What about the illegal nukes of Israel?

Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.

Once again the left is allied with Imanutjob and other despots of the world showing what an abomination to freedom that you are
United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany AND Iran made the agreement for restrictions that gradually lift sanctions over a period of 25 years.

RW dolts act as if its ALL up to America to deal with Iran.

Don't you get it yet? There is no deal, just an Obama 'wish list'. You left wing dolts suck up every lie Obama spews out of his evil mouth!!
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.

Once again the left is allied with Imanutjob and other despots of the world showing what an abomination to freedom that you are

It's fascinating to watch, sad but fascinating
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.

Just a Jew dog, ay Adolph?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program.

Sure, but Israel never signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968. Given what they had experienced the previous year with the Six Day War, it was understandable. Their stance was justified when the Arabs ambushed them in the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

That's your justification for Israel stealing U.S. nuclear triggers, and espionage on their American ally? Nice one chump.
"dimocraps are the scum of the earth."
That's just the tactics the nazi's used to generate hatred for anyone that wasn't one of them. Way to expose your bigotry for all to see. Demonizing Americans is anti-American.

Not bigotry, scumbag. You prove me right in here every day.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


BTW, scumbag. Hitler was a socialist.


AND a redistributionist.

Every mass-murdering scumbag motherfucker of the 20th Century was a redistributionist/socialist.

Every last one of them.

And we ALL know that socialism/redistribution is the basis for the scumbag dimocrap party.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Again, that's what Hitler said about the Jews to generate hate, You emulate him like a mirror. France and Britain are socialists, and they are our allies. Hitler and Mussolini were Fascists, like you.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.
If that was true, why does he keep winning elections?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?
What confuses me is, how you can be so wrong and think you're so right. Treating the Palestinians like dogs is not responsible or rational. And Bibbi is NOT a world leader, he's just trying to make the world think he is. Bibbi only causes trouble for the world.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Not much of a secret if it's known.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?
What confuses me is, how you can be so wrong and think you're so right. Treating the Palestinians like dogs is not responsible or rational. And Bibbi is NOT a world leader, he's just trying to make the world think he is. Bibbi only causes trouble for the world.

To understand my view, you have to not be on the side of terrorists and you have to think Jews don't deserve to die, Adolph
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?
What confuses me is, how you can be so wrong and think you're so right. Treating the Palestinians like dogs is not responsible or rational. And Bibbi is NOT a world leader, he's just trying to make the world think he is. Bibbi only causes trouble for the world.

To understand my view, you have to not be on the side of terrorists and you have to think Jews don't deserve to die, Adolph
Your problem is, that you believe that anyone that doesn't agree with you is a terrorist. Until you get over your narcissism, you'll never be able to deal with reality.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Bibi is a responsible, rational world leader. The Iranians are whack jobs. What about that confuses you?

Actually, Nutanyahoo is an irrational, belligerent, narcissistic bully - with nukes.
If that was true, why does he keep winning elections?

Ask Israeli voters.
Your problem is, that you believe that anyone that doesn't agree with you is a terrorist

So I don't think Palestinians are terrorists because they shoot rockets into Jewish neighborhoods, blow up grocery stores, cafes and buses and murder border patrol by putting bombs in ambulances while tunneling under Jewish neighborhoods to murder civilians, it’s because I don’t agree with them. Got it. So, have you always been an idiot? I’m guessing yes.
Why won't Israel allow IAEA inspections?

Why would the IAEA need to inspect anything when everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons?

Of course they asked Israel to open their nuclear facilities to IAEA Inspectors ... Right after the UN asked Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What knuckle-heads like you don't understand is that the IAEA has nothing to inspect for when Israel never said they didn't have nukes ... And haven't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives authority to the IAEA to inspect for anything ... Especially when everyone already knows they have what the IAEA would be inspecting for.

It is just a silly exercise fruit loops on the left want to use in order to progress their looney agenda.


Apparently you don't understand the role of the IAEA.

International Atomic Energy Agency - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Atomic Energy Agency Atoms For Peace

You ditz ... Why did you post links to material that supports what I posted and then suggest I don't understand their role?
Perhaps you should read the material in your links before you assume you have a clue what you are talking about.

Again ...

What the hell do you think the IAEA Inspectors would be looking for?
Why should Israel give a rat's ass what the IAEA thinks or wants to do?

Once you understand there isn't a need to look for something everyone already knows is there ...
And once you understand that Israel is in no way obligated to do anything you or the IAEA might want ...
Then you may actually understand how foolish your suggestion about not allowing the IAEA to inspect was.


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