What about the illegal nukes of Israel?

Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Lol, you say they lie, but you worship the liar in chief that hasn't told you the truth yet. You're such a sucker.
Bwah ha ha! You are trying to defend Jewish criminality and con hypocrisy, BWAH HA HA! Look in the mirror to see the real sucker.
They never signed stupid fuck, Iran did
Yo stupid fuck, what's good for the Jews is good for the Iranians. It's called racial equality. And I know the Iranians are crazy, but the Jews are crazier because they have the bomb. And the biggest crazy of all is the U.S. because the U.S. is the only country to ever use one. And it was used on a quarter million civilians. Now that's insane!
"The Jews are crazier because they have the bomb"......
Words of wisdom.....From the galactically stupid.
Racial equality?.....Jesus H Christ....You are a living art master piece.
as usual the classy RW ho's step up and insult another posters family ...

Yes, and another retard thought it was funny.

RW Idiots know no gender.

Israel squeals like a pig stuck in a gate so America will hand them sacks of $$$$ no questions asked.

RW's love it then bitch about the country being dead ass broke.

Pathetic little creatures in every aspect.
Here's a pencil. Go stab yourself in the eye.
Israel is a pain in the ass. It causes much more trouble than it's worth. The whining never ends. They squat on stolen land that they paid nothing for - and keep trying to steal more land. But they continue to whine, whine, whine...

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