What about the illegal nukes of Israel?

Why won't Israel allow IAEA inspections?

Why would the IAEA need to inspect anything when everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons?

Of course they asked Israel to open their nuclear facilities to IAEA Inspectors ... Right after the UN asked Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What knuckle-heads like you don't understand is that the IAEA has nothing to inspect for when Israel never said they didn't have nukes ... And haven't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives authority to the IAEA to inspect for anything ... Especially when everyone already knows they have what the IAEA would be inspecting for.

It is just a silly exercise fruit loops on the left want to use in order to progress their looney agenda.


Apparently you don't understand the role of the IAEA.

International Atomic Energy Agency - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Atomic Energy Agency Atoms For Peace

You ditz ... Why did you post links to material that supports what I posted and then suggest I don't understand their role?
Perhaps you should read the material in your links before you assume you have a clue what you are talking about.

Again ...

What the hell do you think the IAEA Inspectors would be looking for?
Why should Israel give a rat's ass what the IAEA thinks or wants to do?

Once you understand there isn't a need to look for something everyone already knows is there ...
And once you understand that Israel is in no way obligated to do anything you or the IAEA might want ...
Then you may actually understand how foolish your suggestion about not allowing the IAEA to inspect was.


Chief Shitting bull is a well documented Jew Hater. He's just another bozo that for whatever reason thinks that if Israel and the Jews would just disappear all the world's problems would vanish. These fucks are stuck in 1930's Germany.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

How about we take Israel's nukes and shove them up your ass!
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

How about we take Israel's nukes and shove them up your ass!

Careful, he'd probably enjoy the insertion...
Cons are lining up to defend Israel's illegal nukes and the con's hypocrisy.

But there is nothing illegal about Israel having nukes.
So much for the "knowledge" of the hate-filled loony lefties.

Bwah ha ha! You are trying to defend Jewish criminality and con hypocrisy, BWAH HA HA! Look in the mirror to see the real sucker.

Ah ... "Jewish criminality." Another loony leftist Nazi out of the closet.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
Yeah, your right, it's no secret when everyone already knows.
Why won't Israel allow IAEA inspections?

Why would the IAEA need to inspect anything when everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons?

Of course they asked Israel to open their nuclear facilities to IAEA Inspectors ... Right after the UN asked Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What knuckle-heads like you don't understand is that the IAEA has nothing to inspect for when Israel never said they didn't have nukes ... And haven't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives authority to the IAEA to inspect for anything ... Especially when everyone already knows they have what the IAEA would be inspecting for.

It is just a silly exercise fruit loops on the left want to use in order to progress their looney agenda.


Apparently you don't understand the role of the IAEA.

International Atomic Energy Agency - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Atomic Energy Agency Atoms For Peace

You ditz ... Why did you post links to material that supports what I posted and then suggest I don't understand their role?
Perhaps you should read the material in your links before you assume you have a clue what you are talking about.

Again ...

What the hell do you think the IAEA Inspectors would be looking for?
Why should Israel give a rat's ass what the IAEA thinks or wants to do?

Once you understand there isn't a need to look for something everyone already knows is there ...
And once you understand that Israel is in no way obligated to do anything you or the IAEA might want ...
Then you may actually understand how foolish your suggestion about not allowing the IAEA to inspect was.


Chief Shitting bull is a well documented Jew Hater. He's just another bozo that for whatever reason thinks that if Israel and the Jews would just disappear all the world's problems would vanish. These fucks are stuck in 1930's Germany.

That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism
Why won't Israel allow IAEA inspections?

Why would the IAEA need to inspect anything when everyone knows Israel has nuclear weapons?

Of course they asked Israel to open their nuclear facilities to IAEA Inspectors ... Right after the UN asked Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
What knuckle-heads like you don't understand is that the IAEA has nothing to inspect for when Israel never said they didn't have nukes ... And haven't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives authority to the IAEA to inspect for anything ... Especially when everyone already knows they have what the IAEA would be inspecting for.

It is just a silly exercise fruit loops on the left want to use in order to progress their looney agenda.


Apparently you don't understand the role of the IAEA.

International Atomic Energy Agency - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

International Atomic Energy Agency Atoms For Peace

You ditz ... Why did you post links to material that supports what I posted and then suggest I don't understand their role?
Perhaps you should read the material in your links before you assume you have a clue what you are talking about.

Again ...

