What about the illegal nukes of Israel?

boo hoo boo hoo ..

if Iran wanted a nuke to blast Israel all they have to do is blow Pakistan and get one
Why won't Israel allow IAEA inspections?

Why would the IAEA need to inspect anything when everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons?

Of course they asked Israel to open their nuclear facilities to IAEA Inspectors ... Right after the UN asked Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What knuckle-heads like you don't understand is that the IAEA has nothing to inspect for when Israel never said they didn't have nukes ... And haven't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives authority to the IAEA to inspect for anything ... Especially when everyone already knows they have what the IAE would be inspecting for.

It is just a silly exercise fruit loops on the left want to use in order to progress their looney agenda.


Apparently you don't understand the role of the IAEA.

International Atomic Energy Agency - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Atomic Energy Agency Atoms For Peace
And here on full display for all to see is the scumbaggery of dimocrap filth.

Rather than question a Treaty that isn't Treaty, rather than try to understand what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is trying to do...

scumbag dimocrap filth attack the ONLY democratic Country in the MidEast.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

"dimocraps are the scum of the earth."
That's just the tactics the nazi's used to generate hatred for anyone that wasn't one of them. Way to expose your bigotry for all to see. Demonizing Americans is anti-American.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

You should take up this question with bill Clinton.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program.

Sure, but Israel never signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968. Given what they had experienced the previous year with the Six Day War, it was understandable. Their stance was justified when the Arabs ambushed them in the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

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Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

You should take up this question with bill Clinton.

why ?

so the rabid RW's can foam at the mouth about Clintons INTERNATIONAL foundation that accepted FOREIGN contributions when Hillary DID NOT WORK for the foundation when she was SS ???

as usual the classy RW ho's step up and insult another posters family ...

Yes, and another retard thought it was funny.

RW Idiots know no gender.

Israel squeals like a pig stuck in a gate so America will hand them sacks of $$$$ no questions asked.

RW's love it then bitch about the country being dead ass broke.

Pathetic little creatures in every aspect.
Hey goober, ya do know the money we give to Israel they use it to buy US made in America military weapons? Btw, child they are mostly made by Union workers
"dimocraps are the scum of the earth."
That's just the tactics the nazi's used to generate hatred for anyone that wasn't one of them. Way to expose your bigotry for all to see. Demonizing Americans is anti-American.

Not bigotry, scumbag. You prove me right in here every day.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


BTW, scumbag. Hitler was a socialist.


AND a redistributionist.

Every mass-murdering scumbag motherfucker of the 20th Century was a redistributionist/socialist.

Every last one of them.

And we ALL know that socialism/redistribution is the basis for the scumbag dimocrap party.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

as usual the classy RW ho's step up and insult another posters family ...

Yes, and another retard thought it was funny.

RW Idiots know no gender.

Israel squeals like a pig stuck in a gate so America will hand them sacks of $$$$ no questions asked.

RW's love it then bitch about the country being dead ass broke.

Pathetic little creatures in every aspect.
Hey goober, ya do know the money we give to Israel they use it to buy US made in America military weapons? Btw, child they are mostly made by Union workers

yeah, I know all that shit. Did YOU know Congress gave Bibi $300 million for nuclear RESEARCH ??? Too bad Israel can't buy you a clue, BOI.
Yadlin says Iran deal‎ isn't a bad agreement

On the morning of April 3, the day following the news of the agreement, Al-Monitor spoke with Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Yadlin, formerly the head of military intelligence. Yadlin was the Zionist Camp’s candidate for defense minister, but after the party’s loss he has gone back to his job as head of the Institute of National Security Studies. Yadlin has dealt during his career with three nuclear programs of states considered Israel’s bitter enemies. He was one of the pilots to bomb the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981; head of military intelligence at the time that Israel destroyed, according to foreign media reports, the secret Syrian nuclear reactor at Deir ez-Zor in 2007; and head of military intelligence in 2006-10, the peak years of the secret war between Israel and Iran over the Iranian nuclear program.

In those years, Israel was apparently several times on the verge of attacking Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Al-Monitor asked Yadlin whether the agreement was good or bad. “It depends on how you look at it,” he said. “If we aspire to an ideal world and dream of having all of Israel’s justified demands fulfilled, then of course the agreement does not deliver. It grants Iran legitimacy as a nuclear threshold state and potential to eventually achieve nuclearization. It leaves Iran more or less one year away from a nuclear weapon, and Israel will clearly not like all of this.

"But there’s another way to look at it that examines the current situation and the alternatives. In this other view, considering that Iran now has 19,000 centrifuges, the agreement provides quite a good package. One has to think what might have happened if, as aspired to by Netanyahu and Steinitz, negotiations had collapsed. Had that happened, Iran could have decided on a breakout, ignored the international community, refused to respond to questions about its arsenal, continued to quickly enrich and put together a bomb before anyone could have had time to react. And therefore, with this in mind, it’s not a bad agreement.”

The text of the rest of the interview follows:

Yadlin says Iran deal isn't a bad agreement - Al-Monitor, the Pulse of the Middle East

Major General Amos Yadlin, formerly the head of military intelligence, understands the reality of the situation. Unlike Nutanyahoo, Yadlin sounds rational.
yeah but , I think that Bibi is the boss while Yadlin works for him Lakhota . Iran is going to do as they like as they cheat and lie . When Netanyahu gets truly annoyed I just hope that he takes the needed steps !!
Nutanyahoo is like Hitler with nuclear weapons. He's a belligerent narcissistic bully. But American NaziCons love him.
United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany AND Iran made the agreement for restrictions that gradually lift sanctions over a period of 25 years.

RW dolts act as if its ALL up to America to deal with Iran.
I think that its up to Israel to deal with 'iran' Siete . Course the USA should back its Israeli ally . I'd like to see Israel get really annoyed and go to work on iran and its other enemies !!
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

And you guys wonder why some conservatives see liberals moving ever closer to overt Nazism. Your attacks on Israel mirror those made by unrepentant Nazis after Israel was formed. When it was rumored that Israel had developed nukes, ex-Nazis were quick to condemn Israel for its "illegal" and "provocative" and "destabilizing" acquisition of nukes.

By the way, the fact of Israel's nuke weapons came out because a few months ago Obama quietly declassified information on Israel's nuclear weapons program, in violation of a long-standing informal agreement between Israel and the U.S.

Arab nations have tried to invade Israel several times since the state was former. Israel continues to repeatedly be the target of rocket attacks and other terrorist acts. Israel is hugely outnumbered by her Arab neighbors. Israel would be crazy not to have nuke weapons. She has every moral right to do so. Iran has no moral right to own nukes. But, let me guess, you see Iran and Israel as similar? Or, worse yet, Iran as better than Israel?

You guys should click your heels and say, "Heil, Hitler!"
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Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
Living in ignorance is easier for you than reading the link.

Well duh, look at yourself !!!
United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany AND Iran made the agreement for restrictions that gradually lift sanctions over a period of 25 years.

RW dolts act as if its ALL up to America to deal with Iran.
Everyone left but Kerry so no one agreed to anything. obama insisted that nothing be put in writing so there is no agreement. World powers will return in June to continue the discussion.

Since there's no writing which agreement do you support, the one Kerry says there is or the one Iran says there is?

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