What about Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!
Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

No Sara, I didn't miss your thread at all. In fact I watched your video and read it before I created this thread. It has little to do with what I am saying here.

Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search
Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?
Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?

I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve
Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?

I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

Really Hoss....Such uncalled for spite........Folks,Hoss is a good man,he just hasn't taken his meds today.........steve
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

I thought YOU had already started...........mind you it's better "To pray with one's Ass" than what you do which is.... "Play with YOUR ASS"
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.
You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

Wow, do you have some of your facts all mixed up. Step away from the bong.
a holy site for three global religions and some palestinians set fire to cement barricades and locked themselves in the al-aqsa mosque the other day.
I still remember when palestinians took hostages and locked themselves in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem twelve years ago. They had burnt furniture, used statues for target practice, had smoked and drank alcohol, used the alter area as a toilet and trashed what every they could over a period of a month.
Too many hide behind religion but don't even understand their own faith let alone respect others. They use religion to justify wars, massacres and rape while hiding their own women under suffocating burkas. They have the audacity to demand respect and to submit while they blowup mosques and throw qurans into sewers or even burn them. Too many muslims are still silent while a few thousand out of 1.5 billion wage a jihad to create a global caliphate. They cower in fear while they expect the foreign kafir to clean up the mess in their own countries. But they will rage in protest if a map with Israel named on it is used.
We are supposed to apologize for not being muslim and to go out of our way to accommodate their sensibilities and laws over the slightest things? Where is their respect for the other 5 billion plus people that share the planet with them?
Jordan condemns Israeli ‘crimes’ at Al Aqsa shrine

AMMAN — Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani on Wednesday demanded the Israeli occupation authorities to stop its “destructive campaign” against Al Aqsa Mosque and targeting of awqaf workers.

Momani’s statement, carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, came after occupation forces earlier Wednesday prevented the awqaf employees and guards from entering the holy mosque, forced all Muslim worshippers out and allowed Jewish extremists and settlers to enter the compound and perform Talmudic rituals, under the protection of the occupation forces.

Momani, who is also the government spokesperson, denounced the “repeated crimes by the Israeli security personnel”, who on Wednesday opened fire inside the mosque, injuring dozens of worshippers.

Jordan condemns Israeli crimes at Al Aqsa shrine The Jordan Times
Penelope, it seems like there is a bit of info missing in your article. Try this one:

Jordan Blasts Israel Over Riots on Temple Mount - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Jordan, whose Waqf has had de facto rule of the Temple Mount since the 1967 Six Day War, made the comments after masked Arab rioters threw fireworks and rocks at security forces on the Temple Mount on Wednesday, hours before the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Riot police pushed the attackers back by setting up roadblocks, but it was not enough to deter the unrest.

The rioters continued to throw rocks, bricks and iron bars at police from inside the Al-Aqsa mosque, while shooting fireworks at police and spraying an unidentified flammable liquid on them.

They also threw a firebomb at police, which ignited, wounded four officers lightly.

The police later restrained the rioters and removed all barriers protecting the entrance to the mosque. The wounded policemen were treated on the spot.

The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there.
Penelope, it seems like there is a bit of info missing in your article. Try this one:

Jordan Blasts Israel Over Riots on Temple Mount - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Jordan, whose Waqf has had de facto rule of the Temple Mount since the 1967 Six Day War, made the comments after masked Arab rioters threw fireworks and rocks at security forces on the Temple Mount on Wednesday, hours before the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Riot police pushed the attackers back by setting up roadblocks, but it was not enough to deter the unrest.

The rioters continued to throw rocks, bricks and iron bars at police from inside the Al-Aqsa mosque, while shooting fireworks at police and spraying an unidentified flammable liquid on them.

They also threw a firebomb at police, which ignited, wounded four officers lightly.

The police later restrained the rioters and removed all barriers protecting the entrance to the mosque. The wounded policemen were treated on the spot.

The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there.

I'll stick with Jordans , I find their news more news worthy. Thanks anyway.
Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?

I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.
what all these "religious" fighters fail to see is that there is no such thing as holy land where unholy murderers and vial people live be they from any religion. so, therefore, there is no holy land on earth. period. Let those that are with out sin and pure of heart claim this so called holy land as their rightful home land or inheritance. and those that are not holy and do so shall be consumed by the fires of hell. Let this land be uninhabited till there are holy men that can truly claim and keep it holy.

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