What about the illegal nukes of Israel?


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
The nicest thing I can say about Nutanyahoo is that he's a whiny asshole! To no surprise - American NaziCons love him. Birds of a feather...

Oh, and why won't Israel allow IAEA inspectors to inspect its nuclear facilities? Israel won't even admit that it has nukes - but the whole world knows it does. I consider Israel the most dangerous nuclear nation on the planet.

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy is a 1991 book by Seymour Hersh. It details the history of Israel's nuclear weapons program and its effects on Israel-American relations. The "Samson Option" of the book's title refers to the nuclear strategy whereby Israel would launch a massive nuclear retaliatory strike if the state itself was being overrun, just as the Biblical figure Samson is said to have pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had gathered to see him humiliated.

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
They even have nukes on their newest submarine :)

Israel’s fourth submarine, ISS Tanin, to start operations within weeks

The Israel Navy’s fourth submarine, the ISS Tanin, is expected to become fully operational in a few weeks and participate in naval operations.

The navy’s fifth submarine, meanwhile, is expected to arrive this summer, and is now in the final stages of construction at the Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) shipyards in Kiel, Germany. Israel is expected to officially take control of the ISS Rahav in a few weeks, when it will begin its maiden voyage from Germany to Israel.

Israel s fourth submarine ISS Tanin to start operations within weeks - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Yo Peanut ... Israel has been making nukes since the 1950's and it hasn't been a secret.

Not necessarily what you would call illegal either since they didn't sign the non-proliferation treaty.
You could say that they stole nuclear secrets ... Because they did ... But then again that is what spies do.

Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
Living in ignorance is easier for you than reading the link.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Lol, you say they lie, but you worship the liar in chief that hasn't told you the truth yet. You're such a sucker.
Cons are lining up to defend Israel's illegal nukes and the con's hypocrisy.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Lol, you say they lie, but you worship the liar in chief that hasn't told you the truth yet. You're such a sucker.
Bwah ha ha! You are trying to defend Jewish criminality and con hypocrisy, BWAH HA HA! Look in the mirror to see the real sucker.
Israel's Doomsday Submarines Nearly Ready

The Israeli navy is a bit of an odd duck. It’s designed largely for coastal and eastern Mediterranean warfare. But among all of Israel’s small corvettes and missile boats are some some seriously mighty submarines.

Israel is also investing heavily in growing its submarine fleet. It’s a reflection of Tel Aviv’s increasing reliance on the underwater boats for a range of operations — including nuclear deterrence.

Right now, three Dolphin II-class submarines are under construction at Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems shipyards in Kiel. Once the submarines complete their trials and head towards the Mediterranean, they will become the most powerful Israeli submarines ever.

More than 225 feet long, the diesel-electric Dolphin II class is part attack submarine, part nuclear strike ship and part commando taxi.

They’re also painted in an unusual combination of black, blue and green colors. That’s “meant to make the ship less visible, and thought to be especially effective in Mediterranean waters,” Defense News noted after recently publishing new photographs of the fat, oddly-shaped boats in dry dock and on sea trials.

In terms of weapons, the three boats of the Dolphin II class—the Tannin, Rahav and a third unnamed submarine—contain 10 torpedo tubes capable of launching fiber optic cable-guided DM-2A4 torpedoes. Germany has already handed over the Tannin, which is preparing for its journey to Israel.

Four of these tubes are larger 26-inch tubes—the size is rare for a Western-built submarine—capable of launching small commando teams or firing larger cruise missiles. The remaining six tubes measure at 21 inches.

Although not admitted by the Israeli government, the Dolphin II is widely believed to soon possess nuclear-tipped Popeye Turbo cruise missiles. The submarine’s armament includes non-nuclear anti-ship Harpoon and anti-helicopter Triton missiles.

In 2012, German news magazine Der Spiegel interviewed several German defense ministry officials, all of whom were under the assumption that Israel intends for these submarines to carry nuclear weapons. The missiles can also be launched “using a previously secret hydraulic ejection system,” the magazine reported.

More: Israel's Doomsday Submarines Nearly Ready - RealClearDefense

Israel is the most dangerous nuclear nation on the planet.
Bibi and Israel are pretty civilized . They are not irrational and emotion / religion driven like the 'muslim' countries that are its neighbors in the middle east . Israel is a rational country !! For me , I have no problem with Israel having nukes as I see Israel as being a western style nation that is not suicidal and run by hate filled leaders .
Bibi and Israel are pretty civilized . They are not irrational and emotion / religion driven like the 'muslim' countries that are its neighbors in the middle east . Israel is a rational country !! For me , I have no problem with Israel having nukes as I see Israel as being a western style nation that is not suicidal and run by hate filled leaders .

Have you ever heard of the Samson Option?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Lol, you say they lie, but you worship the liar in chief that hasn't told you the truth yet. You're such a sucker.
Bwah ha ha! You are trying to defend Jewish criminality and con hypocrisy, BWAH HA HA! Look in the mirror to see the real sucker.
No actually they were once one of our greatest allies, till the fuck up in charge took over. Now he is trying to make them an enemy.
Bibi and Israel are pretty civilized . They are not irrational and emotion / religion driven like the 'muslim' countries that are its neighbors in the middle east . Israel is a rational country !! For me , I have no problem with Israel having nukes as I see Israel as being a western style nation that is not suicidal and run by hate filled leaders .

Have you ever heard of the Samson Option?

you have something against Samson?
good for Israel Lakhota , I always have admired their war fighting and thoughtful approach to their self preservation . DOOMSDAY submarines make sense to me and I see their nuke capability as just being ready for DOOMSDAY that their muslim neighbors may try to unleash .
Israel is a squatter nation of land thieves!

Maybe it's a sign that talk show host Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness" when lefties wonder why we trust Israel more than Iran.

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