual property. Can’t do much about that.

And yes, I did like the trade imbalance and so do you. You don’t want to pay for American made shoes do you?

But as for manufacturing, no I did not like sending our jobs to China. They were good paying union jobs. Today you want those jobs to come back but you’re ok with them paying $10hr. I guess that’s the new America. Ok, fuck it. I’m an educated white collar guy. No problem for me.

I didn’t like trumps trade war with China. Did he win? Can hardly tell

Will he wear a mask now? How many other members of his....er...constituency has he breathed on in the last few days?
It's a Democratic hoax I tell you!!! The people doing the testing are all in on the hoax.

Oops, sorry, let me rewrite that for the uneducated, ignorant RWNJs on the board:

It's a Democrat hoax I tell you!!!
There is false information about the virus being spread. People waiting in line for hours to be tested filling out the information and leaving because of the long time to be tested. Then the results come back positive without a test.
Oh really? Where and when did that happen?
Sure.....would like some evidence that you aren't just making things up, please.
martybegan Although, you'll see they are positively giddy over the Gohmert's impending death!

"Gohmert's impending death"? He just tested positive.....you seem to be overly excited.
Not really. I just know you clowns. You are hoping he dies because that will further your narrative, won't it?
More projecting of your own thoughts and wishes.
No. I can actually see the glee in your writing style.

So louie gohmert doesn't have the virus?

What is wrong with you?

Like hell you wish him well.

I do wish him well. I don't want him to be harmed by the virus.

I'm not like you. I don't hate people simply because they have a different view.

Conservatives do that. Along with projection which is what you're doing.
You want those who don't agree with your views to be harmed by this virus so you're projecting that on me. Doesn't work. I've been consistent though all of this. I don't want anyone to be harmed by this virus.

You can't honestly say the same thing.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties though the years.

I'm sure you can't say that honestly either.

Just because you can't say nice things, others are the same way? Having issues believing that others can be different than you?


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