What the hell do you think the IAEA Inspectors would be looking for?
Why should Israel give a rat's ass what the IAEA thinks or wants to do?

Once you understand there isn't a need to look for something everyone already knows is there ...
And once you understand that Israel is in no way obligated to do anything you or the IAEA might want ...
Then you may actually understand how foolish your suggestion about not allowing the IAEA to inspect was.


Chief Shitting bull is a well documented Jew Hater. He's just another bozo that for whatever reason thinks that if Israel and the Jews would just disappear all the world's problems would vanish. These fucks are stuck in 1930's Germany.

That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

Horseshit Shitting Bull you hate the Jews with a passion.

American Jews aren't living under the hour by hour threat of rockets raining down on them so their "opinion" is worthless,
That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

I don't really know that Israel is all that concerned with polling data regarding American Jews.
I mean if I was Netanyahu ... I am pretty sure I would be more concerned about the Jews in my country ... And he was just re-elected.

Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israelis an ally. Iran is an enemy rogue barbaric state.
Quick...What is your stance on personal freedom and what is your stance on the rights of women?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Hey fucko.....The link you posted is an opinion piece. Not news.
Got that, fucko?
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
Living in ignorance is easier for you than reading the link.
Your link is horseshit....Anti Semitic pap.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian
Israel doesn't have any secret nukes.....and Israel is just about the only Democracy in the Middle-East. The rest of the countries are Kingdoms, Dictatorships, or Theocracies.

So basically, you're full of shit again.
Living in ignorance is easier for you than reading the link.
I hope you are arrested trying to join ISIS.
Cons are lining up to defend Israel's illegal nukes and the con's hypocrisy.
The problem you have and that idiot columnist is Israel's nuclear weapons are not illegal.
Now, just admit that you started this thread for the sole purpose of getting people to post.
That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

I don't really know that Israel is all that concerned with polling data regarding American Jews.
I mean if I was Netanyahu ... I am pretty sure I would be more concerned about the Jews in my country ... And he was just re-elected.

Despite Obama's and democrat operative's "get out the Arab Israeli vote scheme, Netanyahu won reelection by a wide margin.
Bibbi is having a shit hemorrhage over Iran's nuke program, while at the same time stealing nuclear triggers from the U.S. and running their own illegal program. Why are right wingers so trusting of Israel when they've proven they are dishonest? Why do they think the rest of the world is going to go along with this hypocrisy?

Bibbi is declaring that Israel will not stand for this Iran agreement, like he is the world dictator.

The truth about Israel s secret nuclear arsenal World news The Guardian

Probably because, like ours, Israel has them for defensive purposes. If Iran gets one...they'll use it. Of that there is no doubt.
That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

I don't really know that Israel is all that concerned with polling data regarding American Jews.
I mean if I was Netanyahu ... I am pretty sure I would be more concerned about the Jews in my country ... And he was just re-elected.

Despite Obama's and democrat operative's "get out the Arab Israeli vote scheme, Netanyahu won reelection by a wide margin.

You just know that chapped the liberals ass, now like the juveniles they are they will throw a tantrum.
Israel is a squatter nation of land thieves!

67% of us find your rhetoric offensive.
That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

I don't really know that Israel is all that concerned with polling data regarding American Jews.
I mean if I was Netanyahu ... I am pretty sure I would be more concerned about the Jews in my country ... And he was just re-elected.

Despite Obama's and democrat operative's "get out the Arab Israeli vote scheme, Netanyahu won reelection by a wide margin.

You just know that chapped the liberals ass, now like the juveniles they are they will throw a tantrum.
Fuck 'em......They can come get them some.
That's a lie, you racist little fuck. I don't hate anyone - including Jews - but I do have great disdain for Nutanyahoo and his hardliners. Polls show that most American Jews disagree with Nutanyahoo's opposition to a possible Iran nuclear deal. Here's an Israeli Jew that I actually like:

Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

I don't really know that Israel is all that concerned with polling data regarding American Jews.
I mean if I was Netanyahu ... I am pretty sure I would be more concerned about the Jews in my country ... And he was just re-elected.

Despite Obama's and democrat operative's "get out the Arab Israeli vote scheme, Netanyahu won reelection by a wide margin.

You just know that chapped the liberals ass, now like the juveniles they are they will throw a tantrum.
Fuck 'em......They can come get them some.

They will hide behind the MSM like the gutless cowards they are.

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